* ^*^ , J- SCRAPS OF CALIFORNIA HISTORY NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. • A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE : ,x WITH A MINUTE AND INTERESTING ACCOUNT OP ONE OP THE LARG- EST EMIGRATING COMPANIES.. (3000 MILES OVER LAND), PROM THE EAST TO THE PACIFIC COAST. AND WHAT IS CLAIMED AS THE MOST AUTHENTIC AND RELIABLE ACCOUNT OF " THE VIRTUAL CONQUEST OF CALL FORNIA, IN JUNE4 1846, BY THE BEAR FLAG PARTY," AS GIVEN BY ITS LEADER, THE LATE HON. WILLIAM BROWN IDE. PUBLISHED FOR THE SUBSORIBEBa Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1880, by SIMEON IDE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. PREFACE. WHEN the present writer, at the request of ^the sur- viving children of the subject of the following memori- al pages, commenced the work assigned him, it was not expected that sufficient material suited to its publica- tion, in BOOK-FOKM, could be found. Indeed, the orig^ inal arrangement with his employers contemplated his compiling and putting in type some fifty pages — then strike off from his proof- press a few copies, and send such proof-slips, only, to them. Under this arrange- ment he proceeded with the work until, some 70 or 80 pages of it were in type, and impressions from it were thus sent; when, for various reasons, his labors, (me- chanical and otherwise) on it were suspended for the greater part of a year. The principal cause of this sus- pension, however, was, that at that stage of his progress the WAMBOUGH LETTER then first came to light, the con- tents of which put a new phase on the manner of fur- ther proceedings. Whether or no it was u written for the press", is unknown, as even its existence was before unknown to any of the living members of its writer's 4 PREFACE. family or their kindred. Its perusal prompted them to make liberal subscriptions towards the expense of a small edition of this book. The contents of this Letter unravels and explains to them the mystery : why, or how it has happened, that the devoted, self-sacrificing, patriotic labors of Judge It>E remained so long unknown to them and the reading public generally. Yet so it is. Thousands of our best citizens go down to their last resting-place "unheralded and unsung", who, in their humble sphere of labor, have become real "benefactors of their race", by living so- ber, honest and industrious lives. Therefore, say we, in the words of WEBSTER'S favorite poet: 11 Let not AMBITION mock their useful toil — Their homely joys and destiny obscure ; Nor GRANDEUR hear, with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals of the poor." CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Page. A Chronological Sketch of William B. Ide's Ancestry, 9 CHAPTER II. Some few incidents of his sojourn in the States of Ver- mont, Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois, 1 8 CHAPTER III. Mrs. Healy's account of their journey from Illinois, through Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Decota, Ida- ho, Utah and Nevada, (as now organized), to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, 28 CHAPTER IV. Their tedious ascent over the Nevada Mountain— de- scent into the American River Valley, and encamp- ment near Fort Sutter, 37 CHAPTER V. Who made the " Bear Flag : by W. M. BOGGS, Esq. — Some account of the party who took up arms in defence and protection of the early pioneers, 51 CHAPTER VI. The " Bear Flag Government" organized. — Some ac- count of Proceedings under it. — The raid upon Gen. Castro's camp. — Narrow escape of Fremont's party, 61, O CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. Page Formal, if not legal transfer and change of Government* — Mr. Ide's tour under Fremont, down the Pacific Coast. — His contract for a passage home, t2 CHAPTER VIII. California, — before its virtual Conquest by the " Bear Flag Party", in June, 1 846.— Editorial Remarks, Introductory to William B. Ide's History of that Party, 88 CHAPTER IX. Mr. Ide's explanation of the situation of affairs in Cal- ifornia, on his arrival there in 1845, 100 CHAPTER X. First uprising of the Emigrants. — Capt. Fremont's plan " Neutral Conquest." — Interview with the Captain and comments thereon, 111 CHAPTER XL The Party largely re-enforced by new recruits — their mistaken notions explained. — What happened on their arrival at Sonoma. — Mr. Ide made Command- er-in-chief " by Acclamation", and takes the Fort, " instanter". — His incipient movements under the 44 Independent Bear Flag Government," 120 CHAPTER XII. How the Bear Flag was made. — The Commander's Ad- dress to his men — his reasons for issuing a Proc- lamation— its Text entire. — Notice of its publica- tion addressed to Commodore STOCKTON, as a U. S. commanding Officer, then daily expected on ^ that coast, 130 CONTENTS. 7 CHAPTER XIII. Page Articles of Agreement and Treaty Stipulations arrang- ed.— Symptoms of discontent among the men of the Garrison — a change of Commander talked oC The Letter to Commodore STOCKTON forwarded. — Capt. J. Montgomery, of the U. S. Ship Ports- mouth, sends the Commander a friendly Letter by Lieut. Missroon, 143 CHAPTER XIV. The Lieutenant interviews the Garrison, and finds it still distrustful. — The Commander a little despondent. — The men approve the Proclamation, and all are jubilant. — An attempt to draw a fight. — Castro's second Proclamation — two young men inhumanly murdered by his men. — The first and only fight with the enemy, 157 CHAPTER XV. Capt. Fremont's first visit — is a bit censorious — changes front and becomes a trifle laudatorious — his where- abouts from the llth to the 25th of June. — The general aspect of their affairs seriously considered by the Commander. — Narrow escape of Fremont and his party. — The murderers of Fowler and Cowey escape due punishment, through Fremont's interference, 175 CHAPTER XVI. Capt, Fremont again in the field— The Commander's or- ders disobeyed. — The Bear Flag Government " in quiet possession of all California1'. — The U. S. Offi- cers' plan — the Bear Flag Government to be made O CONTENTS. Page over to them. — The " General Assembly and Coun- cil" convene on the 5th of July — vote to wipe out all previous doings of the Bear Flag Government, and raise the U. S. Flag, under Capt. Fremont's command, 191 CHAPTER XVII. Editorial Remarks. — "The Conquest of California", un- der the Bear Flag Government, an assured fact. — Mr. IDE'S business habits and Public Employment. 206 CHAPTER XVIII. Extracts from his Circular to Californians, — and from several of his private Letters. — A few words, (in 1 conclusion'), to the Friends and Relatives of the subject of this "Biographical Sketch." — The In- scription, 217 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OP THE LIFE OP WM. B. IDE. CHAPTEB I. A CHRONOLOGICAL SKETCH OP WILLIAM B. IDE'S ANCESTRY. WILLIAM BROWN IDE was born in the town of Rutland, Worcester Co., Mass., March 28, 1796. His ancestry, as far baok as tradi- tion has reliably traced it on his father's side, emigrated to this country soon after the land- ing of the Mag-Flower at Plymouth — about the year 1620. The theory has been handed down in one branch of this Ide-family to the present day, that about the year 1630, two brothers, Josiah and Daniel Ide, came to this country from England, settled in Rehoboth, Mass., and that the subject of this memoir is a descendant of one of those brothers. A son of one of them, (Daniel, it is stated), was en- gaged as an officer in the noted King Phillip war, and took from that Indian chief a small tin cup, which has been handed down as an heir- loom in the several succeeding generations 10 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF of bis family to the year 1874 ; when Mrs. EUNICE IDE, widow of the late Daniel Ide of Croydon, N. H., deposited it, accompanied with an account of its history, in the archives of the New Hampshire Historical Society. The present writer refers to the subject of lineage or descent, in this connection, more par- ticularly on account of the fact, that we have grounds for claiming those two enterprising emigrants above named (who, about 240 years ago, when New England was, comparatively, a wilderness, planted themselves as farmers on the then productive soil of the ' old Bay State') as the progenitors of the entire race of the name of Ide in this country. There is reason to believe that no one of this name, now in- habiting this c land of the Free and home of the Brave', can produce a well authenticated line of descent from any other ancestry, since the landing of the "pilgrims" in the "May- Flower" in 1620, than from one or the other of these two brothers.* * During the past 12 or 15 years, (the Editor is informed), a genealogically inclined member of this Ide-family has made it a point of inquiry, by letter, of all persons bearing this name, whose address he was able to obtain : " To what part of this country do you trace the first landing of your THE LIFJJ OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 11 We have wandered somewhat from the sub- ject in hand, presuming that if these memoirs should fall into the hands of any considerable number of this " race" or progeny of those two " emigrants/' it might be interesting to those of them who are much given to genealogical research: (and who, of the present generation, will rise up and say to any of his kindred, how- ever distant his relationship, " / am not" ?) — But to proceed with the genealogy of WILLIAM B. IDE : His grandfather, DANIEL IDE, is understood, by a careful study of chronological incidents, to be a descendant of one of the "two broth- ancestry, on your father's side ?" or in terms of that import. The answers to this inquiry — numbering some dozen or so — refer to Massachusetts or Rhode Island, and the greater part to Providence or Rehoboth. And furthermore : it is pretty evident that the race has not been a very prolific one — for the same genealogical interviewer says that in the fall of 1874 he found but two persons of the name in the New York city Directory — and, in 1877, but six in the Boston Directo- ry ; and one of these whom he called on said he was "the head-man" of the other five: and this "Interviewer" infers from these statistics, and from his long and extensive ac- quaintance with" business-men indifferent parts of the coun- try, that "all persons of this name, now living in the United States, are descendants of the two emigrants, Josiah and Daniel Ide." 12 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ers" before referred to. He spent his days in Rehoboth — had three sons and two daughters. His first son's name was Simeon, his second, William, and his third, Lemuel. The two first died early : Simeon married Hannah Kollock, by whom he had one daughter, Abigail K., born April 19, 1789 ; and one son, Daniel, born Dec. 19, 1791 — both of whom died unmarried ; their father in 1793, their mother in 1792. LEMUEL IDE, the father of William B., was born in Rehoboth, R. I., July 22, 1770— died at Newfane, Vt., Sept. 18, 1825. He was bred to the joiner and carpenter's trade, which oc- cupation, in connection with that of farming on a small scale, he followed for a livelihood during his after life. He resided a short time in Shrewsbury, Mass., after commencing house- keeping, soon after his marriage in 1793. In '95 he removed to Rutland, Mass. ; and from there to Clarendon, Vt., in '98, where his twin daughters, Sarah and Mary F. where born, arid where his eldest sister, Mary, who married Zi- ba French, Esq., tavern-keeper, and lived with him there some forty years — and, after his de- cease, with her children, to the advanced age of about 85. — From Clarendon, in '99, he re- moved to Reading, Vt. ; left his wife and three THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 13 of their children with her brother Zenas Stone, (his second son, Wm. B., then in his 4th year, having been, at least temporarily, adopted by the Rev. ISAAC BEALS, the first settled minis- ter in C., with whom he lived till about 1805.) Having heard of his brother William's death at his residence in one of the Southern States, (S. C., we think) Mr. Ide proceeded there by water conveyance to look after and take care of the small estate left by him, and was gone about one year. Soon after his return he took a small tenement of two rooms of Isaac Bald- win, near the south line of Reading, in the town of Cavendish, Vt., and applying himself to his trade, he began to lay by a part of his earnings ; and, in 1803-4, being assisted by a friend, he bought a 20-acre lot, having a mere hovel for a house upon it. Having now before him the prospect of being able to provide for the support of his family, his son Wm. B. was returned from the kind care and protection of the Rev. Mr. BEALS, to that of his parents, and remained with them till " of age/' His fath- er, however, continued to rove from place to place, despite the apothegm that " A rolling stone gathers no moss" — owning, as he did in after life, one after another, three different farms 14 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF in Beading, two in New Ipswich, N. II., and a few acres of land, with a gristmill thereon, in Newfane, Vt. — He possessed an active, in- quiring mind — was much given to reading and the discussion of the political party issues of that day ; and, in 1809, was elected by the ^Republican party to represent the town of Reading in the Legislature of Vermont ; and lacked but one vote of a re-election the fol- lowing year. He was not an " open professor of religion" ; but his "life and conversation" gave satisfactory evidence to his " professing" 'friends, that he was a "believer" in the es- sentials of practical religion. As indicative of a prominent trait of his moral character, his son William B. caused the inscription : ""An Honest Man 's the noblest work of GOD,'' to be engraved on his tomb-stone. To continue on in this genealogical line : The writer is in possession of data going no fa- ther back, on William B. Ide's mother's pater- nal side, than the birth-day of his great-grand- father, Lieut. ISAAC STONE, which was on the 3d of September, 1697, in Framingham, Mass. He married ELIZABETH BROWN * of Sudbury, * The initial letter (B), in Win. B. Ide's name, was in hon- or of this great- grandmother. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 15 July 24, 1722 — settled in Shrewsbury, Mass., in 1727, and was a member of the first board of selectmen of that town. He died April 22, 1776, aged 78 years, 8 months. His widow lived to the great age of 96, and died in 1794 ; the same year that one of her great-grandsons now (1880) living, (a brother of Wrn. B.) was born — thus showing, in this instance, the lives of two individuals extending through five and a half generations, or the average age of man- kind, as computed by statisticians of the pres- ent day. Mr. IDE'S grandfather, JASPER STONE, was born in Shrewsbury, April 30, 1728. He mar- ried GRACE GODDARD, daughter of Dea. Ben- jamin Goddard, April 17, 1755. He owned and lived on a farm of about 250 acres, in the south-westwardly part of that town, on which one of the first two-story framed dwelling- houses built in that town now stands in good order — which farm is now owned and occupied by a grandson of him who bought and cleared it over a hundred and twenty years ago, and lived on it all the days of his wedded life. He died Oct. 20, 1802, aged 74 years and 6 mos. —his widow, Oct. 31, 1815, aged 80. \Ve have but little more to add in this an- 16 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF cestral line. The mother of William B. Ide, SARAH, daughter of Jasper and Grace Stone, was born Oct. 16, 1767, — married Nov. 24, 1793, — died at the residence of her oldest son, in Claremont, N. H., January 4, 1859, aged 91 years, 2 mos.. 19 days. Mrs. Ide was a pattern of industry and economy, in the management of her domestic affairs. Her early days were spent happily, and in comparative ease under the paternal roof ; yet she was not exempt from the common lot of the daughters of farmers of those primitive times. Household duties — the hum of the spinning-wheels, and the rat- tle of " the weaver's shuttle/' afforded the kind of instrumental music that was the most familiar, if not the most charming, to her ear. But all along through the lapse of twenty sub- sequent years, the rearing of seven children (one dying in its infancy) she had an unusual share of a mother's cares, anxieties and labors to con- front her, till her children were all comfortably settled in the married state. She spent the last thirty-three-or-four years of her useful life among her dutiful children, in comparative ease and comfort — and, at the close of a long and well-spent life, departed in the enjoyment of a well-grounded hope of a happy re-upion THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 17 with them in the New Jerusalem — whither two of her daughters, and one of her sons, besides the subject of this memoir, had "gone before." Her only surviving daughter informs me, that in her 91st year, she read her Bible through twice, without the use of glasses — was for some forty years an exemplary and pious member of the Baptist church. The writer has thought the preceding sketch in relation to the birth, residence, etc., of such portion of Mr. IDE'S ancestry as he could find the material for, would be interesting and in- structive,— if not to the present generation, yet to the generations that will succeed it. — His ancestry on both parental sides were of the humbler walks of life — dependant on their daily labors for their " daily bread/' On his mother's side, so far back as we have gone in these researches, they were a benevolent and pious people. " zealous in every good word and work." 18 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTEE II. SOME FEW INCIDENTS OF MR. IDE'S SOJOURN IN THE STATES OF VERMONT, KENTUCKY, OHIO AND ILLINOIS. WILLIAM B. IDE worked at the carpenter and joiner's trade with his father a greater part of the time till of age. His " schooling" priv- ileges were limited to the common schools of those days, which were seldom kept in the sev- eral districts where he lived more than two months, each season, summer and winter. In 1819 he built a dwelling-house for his brother SIMEON, in Windsor, Vt. ; and afterwards fol- lowed building operations in Winchendon and Keene, N. H., and Newfane and Woodstock, Vt., to the year 1833. At an accidental interview with President HAYES' uncle Burchard of Fayetteville, New- fane, in 1876, the old gentleman, who is quite deaf, inquired of the writer about " one Wil- liam B. Ide" — said he knew him well some 50 years ago — that he built the house in which he (Mr. B.) then lived : and he assured me that Mr. Ide was a good and thorough workman — THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 19 that although his house had stood the test of the Vermont climate, exposed to rapid changes of wet and dry, heat and cold, for so long a time, it was then " about as good as new/' April 17, 1820, Mr. IDE and Miss SUSAN G. HASKELL were married by her uncle Grout, at his house in Northborough, Mass., and not by the Rev. Joseph Sumner, D. D., pastor of the first Congregational church in Shrewsbury for about sixty years, as stated in " Ward's Histo- ry of Shrewsbury," (from which the writer has gathered several other " items/' in his progress thus far), and the fact that " Their mothers were daughters of (their grandfather), Deacon Jasper Stone." Although he had had full employment at his trade in Vermont, yet Mr. IDE'S adventurous turn of mind, (which he came honestly by)" made him a " victim" of the then prevailing " Western Fever.'' [His first objective point was Canton, in Kentucky ; whither, in June, 1833, he directed his steps — and where, with his young family, (a wife and six children,) he remained about three months ; then removed to Madison, Montgomery Co., eight miles from Dayton, Ohio, in 1834— and, in 1839, he re- moved to Jacksonville, Illinois. 20 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF During several months residence at Madi- son his health did not permit his working at his trade, except occasionally in the warmer sea- sons; and he spent most of the winter months as a teacher in the district schools. And we will here give an extract from one of his let- ters to his mother, then living with her eldest son at Windsor, Vt., dated " Madison, Ohio, Feb. 23, 1835," which will show something of the troubles attending the pioneers of the new settlements of our. country: "And now, ray dear Mother, I will, in answer to your request to SUSAN, (for she seldom gets time to write), proceed to give you some account of our little ones : and I will begin with the eldest. James M. is, as you know, pretty well advanced in his 13th year; and it is time to begin to expect some small develop- ment of mind. He is still very small of stature— not above the size of most boys of 9 or JO years old. " When I first arrived in Ohio, and commenced teach- ing, James was sick ; and I was scarcely able to walk. I could not look after and take care of my children at school — was frequently under the necessity of being carried home. So the first quarter James attended only about 25 days. As I was about attending my second quarter, James had the misfortune to inflict .a severe wound upon the ancle of his left leg. The accident oc- curred as follows: I had just put a handle to, and ground very thin and sharp, an axe for my own use, and laid it THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. i4i on a high shelf — saying to Susan, at the same tLiio, chat I was going to a raising about a mile^ff, and that the boys were not to meddle with this axe, as I had made it very sharp. Scarcely had I left the house, when James came in, and began to climb up the logs of the house to get the axe. His mother told him he must not have it; but James answered: i Why, marm ? father allows me to use it.1 So, like a good, easy mother, she said no more, and James went out into the orchard to chop some dead peach trees. 44 Directly Susan heard some one hollering ; but as the girls and William were playing about the house, and making much noise, she thought no harm; when, a little while after, she discovered that James had cut his ancle, and was bleeding very fast— the axe having entered nearly half of the blade, severing some of the leaders of the toes, and opening one of the arteries. — His mother finding him in this situation, held the wound together, while William ran after me. Understanding about the case by William, I sent a man for a surgeon, and then hastened home. But recollecting that the man had seven miles to go, and that the road was ex- tremely bad at that time — and the wound continuing to bleed, it was evident he could not survive the loss of blood that must be occasioned by waiting for the sur- geon. * * * I went immediately about dressing it. I tied up the blood-vessels, then sewed the parts togeth- er. James fainted, and afterwards became very sick; but soon began to recover. "In the evening the said man returned without the doctor. In about 8 or 10 days James began to sit up on his couch— and by the first of June (2 months after) 22 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF was able to hobble to school; since which time he has been very steaAy. He is a very excellent reader — understands the English very well — has studied his ge- ography once through— has gone through Adams' New Arithmetic, and is now engaged in defining some of the more intricate words in the English language. ** William had about the like opportuv ity, but has not improved so well. He is some larger than James, and stout. He is not much troubled by care of any kind. Mary is a good girl; helps her mother a good deal ; reads and spells well; studies ^grammar and makes her own clothes, pretty much : is as tall as Jarnes, and gen- erally stands at the head of the first class, of late ; since each scholar has to define, as well as spell the word. 44 Sarah is the baby, and is therefore her father's dear child;' and, therefore, I will say but little about her — • only that she reads with Mary, and thinks she can do any thing as well as she does!" The foregoing extracts from one of the nu- merous letters of WILLIAM B. IDE to bis " Be- loved Mother", (as he uniformly addressed her) which are in the writer's possession, are intro- duced here, as evidence of his wonderful sagac- ity and presence of mind in a trying emergen- cy; and we shall have occasion, in our succeed- ing pages, to notice many more noteworthy in- stances of this rare inate endowment. And it will show that parents may learn their child- ren, at the tender age of eight or nine years, how to " help their mother a good deal," and THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 23 to "make their own clothes, pretty much" — while, at the same time, they "generally stand at the head of the first class." We give extracts from another of his letters, dated " Madison, 0., Sept. 13, 1S35," to show the filial affection with which he ever regarded his parents. "I have a little plan of operations which I will com- municate to you. If it succeeds, it will unite again the largest half of my Father's family, in or near one vil- lage.— I have now in my trunk iny Father's letter of advice, written Feb. 20, 1817, [39 days before William became of age], which I have often read with renewed interest, since I have lived in the great valley of the Mississippi. Though it may be true that I have not been able to find a country exactly, in all thing?, to answer the u picture of my youthful fancy," yet I have by far "bettered myself;" and my Father's injunction was, (after having done so) u next to seek to better my friends of my Father's house." I have sought so to do. Here is a wide field for industry and usefulness; and although you, dear Mother, may be too old for much labor, yet your presence will cheer the hearts and en- liven the countenances of those that can labor. Think it not too much : I have commenced this letter express- ly to persuade you to come and live with me. I have a plenty. We are not now in Vermont, eating flour at ' eight dollars per barrel, and corn at one dollar a bushel. Yet the price of labor is not diminished — nor am I be- set, on either hand, by duns and unpaid accounts — by 24 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF notes over- due, while I have little or no cash to spare I do not now anticipate the errand of every stranger who approaches me to be the collection of some pote he has bought against me. But now, when I see an un- expected neighbor or stranger coming, I begin to antic- ipate— he comes to ask a favor, not to claim justice — he comes to borrow money, or to pay what he owes — to solicit conditions, not to enforce them. " Yet, blessed as I am in worldly matters, I do not feel entirely independent. No! the few streaks of ad- versity that have come over me since I saw you, dear Mother, I trust have had their due effect. I do not now argue against the cause of CHRIST, or preach Universal- ism. No: I have seen something of the value of Christian submission and of Christian example and in- fluence among men. * * * But I have little or no Christian fortitude to boast of. I feel that my obliga- tions are great ; and had it not been for the rniss-spent opportunities of my youth, and for that unwillingness of mine to rely on the Spirit of CHRIST for aid, I might have been greatly useful in the sphere of my acquaint- ance to the cause of humanity and truth. The past is gone!" While living in Ohio and Illinois, from the year 1834 to '44, while his health would per- mit, Mr. IDE worked at his trade a considera- ble part of the spring, summer and fall months, — when not engaged in farming operations — and taught in the district schools a portion of the winter months. THE LIFE OP WILLIAM B. IDE. 25 His only surviving daughter, Mrs. SARAH E. HEALY, represents his farm in Madison, Ohio, as "a very good one — having good buildings, being well fenced, and under a good state of cultivation : he paid a part down for it, and the balance in less than two years, which we made off the farm — Father and brothers (as well as the rest of the family who were old en- ough) all working ; for we did not hire any help, and were soon out of debt. This was a comfortable and pleasant home, with kind and intelligent neighbors. " In the fall of 1838 Father sold that farm, with the intention of removing to Missouri. In October we started on our journey thither, with two wagons comfortably fitted up. The weather was changeable — sometimes cold and rainy, and the roads very bad. As nearly as I can remember, we spent about four weeks traveling to Jacksonville, 111. We spent the winter there — father working at his trade. In February, 1839, he moved onto the farm near Springfield, 111." Mrs. Healy, in her note to the writer from which the above is taken, says her Father held no public offices in Ohio or Illinois, " but took great interest in politics ; and, while in Mad- 26 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ison, 0., be wrote a great many articles of agreement for his neighbors, and was often con- sulted by them on occasions of disputes occur- ring between them, about rights to land and division-lines, and other missunderstandings. Even our Justice, of the Peace consulted him a good deal" — thus acting, as a genial and mu- tual friend, without fee or reward, as a " peace- maker" among them. The year 1845 was a more eventful one than any that had preceded it in his checkered life hitherto. During his stay in Kentucky, Ohio and Illinois he had not added largely to the means he took with him on leaving New England. His active spirit did not brook the tedious process of farming which he had resort- ed to in those States, to make provision for the support of his family in his declining }^ears. He had not realized the fond hopes inspired by the glowing newspaper accounts of "the West." And he had heard of a still more promising field of enterprise in the far off — still farther off " land of promise" — and thither he conclud- ed to direct his steps. And, notwithstanding the hardships, difficulties and loss of property attending the adventure, we have the authori- ty of his daughter for stating, that if he could THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 27 have foreseen them all, it would not have de- tered him from making it : for, says Mrs. H., in a note to the writer : " My Father was not sorry, but proud of being among the first to open the way here/'* In the winter of '44-5, MR. IDE made ample preparation for his advent into the Pacific sol- itudes, by the purchase of a large and well-as- sorted herd of cattle, — a competent outfit (as he supposed) of provisions and other necessa- ries, for a six-months tour ; with his wife and five children, and the necessary assistants, to accompany him — Oregon being then his objec- tive point. * Mrs. HEALY now resides in Santa Cruz, Gal. 28 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTEE III. MRS. HEALY'S ACCOUNT OF THEIR JOURNEY FROM ILLINOIS, THROUGH MISSOURI, KANSAS. NEBRASKA, DECOTA, IDAHO, UTAH AND NEVADA, (AS NOW ORGANIZED), TO THE SIER- ERRA NEVADA MOUNTAINS. THE writer is indebted to a brother of Mr. IDE for many of the incidents of his life nar- rated, thus far, in this memoir. He will now avail himself of the kind assistance of Mrs. HEALY, to whom he applied fora detailed ac- count of their journey from Illinois to Califor- nia, in 1845. At that date Mrs. H. was in her 18th year. She depends on her memory chiefly for the minute circumstances she relates ; and I believe it is generally understood that at the age of fifty years and upwards we remember the pominent, exciting events of youth — say, between our 6th and 18th year — more distinct- ly than we do those that occured at a later period of our lives. We give the greater part of Mrs. H/s narrative in her own words : " In 1838 my Father sold his farm in Ohio, and moved to Jacksonville, 111. We lived there but one winter. In the spring of 1839 he mov- THE LIFE QF WILLIAM B. IDE. 29 ed onto his farm eight miles east of Spring- field, where we resided until 1844. In the fall of that year he sold his farm, and removed his family into uncle Harrison's house, where we lived till April 1, 1845. On that day we bid our good friends farewell. It was a sad day to us. All our old neighbors came to help us pack our things into our three wagons, a?nd to see us off. My Father sheeted the timber for two of these wagons, and had them made to order during the winter. He also made the beds, bows and covers at our home — Mother and I sewing the canvas covering ; which, be- ing fastened to the bows and side-boards of the wagons, were painted a light slate-color, the same as the bed or body of the wagon. " Our wagons were very neat looking, and attracted a good deal of attention while pass- ing through Illinois and Missouri. Many ques- tions were asked as to our destination, &c. "We had a sale the morning we started, and sold off the greater part of our furniture. We packed our cooking utensils, tin cups, tin plates — with provisions to last us six months. Moth- er, my little brothers — Daniel, aged 10, and Lemuel, aged 8, and Thomas Crafton, (a little boy that had been given to my Mother), all 30 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF rode in a wagon, I rode on horseback 3 days, to help drive the cattle; riding on a side-saddle. The drove of cattle numbered 165, including 28 working oxen. We camped the first night 10 miles from our old home — cooked our sup- per by a camp-fire. Mother and I slept in a wagon all the way to California. Some of the men slept in the tent, when not too tired to pitch it. Brother William came with us and drove an ox team from Fort Hall to Butter's Fort, and drove cattle the rest of the journey. Our number, all told, young and old, was thir- teen— five of these were young men, who drove the teams " for their board and passage/' " The journey to Independence, M<5., was accomplished in four weeks, without any severe accident, but was attended with great care and anxiety to my dear parents. I remembar my brother James, (then in his 24th year) was away from us buying cows, and was gone so long, that it caused them great anxiety, He had been taken suddenly with bleeding from the nose or lungs, among strangers, and his health was so much impaired, that he could not for some time afterwards help take care of the stock, or of himself. We were thankful that his life was spared. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 31 "We camped one week within one mile of Independence, Mo., to lay in ammunition, guns and pistols — clothing for the men, and many little things needful on so long a journey. — Father made an iron to brand his cows with his name (IDE) on the right-side horn. This was hard work for him, but very necessary. " On the 10th of May we left Independence and traveled to the ' Big Camp', where we spent a week or two/' — organizing, it would seem, a large company of emigrants to the far West, (in accordance with their previously concerted plan) consisting of 100 wagons, and the neces- sary team-cattle, horses and other appliances. They chose a Mr. Meek, a Mountaineer, Pilot. This large company, Mrs. Healy thinks, was sub-divided into "three bands", who chose a " captain over the three" — whose name she does not remember ; but recollects he rode ahead of the entire train — had a fine team of grey horses, which was driven by a Mr. Buck- ley. She remembers the names of others in the train, viz : Capt. James Taylor and Capt. Smith. She says " The companies took turns traveling in advance, so that each might have the privilege of being out of the dust one week out oY every three. 32 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF " A company or firm styled ' J. Smith, Kis- ley & Taylor/ owned and drove a large herd of cattle to Oregon. My Father started to go to Oregon, and ' OREGON' was painted in large black letters on the back curtain of our hind- most wagon. " The cattle of this large emigrant company was so numerous that it was difficult to find grass for them ; and it was a great deal of work to control them — also dangerous. After several weeks it was given up, and a e cattle- guard' organized. My Father was captain of this ' guard', and chief herdsman. Any one losing an ox or cow came to him at once, and lie would send a man or go himself in search of the lost, — after supplying an ox, if an ox of a team were missing — so that the train could moye on : for it was moving so slow, it was necessary for us to keep moving. " At one time when Father remained behind to look after the missing cattle, the report came to the company, that he was last seen surrounded by Indians. The train halted quite a while : but Mother and I did not know why; all being careful not to cause us alarm. A number of men went back, who met him com- ing in, driving the missing cattle. They said THE LIFE OF WILLIAM §. IDE. 33 • Father saw an Indian partly hid in grass and willows, with arrow on bow, ready to shoot him : on which he raised his gun and took aim at the Indian, who immediately took to his heels and ran. No doubt, they said, if Father had been frightened, and had started to run, he would have been killed ; for there were several Indians seen in the bushes near him. This oc- cured on or near the banks of the Humblold River, I think. " We traveled in one of the three companies having a camp-guard — a captain and sergeant on guard every night — until within a few days travel of Fort Hall. Then there was a general stampede, to see who would get to the Fort first. We found a good camping ground there, and also Indians to trade horses with. One of- fered a very pretty poney for two calico dress- es. Here was a company of mountaineer trap- pers, enronte for California, who told us of a good route, and plenty of good grass. "While there Father changed his plan — con- cluded to go to California : but first, before definitely settling, the question, put it to vote of his company, and they voted for California instead of Oregon. " A party of young men concluded to 'pack 34 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF I through;' that is, to go on horseback — pack themselves and their baggage on horses. This party consisted of Messrs. Knight, R. C. Keyes, Jacob R. Snyder, Lewis, William Black- burn, George McDougal, and several others, whose names I have forgotten. aA few days travel, west from Fort Hall, brought us to where we bade our Oregon friends good-by. I was sorry to part with those with whom we had become acquainted. It reduced our company so much, that we all felt lonely for some time. I believe I can remember the names of nearly all the men of our small par- ty who had families. These were Messrs. E* Skinner, J. Elliot, Rolett, Keeny, M. Griffith, Grigsby, Scott, Bonner, Potter, Seeres, An- derson, Thomas, Meeres, Davis, Tustin and Baffin. -All these men took their families with them. There may have been one or two more who had no children with them. " The names of those without families I re- member, as follows : William Cooper> Win. Todd, Scott, B. Grant/Beal, Old Harry, Wm. Swasey and Wilmot. Our Pilot's name was 'Old Greenwood' ;* and his son John, (whose * "This old man", says Mrs. HEALY, "died in California, in the mines, somewhere near Or^ille. I heard a report that THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 35 • • mother was a Crow Indian). They were moun- tain men, and dressed the same as Indians. "After we started for California, the Pilot said there was no longer any danger from the Indians, and our company began to scatter. I remember one night in particular, my Father, with one other family, camped alone, with no other guard than a faithful watch-dog we were so fortunate as to bring with us from our old home in Sangumon county, 111. This dog would not allow an Indian to come near the camp. — None of our company were killed by the In- dians ; but John Greenwood, son of the Pilot, shot down an Indian by the road-side, and af- terwards boasted of it. "6Thus far there were no very steep moun- tains climbed. The course we traveled was through passes between high mountains, or up gradual ascents on long spurrs, until after passing the 40-miles descent, and crossing the Truckee River thirty-two times, we came to he insisted on lying out of doors, with his rifle by his side, and would not allow even a tent over his body to obscure the sky — threatening to shoot the man who should attempt to put a shelter over him. And thus he died, out of doors, more than 18 years since. I was. more afraid of these two meii than of the wild Indians." 36 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Truckee Lake : then, after traveling along the Lake — some of the way being obliged to drive our wagon on the edge of the Lake ; some of the time the water coming almost up to our feet — keeping the women in constant dread of being drowned. It was a fearful time for the timid female passengers, both young and old. At night we camped at the foot of the rocky mountain — the Sierra Nevada ; and were told by the Pilot that we would have to take our wagons to pieces, and haul them up with ropes. Father proposed to build a bridge, or a sort of inclined railroad up the steep ascent, and over the rocks ; but few of his companions would listen to any such scheme. So he went to work with the men and fixed the road." [Here we substitute for the daughter's ac- count of this most difficult of the many trying emergencies with which Mr. IDE and his asso- ciates were confronted, during their six or sev- en months pilgrimage to the "promised land/' what the writer recollects to have been told about it by Mr. IDE, on his first visit to his rel- atives in N. E.j after his settlement in Califor- nia.] THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 37 CHAPTER IV. THEIR TEDIOUS ASCENT OVER THE NEVADA MOUNTAIN — DE- SCENT INTO THE AMERICAN RIVER VALLEY, AND ENCAMP- MENT NEAR FORT SUTTER. ABOUT the year 1849 we had an interview with Mr. IDE; in which he gave us an account of his " trip over-land" to California, in 1845. He did not go minutely into detail, but dwelt more particularly on the manner in which he ascended the Nevada Mountain ; as that per- formance was the most laborious and difficult of the many difficulties they had to encounter. And not the least of these difficulties was the task of convincing the men with him that his plan of operations to accomplish the hard task then in prospect was practicable. Their g\iide had told them the only way was, to " take the wagons to pieces, and haul them up with ropes •!" Our Yankee adventurer thought he would find and try a better way. He took a survey of the premises, on foot — climbing up the rugged " cliffs of the rocks" till he reach- ed the plane above, and finally concluded there was a " better way." 38 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Mr. IDE found on the line of the ascent sev- eral abrupt pitches, between which there were comparative level spaces, for several rods dis- tace, where the team might stand to draw up at least an empty wagon. Accordingly, he went to work, with as many of the men as he could induce, by mild means, to assist him — removing rocks, trees, &c., and grading a path 6 or 7 feet wide, up the several steep pitches and levels to the summit. The next thing for them to do, was to get a team of 5 or 6 yoke of cattle up onto the first inclined grade or se- mi level. This was a tedious process. The first pilch was longer and more abrupt than any of the others. I think Mr. IDE told me they had to take one ox at a time, and by the help of men, with ropes assist him up the first steep grade. After having, by this process, their ox- team of 5 or 6 yoke in order, on the first " level," (as we call it) they then, by the use of ropes and chains, attach a wagon to it, haul it up one "hitch," then block the wheels, " back" the team, take another hitch and an- other start forward, — and they thus continue the operation till the wagon is ^on the first "inclined grade." It was then, by a similar, but less tedious process, drawn up over the re- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 39 maining steppes or " pitches/' to the level plain above — and the same operation was repeated with all their wagons. And at the close of the second day after their arrival at the foot of Sierra Nevada, these then well educated moun- taineers found their entire retinue of wagons, " goods and chattels" safely landed at the sum- mit-level. Mr. IDE told me'these were the two hardest days' labor he experienced, for himself, men, women and children (and cattle, even), of the train, during the entire journey. Nothing short of Yankee pluck could have conceived and have accomplished such an undertaking. We will add Mrs. HEALY'S version of a little more she remembers about this enterprise : " It took us a long time to 'go about 2 miles over our rough, new-made road up the moun- tain, over the rough rocks, in some places, and so smooth in others, that the oxen would slip and fall on their knees ; the blood from their feet and knees staining the rocks they passed over. Mother and I walked, (we were so sor- ry for the poor, faithful oxen), all those two miles — all our clothing being packed on the horses' backs. It was a trying time — the men swearing at their teams, and beating them most cruelly, all along that rugged way. 40 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF " Not long after this we met a pack-train on their way to some fort. They told us that the Spaniards would take us all prisoners as soon as we should arrive in California, and that all the Americans who then were there were ord- ered to leave, or they would he imprisoned. " Some of our company wanted to stop and build a fort, and spend the winter there; but on further consideration it was thought better to risk the Spaniards, than to be shut up in the midst of those high mountains to starve. So we hastened on our way, losing no time to meet our fate, be it what it might. " We camped one night on a level place near a lake of very clear water ; also very deep. During the night we were startled by a loud report that shook the ground under us like a heavy clap of thunder. We were terribly frightened. It 'proved to be an explosion of gun-powder — a keg or can of it in one of the the wagons, which it set on fire. At the time it was supposed to have been accidentally set on fire ; but afterwards circumstances led to the conclusion, that the man having charge of the wagon set it on fire, with the object in view of getting possession of a sum of money in a trunk, the owner of which having gone to Cali- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 41 fornia with the company that 'packed' from Fort Hall. "In driving down into ' Steep Hollow/ the men cut down small trees to tie to the hind end of each wagon, to keep it from turning ov- er or slewing, and also to Bold it back. In at- tempting to ride my poney down, the saddle came off over her head. She was so gentle as to stop for me to alight, and lead her the rest of the way down. " We camped one night in ' Steep Hollow/ Our best milch-cow died the next morning. We did all we could to doctor her. We sup- posed she was poisoned by eating laurel leaves — grass being so scarce. "Traveling though the Sierra Nevadas, up hill and down ; fording streams in the small valleys, with muddy bottoms, and small rivers, with large boulder rocks at the bottom ; so large as to almost upset the wagon ; driving over rocky roads — all this, though it might be considered healthy exercise, was somewhat fa- tigueing : and our Pilot wanted to stop a day or two to rest ; ' but Father did not think it best to, and drove on. " The next morning we continued our march without a pilot ; and, after traveling all day. 42 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF we camped, as usual, for the night. Soon after getting quietly at rest, our Pilot came up, and, swearing as he came, said he was not responsi- ble for our 'driving into a Canon that we could not get out of!' My Father seemed per- fectly cool — said scarcely a word, for he knew that he was right. While Greenwood was scolding, I saw the stump of a small tree that was cut down the year before, which showed that we were camped on a road made last year —so all that needless alarm was soon ended. " Somewhere near the summit we came to a place where a company of ten or twelve wag- ons had camped the year before, and emptied their feather beds. They left their wagons and 6 packed' their oxen into the valleys. We could see the tracks of these wagons very plain- ly— there^ having been no rain since the melt- ing of the snow last spring. These were the first wagons that ever crossed the c Plains/ on their way to California, but were not brought into California till 1845. Our Emigrants, on coming, to this Plain, all made a rush for the long sought for California; am'bitious to be first — not much waiting one for another ; the best teams leaving the rest ; every one looking out for himself, only. Some went to one part of < THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 43 the country, and some to another. I have since met but few of our first company, except those who passed our house on their way to Oregon. " The rest of the way we traveled very slow ; our cattle — the small remnant of the flock we started from Illinois with being poor, and near- ly worn out — having lost so many oxen as to be obliged to work cows in their place. While on the way, near the Humbold, the water was very bad. Some of our best oxen became poor and unfit for work, and were left on the sandy desert, some 40. miles this way of it, to shirk for themselves ; and they probably died, or were ' cared for' by the Indians. An ox would lie down in his yoke, and could not be got up ; so we would unyoke and leave him. Some of them were able to walk, after the yoke was taken off: these we drove on as long as they were able to go, hoping they would hold out till we came to good water. Our cattle, all told, numbered only 65, when we moved onto our Rancho, in April, 1846. " On the 25th day of October, 1845, my Fa- ther drove down into the American River val- ley, and in a few days more we camped near Slitter's Fort, where Sacramento City is now/' Thus we have given Mrs. HEALY'S graphic 44 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF and interesting account of their seven months journey from Illinois, through the States and Territories now seen and described on a modern made map of the United States, as Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Decota, Idaho, Utah and Nevada, "to where Sacramento City is now" — an air-line distance of about 2350 miles, but a distance of not less than 3,000 miles, on the path traveled by MR. IDE'S company. When we consider the state of the roads — the fact that a great part of the way was an un- inhabited plain, or an unbrokep wilderness, in- habited by wild beasts and Indians ; and con- sider, also, the obstacles to be overcome by such a retinue — composed, as it was, of an unwieldy herd of cattle ; of women and children unac- customed to traversing deserts, fording rivers and scaling mountains — in view of all these impediments that were overcome, it would seem that by hardly less than the interposition of a miracle, as in the case of the Israelites on their way to the " promised land/' could they have surmounted them. Mrs. HEALY'S account of some of the (to her) most exciting incidents of the tour are none the less interesting to the sensible reader, from having been given in an unstudied, plain,' eyery-day style of writing. It THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 45 must% be borne in mind that she is not writ- ing a sensational made-up story, but is treat- ing of incidents and facts that were too deeply impressed on the mind, at that early period of her life, to be easily eradicated from her mem- ory— and therefore her account is reliable. We have, by " the mind's eye," witnessed many scenes of hardship and suffering by these pioneer emigrants ; but from what we have in store to say further about them, it will be seen that, so far as relates to Mr. IDE and family, they had yet many hardships to encounter. By a few more extracts from Mrs. HEALY'S nar- rative it appears that, although they had been providentially preserved to reach the end of their journey, further toil, anxiety and hardship awaited them. -They had not yet realized the promised boon of " A land flowing with milk and honey" — the " Eldorado" which has, in lat- er years, attracted thousands upon thousands of enterprising, well-to-do citizens of the New England States to the Pacific coast. " While encamped near Sutter's Fort, where Sacramento City is now," (Mrs. H. continues,) ".Father met a Mr. Peter Lassen, who owned a large tract of land 130 miles up the Sacramento valley, on Deer Creek, who told him that he 46 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF was the very man that he wanted to build him a sawmill. Lassen having the water-power, and Father a circular saw and some mill-irons which he had brought across the Plains, he told Father to go right up with his family to his Rancho, and tell Mr. Sill to clean out one of his tenements, and that he (Lassen) would be home soon, and show him the mill-site and set him to work. In just one week after we had moved into this small house of one room, Mr. Lassen came home, and brought another family with him, (one of his own countrymen, a German) ; and the first thing he said to Father was, that he wanted hisjhouse ! " This was about the middle of November, 1845. We packed every thing into our wag- ons ; and, getting our cattle together, started up the river and forded it. After going about seven miles, we came to a camp of one family, (a Mr. Tusting) who had bargained to take care of a Mr. Chard's cattle, and live on his Eancho — had camped near Sacramento River, on H. R. Thome's Rancho, in order to have the compa- ny of Mr. Thome's man who had charge of his (Mr. T's) cattle. We camped near them, they being very anxious to have us remain with them all winter As the rainy season had al- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 47 ready commenced, the weather was stormy. Father, with two other men, built a log-cabin. All of us lived in it until April, 1846. During the winter, which was a very wet one, we were surrounded with high water-floods — our cattle swimming from one bank to another — Indians yelling night and day, while the river was at its height — we living on beef, butter and milk, with but little bread and no vegetables. Per- haps 100 Ibs. of flour was all we had during the winter and spring, or until the wheat grew. A little boiled wheat was a treat to us. These privations, (not to mention many others), made us somewhat homesick. "We could get but little wheat to sow, which was bought of Capt. Sutter. We could not buy flour at any price : it was not in the country. There were eight in our family, in- cluding a Mr. Tustin, his wife and child. — Three young men — a Mr. Boker, having charge of Mr. Thome's cattle and horses — a Mr. Bel- den, an Eastern gentleman, and a Mr. Pitts, who were weather-bound, and were of course some company for us, all lived in a log-cabin several months. They made themselves a ca- noe, and the two last named men put into it a supply of meat, their fire-arms, ammunition, 48 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF &c., left us, and made their journey by water to some point down the river where they could embark on a larger craft. * * * One of these men (Mr. Josiah Belden) owned the farm now known as the ' IDE EANCHO/ Mr. Bel- den gave father one half of it for living on and taking care of his (Mr. B's) cattle three years. Alter the discovery of gold, Mr. B. sold his half to my Father, my husband and my brother JAMES ; each paying him $2,000 — Mr. B's cattle being included. * * * " In April, 1846, we moved from the first cabin ever built in Tehama Co. into our partly finished cabin on Mr. B's farm. We had not been there long before a young man, Mr. L. H. Ford, came to tell Father that Gen. Don Cas- tro was on his way from Monterey to drive all the Americans from the country. Father left home the same day, — I think about the last of April or first of May, -1846, and went, with other American settlers, to Fremont's camp. F. told them he could not assist in attacking the Spaniards, except in self-defence. Then the settlers organized, and chose Capt. Mer- ritt their commander. They hastened on to Sonoma. The Captain appointed two of his men to go into Gov. Vallejo's mansion and take THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 49 him prisoner, while the rest of the company were guarding the building outside, mounted on their horses." — [Here Mrs. H. refers the writer to other sources of information relating to the capture of the Spanish Fortress by the "Bear Flag" party, etc., and proceeds to say: " How sad for Mother and I to see Father and Mr. Henry Ford ride off on such an expedi- tion ! Would they ever return ? Should we ever see them again? Fright from the Indians, distress and grief from hearing rumors of Fath- er's and William's death by the hands of the cruel Spaniards, and weeks passing before we could hear or know to the contrary. No post- offices or mails; no neighbors but wild Indians! not hearing from them, direct, for months ! — Thus all that long summer passed ! " Finally, sometime in November, after an absence of between six and seven months, Fa- ther and William came home. Oh, the joyful day ! I wonder that I cannot recall the exact day of the month." Mrs. H. then adds to her account of their "over the Plains" excursion, a few more items of interest : " We had no deaths in our train ; in the large company, I mean. In it there were two 50 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF births, detaining it but two days. One lady (a Mrs. Eolett) was so feeble when we first saw her at Missouri line, as to be carried on a bed, and lifted in and out the wagon like a helpless infant ; and at our journey's end she was a well woman. " We began to lose cattle the first week after leaving Illinois, and kept on losing all the way — some dying from the want of grass and want of good water ; others, and perhaps the great- er number, being lost and killed by the Indians. Palmer was the name of the large company's Captain. He went to Oregon — had no family with him. There were a few families who did not wait to organize with the large company, but drove on and kept in advance all the way. " To me the journey was a c pleasure-trip' — so many beautiful wild flowers, such wild scen- ery, mountains, rocks and streams — something new at every turn, or at least every day. I was with my dear parents then. To them it was quite different. They had care and toil all the way. My Father was broken of his rest and sleep a great deal — taking charge of the cattle early and late ; yet his health was good all the way/' THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 51 CHAPTER V. WHO MADE THE " BEAR FLAG :" BY W. M. BOGGS, ESQ. — SOME ACCOUNT OF THE PARTY WHO TOOK UP ARMS IN DEFENCE AND PROTECTION OF THE EARLY PIONEERS' RIGHTSi WE have now come to that period in the life of MR. IDE, when man's faculties for usefulness to himself, his family and his fellow-men are generally most fully developed. On his arrival and first encampment in California, he was in his fiftieth year : and, according to his daugh- ter's recollection, soon after his arrival there he was confronted with the solution of an im- portant problem, regarding the rights and priv- ileges of himself and his fellow-emigrants who had so recently taken up their abode in this (then) " desolate wilderness/' He had built a cabin for the temporary protection of his fam- ily, until he could provide more comfortable quarters for them. In so doing, with the view of making this new country his future abode, he supposed he had conformed to all the legal conditions entitling him to all the privileges, rights and immunities of a citizen of his new- ly adopted country. The question to be settled 52 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF was — whether he should be forcibly ejected from his humble abode, and driven back again to ' the States'; or whether he would unite with his fellow-emigrants in resisting the threat- ened "war of extermination", as put forth in a Proclamation of the then reputed Governor of the country. It took but a moment's reflec- tion for him to decide the question. There have been many different accounts published of the proceedings of the citizens (principally emigrants from the East), who banded themselves for the protection of their lives and property, in 1846. These accounts varying in some important particulars, we shall rely mainly on the statements of those who were eye-witnesses of the transactions they re- fer to. Of course the events cannot be narrated in the consecutive order in which they occurred — and, income cases, repetitions will occur of accounts of the same transactions, from differ- ent sources. Soon after the writer concluded to comply with the request of the only surviving daugh- ter of WM. B. IDE, that he would collect the material for this memoir, he addressed a note to one of the party who (a newspaper article informed him), had had a hand in getting up THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 53 the renowned " Bear Flay" : to which note he received a letter in reply from W. M. BOGGS, Esq., dated "Napa City, Gal, Jan. 18, 1878," from which we propose to make liberal extracts. Mr. B. explains by saying : " Your letter to the late PETER STORM, dated Jan. 7, '78, was handed me by a friend of Mr. S., with the re- quest that I would answer it. Mr. Storm died recently at Calistoga, Napa county, and was interred by a delegation of Pioneers of Napa, " I will undertake to answer some of the in- quiries of your letter ; as I was, perhaps, as well acqainted with Wm. B. Ide as any of the pioneers of 1846. I became acquainted with him at Sonoma, in 1846 or '47. But first I will answer as to ' who made the Sear Flag/ " A party of Americans had organized them- selves in Napa Valley for the purpose of capt- uring the garrison of Sonoma, (or, Puebqdo y Sonoma). The place was occupied by Mexican citizens, and was the residence of Gen. Vallejo, who was commandant General of the northern di&trict of California. His brother, Don Sal- , vadc^ Vallejo, who was a Captain in the Mexi- carn service — Col. Victor Prudshon, (a French- man), but who became a Mexican citizen ; Jacob P. Leese, an American, but who had 54 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF married Gen. Vallejo's sister, Dtfna Rosalia x Vallejo. " The aforesaid party of Americans, (of which Mr. WM. B. IDE was a member), afterwards known as u The Bear Party/' proceeded to So- noma and captured the place by surprising the General and his brother officers in bed at break of day. This party was headed by Capt. Mer- ritt, an old bear-hunter. The prisoners were sent under an escort to Butter's Fort, to be held as hostages by Col. Fremont, until releas- ed on parole. Fremont had been recalled, and was at Butter's Fort, awaiting further orders from the U. S. authorities ; but in the mean time indirectly cooperated with the Independ- ent or Bear party — holding the prisoners for some weeks at Butter's Fort. The Californi- ans, in the mean time, were rallying their forces to drive the handful of ' American marauders/ as they termed the Bear party, out of the coun- try. They having possession of the barracks at Sonoma, held the place, and proceeded to or- ganize an Independent Government, by elect- ing WILLIAM B. IDE governor and command- er-in-chief of ' the Independent forces/ as they were styled, and JOHN H. NASH Chief Justice (commonly known as the Alcalde, under the THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 55 Mexican government). — It was thought by some, that they should adopt a Flag to repre- sent their Government ; and most of them be- ing hunters and adventurers, the idea was sug- gested by one Capt. FORD, that a Grizzly Bear should be the motto. " A young man named William Ford, who had been held in their Fort, as a prisoner, by the Californians, and re-captured in the first fight with them at.Camillo's Eancho, near the present city of Petaluma ; William Todd, (a Norwegian), of Illinois, assisted by old PETER STORM, painted the ' Bear Flag". It was sim- ply a piece of unbleached, domestic-made cot- ton cloth, about a yard and a half long by one yard wide, A rude figure of a bear, standing on his hind legs, was sketched and painted by Todd and Storm, as above stated, in the. pres- ence of a number of the Bear party/' Mr. BOGGS kindly adds : " A number of the Bear party still live in this vicinity, and I am personally acquainted with many of them. My nearest neighbor, Mr. WM. HARGRAVE. is one of them ; and he is the person who gave me your letter to answer — knowing that I was ac- quainted with the facts. " I arrived in California in 1846 — in time to 56 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF take part in the Mexican war ; which I did by serving in a battalion of Mounted Riflemen, commanded by Capt. MADDOX, a marine officer under Commodore Stockton. I left my family — that is, my wife and father, Ex-Gov. L. W. BOGGS of Missouri — at Petaluma Rancho, where my eldest son, Gaudaloupe V. Boggs, was born ; the same boy you mention in your letter as the first American born in California — which I think is a mistake. He is probably the first American white child, born under the American Flag, on this coast. I was in the U. S. service at the time ; and on my return, after my discharge at Monterey, I found my wife and boy at Petaluma Rancho — the prop- erty of Gen. Vallejo, who had kindly tendered my father and family the use of the house, and generously furnished beef and other necessaries in the way of living. The seven months jour- ney across the Plains and ov.er the Mountains, at that time, had nearly exhausted our sup- plies. The ill-fated Donner party was a part of my train most of the way across: I say a part of my train, because I was elected Cap- tain of the emigrant train of 1846, at Ash- Hollow, on the Platt River, and conducted my party safely over the Plains and Mountains THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 57 into California : and had the Donners remained with us, they would have escaped the suffering and starvation that they experienced in their snow-bound camp in the Sierra Nevada Moun- tains. I knew them all. * * * " Mr. IDE had kept a journal, and wrote a large volume, in book-form, of these proceed- ings,'-' and I saw and read a portion of it at his Eancho, in May, 18^, when on my way to the mines. He thought Fremont had not treated him right in the interchange of gov- ernments. I never learned whether his writings have been preserved or not ; but think they were lost in the great gold excitement, f " The ' Society of California Pioneers' has collected many interesting facts connected with California's early history : but such facts as a personal acquaintance with such men as Wil- *The "Proceedings" of the "Bear Flag party" are here referred to. f It had escaped the recollection of the surviving members of Mr. IDE'S family, until this notice of these writings in this kind letter of MR. BOGGS, was written them, that such writ- ings were in their possession. After diligent search, since that notice came to their hands, they were found among the effects of Mrs. HEALY'S brother JAMES M., who died a few months before. We expect to find in that ' book-form' man- uscript much valuable material for this work. 58 A BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCH OF liam B. Ide, Capt. Grenill, P. Swift, Capt. Ford, Capt. John Grigsby, and a few others who were prime movers, and the leading spirits who struck out boldly at the commencement of the Revolution that gave California to the United States, almost free of cost, so far as local operations were concerned — such facts, I say, can only be obtained by or through those who were active participants in them, or were intimately acquainted with those brave men — the most of whom are now no more/' In a subsequent letter to the writer, Mr. BOGGS says : uln the work of forming the In- dependent, or c Bear Flag' party, MR. IDE took a prominent part. You may rely on his state- ments to you as being more correct than those of any of the newspaper correspondents, who gather from different sources, and add their own conclusions besides. Scarcely any two of them give the same version of affairs. What I know about our history is from personal ex- perience and personal acquaintance with nearly every man engaged in the war of 1846-7, on this coast — both land and naval officers, volun- teers and regulars, marines and sailors : having served and associated with many of them since —more especially with the leading men ; many THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 59 of whom were my old neighbors for many years since. " My lamented Father arriving here in time to participate in the closing of the Mexican war by appointment of the Military Governor, Col. Mason of the U. S. Army, aided in estab- lishing law and order, and in carrying out the laws of both Mexico and the United States, pending the hostilities, and during the settle- ment of them according to the treaty of peace; which position he filled to the entire satisfac- tion of all concerned, for a considerable period of time ; and for which service rendered his government his bill remains, unpaid, in Wash- ington. A more just claim, perhaps, has never been presented to Congress. But, for want of funds to fee agents, the claim has been, up to this time, ignored." Mr. BOGGS concludes this second letter by saying : " I hope you will succeed in obtaining the information concerning the events alluded to in your letter to Mr. Storm — authenticat- ing, as no doubt it will, the statements to you by a brother of the lamented WM. B. IDE con- cerning this part of his history, for which no man was better qualified to give a correct ver- sion than himself. My Father often spoke of 60 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF him as being a man of superior intelligence ; a very competent and useful citizen — a patriotic co-worker in establishing law and order where none before existed. Such men as he and my Father rarely receive justice at the hands of their country. Those who render IT the most important services, are often the least com- pensated/' THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 61 ' CHAPTEK VI. THE " BEAR FLAG GOVERNMENT'' ORGANIZED. — SOME ACCOUNT OF PROCEEDINGS UNDER IT. — THE RAID UPON GEN. CAS- TRO'S CAMP. — NARROW ESCAPE OF FREMONT'S PARTY. IN 1849, during Mr. IDE'S residence several months with one of his brothers, he gave said brother a verbal account of his six or seven months services in the Bear Flag enterprise, and, (as he understood the case), as a U. S. soldier under the command of Col. Fremont. We give, this brother's statement : and it will be borne in mind by the reader, that this broth- er relies entirely on his memory for what he told him ; and that the incidents of this nar- rative were related to him some 28 years ago — at a period of his life when a detail of such in- teresting events makes an abiding impression upon the memory. But should the volumin- ous manuscipt Journal of Mr. IDE, referred to by Mr. BOGGS, on page 57, come to light before this memoir goes to press, it will be corrected, wherein its statements may materially conflict with those of that journal, as it may seem nee- 62 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF essary to insure accuracy, in giving an account of what transpired under the a administration of Governor IDE." " My brother Wm. B. told me that he left his family about the first of May, 1846, and rode around among the early emigrants from the States, to arouse them to action in self-de- fence. He had seen the Proclamation of Gov. Don Castro, warning those emigrants to leave the country in a given time, or they would be driven into the mountains, or made prisoners of; or they would be shot, in case of resistance. This, he said, ' stirred them up to the quick/ They very soon rallied a company of about one hundred mounted men, armed as best they could be, with hunting guns, rifles and pistols. They rendezvoused at or near Butter's Fort, and organized by choosing a Captain Merrit as their commander. They then proceeded to Sonoma, the headquarters of Gov. Castro, who had issued the aforesaid threatening proclama- tion, and of Gen. M. G. VALLEJO. They sur- prised the Garrison at day -break, captured Gen. Vallejo, his brother Don S. Vallejo, Jacob P. Leese, Col. Victor Prudhon and two others, took them prisoners ; and Capt. Grigsby, with a small guard, escorted them to gutter's Fort/' THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 63 And here the Editor will suspend the broth- er's narrative for a moment, to make room for a few items of interest obligingly furnished him by Mr. Boggs, who informs me that the individ- uals captured as above stated were officers of the Mexican Government, and that " Gen. Mariano Gaudaloup Vallejo was the highest military officer in the northern depart- ment of Upper California, in the Mexican gov- ernment— was the first native Californian to embrace the cause of the United States/ under its flag. Don Castro was the Governor, and retreated before the Bear party captured Sono- ma. It was Capt. Grigsby, with only a guard of five or six men, who took the prisoners from Sonoma to Sutter's Fort ; a distance of about 100 miles.7' Mr. BOGGS adds : " Gen. Vallejo's family was not molested at all, but were assured by the Bear party that he and his friends should only be held as hostages for the future good behav- iour of the Californians ; who had, without the sanction of their superiors, caught and bar- barously murdered two young Americans, near the Santa Eosa Rancho, sometime previous to the capture of Sonoma by the Bear party/' These young men, (Mr. B. says), " were las- 64 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF soed, dragged alive, their tongues cut out, and other portions of their bodies mutillated while fastened to trees. The Americans, (not the Bear party), to their shame be it recorded, by way of retalliation for this shocking barba- rism, killed three peaceable Californians at San Raphael, who had not taken up arms against them, neither had they taken any part in the massacre of the two young Americans. This was done, in would seem, under the eye of Col. Fremont, who was then at the Mission of San Raphael, not far from Putaluma. The cele- brated Kit Carson, Fremont's guide, killed the first one. He discovered and reported them to Fremont, his superior officer, as prisoners his squad had taken, and asked him what he should do with them ? F/s reply to Carson was, that he c had no use for prisoners ; but do your du- ty/ Kit returned, and, in company with one or two others of Fremont's command, killed an old Mexican and his two sons. " This circum- stance (says Mr. B.), was related to me by Car- son himself, in my house at Sonoma, where he visited me. I knew Kit Carson in the Rocky Mountains, and he and my Brother were inti- mate friends at Beut's Fort, on the Arkansas River, where thev were traders with the vari- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 65 ous tribes of Indians on the Plains ; their traf- fic being in buffalo robes and other peltries. " Carson was a bold and daring man, when an emergency required, and gentle as a lamb, when engaged in peaceful pursuits. I told him I did not approve of that act of retaliation ; — that he should have pursued the guilty ones, who had escaped across the Bay, as no punish- ment within the rules of war would have been too severe for them. But Kit Carson had been trained to Indian warfare, and its customs were deeply impressed on his mind at an early age. " These were the type of men who were en- gaged in making the first move towards acquir- ing a Territory for the Union, that has since added hundreds of millions to its wealth : and now that a few of them are left, broken in con- stitution and health, ask a pittance from the best government the world ever saw, in the way of a pension — I mean, a pension to the few destitute survivors of the orphans and wid- ows of those engaged in the Mexican war — it seems a fitting time to inquire whether or no the old adage, 4 Republics are ungrateful', will not apply to ' Uncle Samuel'. " Mr. B. elsewhere says : " Capt. Men-it re- mained at Sonoma with the remainder of the 66 * A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Bear party, until they were disbanded. Fre- mont afterwards placed Capt. Grigsby in com- mand at Sonoma. Merrit was lost sight of. He was merely an e old Hunter'; very brave and resolute, but somewhat rude." — [We now resume the " brother's" narrative : " At the time of the assault on the Fort, I think my brother told me that he had the com- mand of their party. The case was this : not long after the first organization of it, or while on their way to Sonoma, it was noticed that their Captain, from some cause, had lost the full confidence of his men, and they elected my brother to take his place. But whether it was before, or after, the surrender of the Fort, I do not distinctly remember. " After getting somewhat quietly established in the Fort — putting its cannon and small arms (of which they found a pretty good supply) in order for service, in case of annoyance from the enemy, they began to consider what steps it was next best to take for self-preservation. As then situated, brother said they would be con- sidered and treated as rebels and outlaws, if overpowered and taken prisoners by Don Cas- tro and his men. It was finally concluded that ' While among the Romans, they must do as THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. '67 the Romans do' — that they must inaugurate an Independent Government. The authorities they were under arms to combat derived their governmental status by the Mexican Pronunci-r amento process ; and they decided to adopt the same process for organizing a new civil govern-* ment for the Californians. They accordingly elected WILLIAM B. IDE their Governor, and JOHN H. NASH, Chief Justice, or Alcalde, to conform themselves to the Mexican laws and usages for the time being. ^ It will be remembered, that up to the day •of the uprising of the emigrants in self-defence, they knew nothing of the war operations be- tween the United States and Mexico. They were, in Yankee pharse, ' fighting on their own hook/ But my brother told me he had no other object in view, in accepting the office of Governor, than that of doing all in his power to protect the emigrants, and establish their Indpeudence of Mexico, " The account my brother William gave me of their < war-like' proceedings, after getting up their National Flag, and issuing his c Pro^- nunciamento' proclamation, and while they so bravely ' held the Fort/ has much of it escaped my memory, except two or three prominent in- 68 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF cidents, which I will endeavor to relate substan- tially as he gave them to me. " I have never seen a copy of this proclama- tion ; but I understood brother to say that it briefly recited the grounds for their revolution- ary movement — among them the threatening missal from Don Castro, and the right of self- preservation; — the fact that they had been in- vited by the home Mexican authorities to come and take up land and settle among them : and closing with the promise of protection to all law-abiding citizens of California, who would remain peaceably at home. " My brother recited to me some of his mili- tary operations — new, and somewhat exciting to himself and the greater part of his men who had never before seen actual service, 'in the camp or upon the tented field' : one or two of which I will relate. " He had not been long in command, before word came to him through one of his scouts, that the enemy under Don Castro was encamp- ed at a small settlement, distant about twenty miles from Sonoma. He selected a squad of twenty of his 'sharpest shooters', had them mounted on his fleetest horses, and supplied with the best rifles and guns in the Fort, put THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 69 them in charge of p trusty officer, with orders to proceed leisurely to the enemy's camp ; and when within easy gun-shot distance of it, to dismount, give an Indian war-whoop to attract the enemy's attention; and, as they made their appearance, each one of the party, in turn, to take deliberate aim, fire a single charge, re- mount his horse, and return with all speed to the Fort. The order having been faithfully executed by the squad, brother said he after- wards ascertained that a number of the Don's men were made to ' bite the dust/ " Not long after this rather unique military exploit of the Bear Party, one of their men picked up, on the street, a letter addressed to one of the citizens of Sonoma, notifying him that Don Castro's party was preparing to make a raid upon the Fort very soon. This notice coming to the Governor in an apparently au- thentic shape, he set about making preparation to give the Spaniards a warm reception. Fre- mont, with a small company of his survey- ing party and a few other emigrants, was at that time located at Sutter's Fort, and broth- er was not expecting assistance from him. " In the mean time every thing in the Fort was put in order. The cannon and small arms 70 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF were loaded with cannister, balls, or buck-shot, as it was thought would render them, respect^ ively, of most service. Scouts were sent in different directions to bring back to the Fort early notice of the approach towards it of any hostile force ; and, with these and other pre- cautionary measures, the officers and men of the Bear Flag party patiently awaited on their arms a short time, to see what would next turn up. Precisely how long they waited, I dont recollect that my brother told me : but he said that quite late one evening, one of his scouts came hurridly up to the Fort on horseback, and announced the enemy's approach within a short distance ; it might be half a mile or more : when the cannon were drawn out and put in position in front of the Fort, matches lighted ; the men inside of it formed in ' battle array', with loaded arms in band, and all things ready for action, " Thus prepared, (brother told me), he gave orders to his men not to fire until, by a given signal, he ordered them to fire ; he then went some ten, or twenty rods towards the coming foe, ajjd he soon heard a voice from among them, call out — r{ See ! their torches (ire lighted ! Ve going to fire upoy, us ! !' He THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE, 71 the voice— it was KIT CARSON's, and inst* antly threw up his arms as the signal for them not to fire; saying to his men, at the top of his voice : ' Dont fire ! It is Fremont !' Thus, (said my brother) Kit Karson, who I knew was with Fremont, probably saved us from a pretty bad disaster : which, had it happened, would have resulted from Fremont's failure to give us seasonable notice of his coming. His excuse for not doing so was, that he sent a man ahead who, being a foreigner, did not understand his order. And, as showing that Fremont took in readily the perilous situation of his squad, he hastily ' switched himself off on a side track', out of harm's way, even if we had fired upon his party." 72 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTEE VII. FORMAL, IP NOT LEGAL TRANSFER AND CHANGE OF GOVERN- MENT— MR. IDE'S TOUR UNDER FREMONT, DOWN THE PA- CIFIC COAST. — HIS CONTRACT FOR A PASSAGE HOME. WE omit his brother's statement of the rea- sons why, and the manner how, the ' Bear Flag' was inaugurated — Mr. BOGGS having furnished us with that item : (see ante pages 56-7), and continue his account of what he remembers in relation to Mr. IDE'S further movements. " Soon after the commencement of hostili- ties between the United States and Mexico, and the arrival of Commodore Stockton around on the Pacific coast, in pursuance of orders from his Government to receive the transfer of the Californias, by the then nominal Govern- or, to the United States, my brother told me that ceremony was formally, if not legally per- formed on board the Commodore's ship, in the presence of its officers and men, and a number of the respectable citizens of the place near whieh his ship lay at anchor. " Soon after this ceremony was over, there THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 73 was a collation on board the ship prepared in honor of the occasion : and brother said ' it was the happiest day of his life to be relieved from the responsible position of Governor, and at the same time to feel assured that the day was not far distant, when California would be- come one of the States of the Union/ And, although he died at just about the meridian of man's life, fitting him for usefulness in the peo- ple's service, he lived to see that ' day/ " This transfer having been made, Commo- dore Stockton, having been authorized by the U. S. government to do so, gave Col. Fremont command of a small force, to drive the hostile Mexicans from the territory. Although this turn of affairs relieved brother from much care and anxiety, it did net satisfy him that there was no further need of his services in the case. It devolved on Fremont to drive Castro and his adherents out of the territory, and to or- ganize a ' small force' for that purpose. To do this the Bear Flag Company, which had seen 1 some service/ would be an important acquisi- tion. Aware of this, he tried to enlist them in- to his service ; but a large number declined, un- less their late Commander would go with them. Though his private affairs, and the care of his 74 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF family urgently required his presence at home, still, in view of these appeals from his brave comrades who had also left their homes to serve their country and for the protection of their own firesides, he thought it his duty to contin- ue still in its service ; as, by so doing, he would secure to Col. Fremont his needed assistance in driving Gen. Castro and his horde down the Pacific coast : in view of this state of the case he thought it his duty to go with them. " And here I may be permitted to inquire, — as I did of brother, when he related his expe- rience under Fremont during the 3 or 4 months novel campaign — if he was not a little im- provident (as the sequel will show), in not hav- ing an explicit understanding with his com- mander, as to his position in the company of men he had been of so essential service in pro- curing for the expedition, who had for a brief period been under him as their commander. He said that, during their entire tramp of sev- eral months, down the westwardly coast of Lower California, he occupied the post, and was subjected to all the hardships of a common soldier — at times being on foo t for miles, while nearly all his comrades were mounted, and while an officer rode a horse of his, which accompani- TH£ LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 75 ed him from Illinois. Ris reason for submitting to this indignity was, that he consented to the sacrifice of personal interest and comfort, in consenting to go with his men, to assist his commander in driving the enemy out of the country, by the best way and means he could ; and if his superiors thought he would be most useful to them as a private, it was his duty to serve in that capacity : although he did expect when he enlisted, to occupy a different position in the service. This is the sum and substance of my brother's reply to my inquiry. " But I have not yet come to the finale of the peculiar experience of my brother during this long and tedious excursion. The most novel and interesting part of what I have to add in relation to it, I obtained though a dis- interested party, (so far as blood-relationship is concerned.) He merely told me that when he was ' mustered out', he found himself without money, some four or five hundred miles down the coast away from home, and that he took passage aboard a ship that carried him within about 75 miles of it ; where he arrived, after an absence of more than six months. When discharged from this U. S. service, he was not only ' without money', but also without decent 76 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF clothing, and without credit, c into the bargain/ He applied to the Captain of a vessel (I think my informant told me it was that on which Commodore Stockton was aboard of) for a pas- sage up to San Francisco ; saying he had no money with him to pay his passage ; but that he had a plenty at home. The Captain eyed his would-be-customer's ragged and uncouth garb with a rather suspicious look, and said it was his custom to recieve his passage-money in advance. Mr. IDE then proposed to ( work his passage/ ' Can you saw wood ?' the Captain asked. 'Yes, Captain, I have sawed lots of it in my day'. ' Well, step aboard, and the Steward will set you to work', said the Captain. So he then took leave of a few of his f Bear Flag' associates, and went aboard the vessel, not much encumbered with baggago, but cheer- ed with the prospect of soon embracing the dear ones he had so abruptly left in his hastily and rudely constructed log-cabin, soon after his six or seven months' journey across the Plains and over the Mountains : cheered, also, with tbe conscious rectitude of his intention to serve his fellow-citizens by the best way and means in his power, and nowise disheartened in view of the prospect before him, of a few more days' THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 77 endurance of toil and privation. He eared lit- tle for the honors and emoluments of office, or the pomp and pride of high station ; for he be- lieved, with the Poet; that " Honor and Fame from no condition rise : Act well your part — there all the honor lies." "It is true that sawing wood aboard ship was new business to him ; and it was also true, as he told the Captain, that he had* sawed lots of it in his day', while engaged in the employ- ment to which he had been bred in early life. But before the ship had got under way, Com- modore Stockton, (then around on that coast with the U. S. ship Princeton, who had called to pay his respects to the Captain), while walk- ing arm-in-arm with him on deck, saw my brother at his new vocation, and said : " Captain, do you know who that old man there, (pointing to Mr. IDE), sawing wood for you, is ?" " No ; I did n't ask his name/' re- plied the Captain. " Well, that is Governor IDE, of the Bear Flag party." " Can that be so ? do you know him ?" asked the Captain. " Yes, I know him/' was the reply. Where- upon the Captain called his steward and said to him : " Here, Steward, go tell that man 78 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF sawing wood, yonder, that the Captain wants to see him at his office." " The above incident and coloquy came to my knowledge through a different channel, as I have before remarked. It was told to a friend of mine by the said Captain, to whom the Com- modore introduced Mr. IDE : c and on his said introduction, he (Mr. I.), was made welcome, not only to his passage, but to as good fare and accommodations as the ship afforded/ "At that time this Captain was on his way to San Francisco, in the merchant service. In 1855 he had retired from a sea-faring life with c a competency/ (as sea-faring captains some- times do), and settled in a town near Boston, where my said friend had an interview with him in '55, during which the Captain related the above incidents, — adding: that ' during the passage he had frequent interviews with Wm. B. IDE, and had formed a very favorable opinion of him/ And my informant added, that this Captain, about that time, furnished an article for the ' Boston Journal/ in which he gave a short account of the Bear Flag en- terprise, and dwelt particularly on what he considered the important service Mr. IDE had rendered his country, in the part he took in THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 79 ( the conquest of California' at so trifling ex- pense to it of blood and treasure, ^ My brother was a plain, unpretending, matter-of-fact kind of man-— not much given to outside show and parade. This peculiarity of habit and turn of mind sometimes subjected him to neglect — or what, in * high life', might be regarded and resented as insult; but, con-» scious of honesty and integrity of purpose in whatever he undertook, such sligffts did not annoy him ; they passed by him unheeded, as 6 the idle wind, which availeth naught/ This trait of character was strikingly illustrated by hie forbearance of resentment towards Col Frer mont. In the course of his conversations with me, in alluding to his official and subsequent intercourse with him, the hardest words he ever used in relation to his (F's) treatment of him were, that he thought he c had not treated him right;' but never, in my hearing, made use of words that indicated feelings of resentment or ill-will towards him, on account of what he considered his unfair treatment. We have now concluded the brother of Mr. account furnished us at the commence-, of this undertaking p,n our part : and, here add some further reminjsencesi of his 80 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF daughter, which have come to hand since her previous articles were in type. During Mr. IDE'S long absence from his fam- ily, while in the U. S. service in 1846; many trying and exciting scenes and privations were witnessed and endured by Mrs. Ide and her children. Mrs. Healy gives us slight sketches of some of them. It will be remembered that soon after their arrival from " across the Plains and over the Mountains/' and before engaging in the Bear Flag enterprise, Mr. IDE built a log- cabin, and Mrs. Healy says : " While there, in our little sunny home sur- rounded by Indians, we were accosted by an Oregon Indian Chief, who inquired of us by an interpreter, if we belonged to Capt. Sutter ? and I replied : ' No ; we belong to our Fa- ther/ He then asked how many men Sutter had — how many horses ? how many cattle ?, etc., and I then answered all his questions as well as I could. Then the Interpreter took down, carefully sighted and minutely examined each of the four or five guns and carbines which hung upon wooden pegs driven into the logs composing the ceiling of our f drawing-room'. While they were doing this, the suspense and anxiety of my Mother and myself may be im- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 81 agined, but cannot be described ; but we re- mained silent and listless, till the examina- tion was over ; " when, after a little conversa- tion in their own language, between the Chief and his men, they all mounted their ponies, and started off into the woods, singing as they went. Their tune rang in my ears, 0 how long ! They were soon out of sight ; for they rode in a gal- lop, raising a cloud of dust. But we were not greatly relieved of our fears. My oldest broth- ers, James and William, were away. I mount- ed my horse to go for James, who was at where Tehama is now, distant about seven miles from our cabin. The sun had set, and in the twi- light I looked back to see Mother — I thought perhaps for the last time — as she ran out and motioned to me to return. I did so, and found it was unnecessary for me to take that long ride in the night, all alone ; for, said Mother, 'Mr. Meadows is on the opposite side of the river, and perhaps Tie will go/ So my young brothers, Daniel and Lemuel, crossed the river in their canoe, and came back with Mr. Mead- ows, who told us that these Indians would not hurt us — that a lady who lived near him had recently come from Oregon, where these Indians lived ; that she understood Jorgon, a dialect 82 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF spoken by them and the Hudson Bay Compa- ny. She said they came from Oregon to get satisfaction from Capt. Sutter for the death of the Chiefs son, who was shot the year previous while trading at Sutter's Fort. The Chief was determined to have one of Slitter's men to shoot : and, in case he would not give up a man, he must have 100 horses, or 200 or 300 cattle. This Chief of the Walla Walla tribe came prepared to enforce his claim. " Mr. Meadows staid all night at ' our house,* and in the morning went down the river about 7 miles, and from there a messenger was sent post-haste to Sutter's Fort, to warn them of the coming of an unfriendly visitor." Wheth^ er the irrate son of the forest got his man, or his horses, or his cattle, by way of " satisfac- tion" for the death of his son, Mrs. H. does not inform us ;* but continues : " This was in the *Mr. BoGGS, on returning the proof- slip of this article, says : " I can corroborate the story of Mrs. HEALY about the Indians. "When I arrived at Sutter's Fort, in 1846, there was a small band of the "Walla Walla Indians there, who came over from Oregon to demand satisfaction of the whites for killing one of their tribe, Toy an American named Grove Cook. I knew Cook — an old mountaineer, and brother in- law of the celebrated Bill Sublette, from St. Louis, Mo., of Trapper fame out "West. Cook lost two horses, while en- camped near this band of Indians. They were bold and in- solent—were well mounted and armed — were good horse- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 83 summer of 1846, while my Father and brother William were in the war : but William was not with, and had not seen his Father since November, 1845. Being just about that time of age, he went to work for Capt. Sutter awhile, and from there to the Santa Cruz Mountain to make Redwood-shingles — was there when Gen. Castro tried to take him prisoner. To escape meii and expert hunters. I met one of the band on the West side of the Sacramento River, after I had crossed over with my wagons and family. I had gone ahead, as usual, to look out for good camping; and, near sun-sent. I espied a large badger lying in the road. Having a good rifle, I dis- mounted and put a ball through the neck of the animal — killing it. Just as I was turning it over to examine the cu- rious looking creature, a Walla Walla Indian warrior rode up and asked me to give him the badger. I did so; and he expressed real satisfaction, and galloped away on the plain, with his badger strapped behind his saddle. These animals, I afterwards learned, were hard to find, and the Indians priz- ed them for their beautiful striped sknis, and for their oil. " I learned that Capt. Sutter protected Grove Cook from these Indians, and compromised with them in goods or oth- er valuables. They soon returned to Oregon satisfied, and Cook was allowed to go free. He settled near San Jose, Cal., and at one time was interested in the Grant of land on which the celebrated New Alnoden Quick Silver mines are located. " I knew Subietto & Cook, when a boy, at Independence, Mo. — when that place was the frontier town of * the West'. He was of the firm of 'Sublette & Campbell', American Fur Traders on the Upper Missouri. Sublette accumpanied Sir William Stuart, an English nobleman, as guide to the Rocky Mountains, in 1842 or 3." 84 A' BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF being so taken, he had to leave his work, and secrete himself in the woods, alone, living on raw venison ; as he dared not make a fire, lest the smoke should show the place of his con- cealment. Thus he lived about a week, when his partner in the shingle business (who was a foreigner) came to him, and advised him to go and surrender to Castro ; saying, it would be safer for him to do so than to be taken — as he might, otherwise, be shot by Castro's men, who were hunting for him. So, William went and gave himself up a prisoner of war. Castro gave him a comfortable room, and set a guard over him : telling him he should be treated like a gentleman. He asked him by an interpreter many questions about his Father — how many sons he had ; where he was, &c., &c. In a few days he told William he was at liberty to go ; but advised him to stay under his body-guard, lest he should be shot by his (C's) men. He did so, for some time, and until Castro and his men all mounted their horses in great haste, and suddenly left Santa Clara i for good/ " Brother William being thus set at liberty, went out with a company to fight the Indians in the San Joaquin Valley. I cannot tell how long he served. He then knew no more about THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 85 his Father's movements than did Don Castro, nor so much. " Now, during this time, Mother and I had heard that William had been a prisoner — had been released ; and, while walking away, had been lassoed by a Spaniard, and dragged to death : and that Father was a prisoner, and likely to share the same fate. Mr. Meadows told us this sad news, and we mourned, night and day, many long weeks over it, before it turned out to be a false report — as we had no means of ascertaining the truth. " When Father came home from the War, late in November, 1846, William came with him. He had earned two good horses, and Father rode home on one of them ; leaving his own faithful horse, which he brought with him from Illinois, in a pasture to recruit : a U. S. officer had rode him, and, for want of proper care, had made his back so sore, that Father could not bear to put a saddle on him. Through this means he lost this valuable animal : for, while thus necessarily recruiting in the pasture he was stolen, and never recovered. On loan- ing the use of this horse to ' Uncle Samuel', the ' U. S/ brand was put on the top of Fath- er's c W. 1: '', and afterwards the horse was claim- 86 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ed as U. S/s property ; but Father proved it to be his. "My brother James/' Mrs. Healy contin- ues, " was away several months, saving the wheat Father had sown at Tehama. The un- settled state of the country made him think it necessary to cache* a portion of the wheat, so that he might have some to sow another year. So he alone at night, after all the Indians were asleep, dug a deep hole in the ground, which he covered with straw during the day-time ; and, in the night-time he put 12 or 15 bushels of wheat into this hole, covered it with earth enough to be safe, in case the stack of straw he put over it should be burned by the Indians. No one but James knew the place of this de- posit. I mention this to show you to what shifts the early settlers here were driven, for want of the necessary places to store their pro- duce, and almost every thing else, and also, how hard my brother worked, day and night— how thoughtful he was o£ our necessities and com- * " A Rocky Mountain Hunters phrase, meaning to con- ceal or hide, in pits or caves, goods or valuables — such as the hunter or traveler cannot carry with him. Such is a cache, in hunter's parlance, on the Plains and in the Moun- tains,"— as a friend informs the Editor. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 87 fort. He was a faithful and dear good brother/' Mrs. H. here gives another item about the Indians, in addition to what she said on pages 80 and 81. " A week or so after the Walla Walla company left our place, a company of Nesperces came one day to visit us — two chiefs with their wives, who were Delaware Indian squaws. Mother gave them a dinner. It was quite amusing to the children to see them eat. I presume it was the first table that they ever sat down to ; and their c manners' were rather odd — one of the chiefs fanning his squaws with a large eagle's wing, frequenly, during their re- past. They were dressed in buckskins cloth, profusely ornamented with beads and porcu- pine quills — also with buckskin strings inserted in each seam of their garments." 88 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTER VIII. CALIFORNIA, — BEFORE ITS VIRTUAL CONQUEST BY THE " BEAR PARTY," IN JUNE, 1846. — EDITORIAL REMARKS, INTRO- DUCTORY TO WILLIAM B. IDE's HISTORY OF THAT PARTY. NATIONS, like individuals, in the course of their history, pass through certain great crises or epochs, which have an important bearing on their future character. These epochs are not regular, but intermittent ; and are often the result of; what looks like accident ; though doubtless, as in the phenomena of vegetation, they have their hidden laws of growth and de- velopment. Hence, on perusing the history of a people you will find periods of expansion which have their origin, to some extent, in the restless, impulsive life of society, and the thirst for acquisition. An epoch of this character largely affecting the industries, the wealth and the commerce of the American people, occurred in the year 1848, on the discovery of gold in California, Previous to that time emigration to the Far West had been going on, but confined to com- paratively small limits ; not assuming a gen- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 89 eral character stimulating large bodies of men. But the marvellous stories spread abroad by the accidental dicovery of gold on the Ameri- can Fork, as it was 'called, of the Sacramento Kiver, caused the wildest excitement through- out the country. People everywhere, of all classes and conditions of society — artizans, ag- riculturalists, mechanics, merchants, doctors, lawyers, and even ministers of religion, — were suddenly arroused by dreams of untold wealth. Vessels, crowded with enthusiastic adventur- ers, sailed from every port in the United States for the newly discovered Eldorado ; and hun- dreds who registered their names for the voyage full of hopeful and cheerful anticipations of the future, went forth only to encounter hard- ship, disappointment, disease and death. The course of history takes us back to the local conflicts of the two or three years preced- ing this period of excitement, which was no doubt hastened in its development by the oc- currence of events which form the topic of dis- cussion in this and in several of our succeeding chapters. And, for the better understanding of what is to follow, it may be well for us to take a hasty glance at the civil and political condition of California, at the time when these 90 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF events occurred. It is well known, that from its first settlement by Spanish adventurers from Mexico, no well-ordered system of national or provincial government had been established. Aristocratic " Dons," originally from Spain, formed a self-constructed oligarchy, by which the few emigrant and native laboring popula- tion were oppressed. This lordly race owned, or laid claim to, almost the entire domain of arable land — parcelled out as it was to them in 3-miles-square sections, known among the inhabitants, then and now, as ranches. The laboring people there were in a condition but little better than that of the serfs of Russia, or the slaves of Virginia, in by-gone times. Common schools and the higher institutions of learning, and houses of public worship (unless there were here and there found at a Romanist "Mission",) were unknown to them. One of the peculiar grievances to which the emigrants from the States were subjected, was the inhuman and arbitrary exaction by their "Alcalde*," or sole civil magistrates, of a cap* ita tax from said emigrants, on taking up their residence among them : and a correspondent of high standing in California, who took a con- spicuous part in the troubles of '45, writes the THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 91 Editor, that Gen. Castro's threatened raid up- on them was to compel the payment of this tax. Hence it will be seen that a state of anarchy and misrule confronted them at every step, and that they could do no less than rise as they did, for self-preservation, and attempt a " Rev- olution," by which they could " establish law and order where none had existed before/' In the historical course of events, it is now in order to invitte the reader's attention to " the large manuscript volume" seen and partially examined by Mr. BOGGS — -referred to on page 57. This was probably written during the win- ter of '46-7 ; as, during the " gold excitement" of '47-8, Mr. IDE'S time was too much occu- pied at " the diggings" to admit of his atten- tion to such matters. When it was written is immaterial. After it had lain over 30 years in obscurity — until nearly all the preceding pages of this work were in type— and after the re- cent decease of his eldest son, James M. Ide, it was found among his (J. M.'s) effects, in a good state of preservation, and a correct copy of it has been placed in the hand of the Edit- or, and nearly all of it will be found in the suc- ceeding pages. We have a reasonable guaranty, in the repu- 92 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF tation of its writer for honest integrity in all his dealings, of its truthfulness of statement : and it is confidently believed that those of his personal acquaintance who are still alive, and who may be favored with its perusal, will do his memory the justice to disabuse it of any sinister or unworthy motive, in taking the part he and his compeers deemed it necessary to take in their " Kevolutionary" movements of '46. We entertain the opinion, furthermore, that when the general reader, unbiased by class, sect, or pre-national prejudice or attach- ment, shall have thoroughly perused this docu- ment, and will take into consideration the sit- uation of the country — the state of anarchy then existing — he will cheerfully admit, that however unmilitary, in the eye of gentlemen skilled in warlike movements, their modus op- erandi for the accomplishment of the object in view — he will admit, I repeat, that they did accomplish it. And we beg leave to make a further suggestion — viz : that it might have been a problem of difficult solution, for the wisest adept in military science, or even in "path-finding", to inaugurate a different line of proceeding, by which that heterogeneous population of Spanish, Mexican, Indian and THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 93 Yankee origin could, in less than one month's time, by the well-directed labors of a handful of men under the direction of an experienced military leader, even, liave been brought from a state of bitter antagonism, into that of peace- ful subjection to the United States' authority — and that, too, at so trifling a " sacrifice of blood and treasure/' Suppose, for instance, there had been no or- ganized resistance to Castro — that, as would naturally in that case have been the result, had not Mr. IDE, or some one else, promptly moved " among the emigrants," and got up the celebrated, justly " celebrated, BEAR FLAG PARTY" organization, setting at defiance the exterminating Proclamation of Gen. Jose Cas- tro ; and that there had been a cowardly shrink- ing from self-defence — a "fleeing to the moun- tains for safety" by some, and a sort of goril- la, hand-to-hand warfare between pioneers and Castro's scouts by others, until they knew of the war between Mexico and the United States; what would then have been the condition of the contending parties ? That such a state of warfare between the natives and emigrants then existed, we respect- fully refer the reader to ante- pages 65 and 94 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF for ample proof — where Mr. BOGGS tells us of the barbarous murder of two young Americans; and that Americans, (not of the Bear Flag par- ty), by way of retaliation, killed three peace- ful Californians, " who had not taken up arms against them, neither had they taken part in the massacre of the two young Americans/' And what is added seems unaccountable : this act of " retaliation" was performed by Kit Carson, with Capt. Fremont's approval. Had Gen. Castro remained a month or two longer than he did, in the undisturbed possess- ion of his fort, arms and military supplies, is it to be doubted that he would not have used them somewhat successfully in his threatened exterminating process ? and thus have arous- ed the retaliatory energies of the U. S. govern- ment ; so that, when the actual state of war between it and Mexico arrived, much " blood and treasure" would have been expended on both sides in California, before the return of peace. Had there been the Bear Flag move- ment, or an organized opposition to Castro, and no formal state of war between the U. S. and Mexico, is there any reason to doubt the event- ual erection of an Independent Eepublic on the Pacific Coast ? That war existed between THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 95 the two nations was not known in California, until, by comparatively peaceful measures, this province had been prepared, without the " loss of blood or treasure", to become an "jlndepend- ent Nation". The " Bear Flag Proclama- tion", (every word of which, Mr. IDE remarks in his Letter to SENATOR WAMBOUGH, was penned by him on the 15th of June, 1846, be- tween the hours of 1 and 4, A. M.) was the entering wedge, so to speak, that separated a down-trodden people from allegiance to an op- pressive oligarchy under which they had groan- ed from time immemorial. It annunciated principles of government new and attractive. It contained no vindictive or coercive threat : but, on the contrary, was persuasive and concil- iatory. It approached the people as breth- ren, rather than as enemies. It was sought for, circulated among and read by them so earnest- ly, that copies of it could not be written fast enough to supply the demand. Its circulation in Castro's camp, it is stated, had the effect to withdraw from it one half (300) of his follow- ers, and convert and transform them into peac- able ctizens, under the new order of things. After due consideration of these and other circumstances connected with " the conquest of 96 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF California", it is submitted to an honest, dis- passionate and appreciative posterity to pass upon the validity of William B. Ide's claim to the merit of upright intention, at least, in do- ing what he did do, towards the " Conquest of California", and the " wisdom or unwisdom" of the measures he adopted to accomplish that object. If he had been an aspirant for fame and high place in governmental affairs, would he have quietly yielded to the adroit manoeuvre- ing and contriving of his " successor, in that General Assembly" he refers to, at the close of his narrative ? — by which a " change of Ad- ministration" was effected, and "We, who are out of office, may have a chance to get in." It is deeply regreted that his narrative of those proceedings ends so abruptly. Mrs. Hea- ly thinks her Father gathered the main facts and dates it treats of from a memorandum he kept of events as they occurred, which he car- ried in his pocket. This memorandum-book, (she says), her brother JAMES was robbed of, — together with a sum of money — on his way to Utah, several years before his decease, and does not doubt that it contained an account of his experience in Fremont's expedition " down the coast", in July, August, September, Octo- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 97 her and November, 1846 : allusion to which by * one of his brothers will have been noticed in our preceding pages. And this suggests the idea, that inasmuch as that that " brother's" statement of what Mr. Ide told him about the occurrences under the " Bear Flag Govern- ment", during its brief existence, does not es- "sentially differ from the version of the same transactions in his SENATOR WAMBOUGH LET- TER, we may conclude that said brother's ac- count of said " expedition" is substantially cor- rect. Therefore we may give credence, also, to his statement that Commodore STOCKTON, as an authorized officer of his government, formally received the transfer of the Califor- nias to the United States, aboard his ship, by the only governmental authority he then found there ; and, in recognition of Mr. Ide's author- ity as Governor and Commander-in-chief, the Commodore gave him the compliment of a re- ception, collation, etc., as before stated. And we cite this circumstance as evidence that his services in the cause of order and good govern- ment were duly appreciated by that noble of- ficer. The Compiler of this memorial sketch of an unpretending citizen and early pioneer of Gal- 98 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ifornia has deemed it due his memory, that his " Letter to Senator Wambough," giving a minute account of the " Bear Flag enterprise/' should be placed before the American people, that they may be able to decide the question, whether he, or Capt. Fremont, originated and conducted this ' enterprise' to its successful is- sue. We believe the generally received opin- ion is, that the credit of it is due to Fremont. This theory we recollect to have heard very unreservedly advanced by a distinguished pub- lic speaker, the Hon. JAMES WILSON, an ex- member of Congress from New Hampshire. He had just returned to resume his residence in his native town, (Keene, N. H.), after an ab- sence of four or five years during the war of the great rebellion, in California, where he no doubt imbibed his views on this question. He gave, in several towns in N. H., very interest- ing lectures on California — geographical, min- eralogical and historical — soon after his return; and, while on the latter named branch of his subject, he stated distinctly before a large audi- ence among whom this writer was an interested listener, that John C. Fremont was the origin- ator and leader of the " Bear Flag Party", and conqueror of California. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM R. IDE. 99 After having attentively read the circum- stantial statement of the moral, industrial and political aspect of affairs, and the account of that short-lived " embrio Republic", from the pen of Mr. IDE — written, as it undoubtedly was, within a year of its " rise and fall" — the unprejudiced and candid reader will find little ground on which to base said lecturer's theory, except on the presumption that Mr. IDE inten- tionally misrepresents the whole concern. And we leave it to the dispassionate judgment of posterity to settle the question, as to which of the two most conspicuous " Heroes", the un- pretending mechanic, or the renowned " Path- finder", did the country the most valuable ser- vice in the "Conquest of California" ? 100 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTER IX. MR. IDE'S EXPLANATION OP THE SITUATION OP AFFAIRS IN CALIFORNIA, ON HIS ARRIVAL THERE IN 1845. TO THE HON. SENATOR WAMBOUGH : DEAR SIR : BEING ever willing to contribute to the pleas- ure of those with whom I aui associated, I am persuaded, although somewhat reluctantly, to comply with your request, by furnishing a de- tailed account of what is called the " Bear Flag Enterprise" or Kevolution — embracing a copy or rehearsal of what was then written, or may still be among my papers ; and in such manner as truly to represent any matter or cir^ cumstance that may have led to its origin, un- exampled success, sudden overthrow, and total eclipse. It will be with much diffidence that I engage in giving an account of the past ; which at best can serve but little other good than to awaken curiosity in the mind of some, with scarce the hope of its gratification ; while in THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 101 the mind of others it will not fail to renew the memory of those scenes, and sharpen regret, that time has blunted and robbed of power to sting : but if duty require, I will sacrifice the happiness I choose and enjoy in hidden retire- ment ; and, regardless of consequences, frank- ly relate occurrences that may lead to a just estimate of the motives and designs of those concerned as actors ; being aware that if in aught I am mistaken, the means of correction are at hand. Then permit me, Sir> to call in requisition your general knowledge of the situation of the two parties in their relation to each other, who were immediately concerned in, and affected by the " Independent Bear Flag Nation" — for in fact it was nothing short of National Inde- pendence to which it aspired — I say the two parties, native Mexican citizens and natives of other countries — including, more particularly, recent American emigrants. Being, on one side, excited to jealousy by the then recent events in relation to Texas, and a manifest disposition of certain American gentlemen to re-enact the like scheme in Cal- ifornia ; and by a determined resolution on the part of the other side, to assert and maintain 102 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF the unalienable right of all men to the enjoy- ment of life, liberty and personal security, and to attain the right of honorable acqusition, use and enjoyment of the comforts of life ;— there were, apparently, two parties ; but, in truth and in verity they were one people. They were made enemies by their prejudices and jealous- ies ; but it was as apparent as the face of day that they could be bound in the bonds of mu- tual friendship by their common interest and common consent and fellowship. Let us appeal to your own heart, dear Sir : Is it not the interest of all men, everywhere, to be protected by an honorable, just and lib- eral government ? And again : Do not all men desire for them- selves exemption from oppression, and the lib- erty of justly acquiring, enjoying, possessing, appropriating and bestowing the honest avails of their labor, according to their own pleasure ? If so, then men are made enemies by oppres- sion, injustice, jealousies or ignorance. But those who love true Liberty, and abide by the unchanging law of justice,' will subdue enemies without protracted violence. The above -granted, it will be more easy, (or less painful), to proceed through the tame and THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 103 lifeless narrative of simple matters of fact neo essary to the formation of an opinion in rela^ tion to a matter, now no longer of the smallest moment, only as the everlasting, self-evident principles of self-government were concerned, whereby universal peace can only prevail j al- though the rehearsal can awaken to recollection arid measurable endurance, the cares and sleep- less solicitude, the far distant hope that prom- ises peace and glory to a Nation as extended as the race of man, because built amid the foundations of that liberty that delighteth it- self in the Balance of Truth. I would, Dear Sir, that another pen than mine might gratify the curiosity, and subserve the interest that has been awakened : but thus to desire is but to shrink from the task your favorable consideration has imposed upon me. Then be pleased to bear in mind, that prior to the year 1846 the peace, prosperity and qui- et of the good citizens of California had been deranged by eight successive Military Revolu- tions, which had devastated almost entirely the whole country, from San Piego to its northern extremity. It will be unnecessary to describe in partic- ular this general ruin. It was everywhere ap^ 104 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF parent — presenting itself sorrowfully, and forc- ing its consideration upon the minds of all who were capable of perceiving the extent of that cruelty — of that depraved spirit of injustice, tyranny and theft, which had tempted a portion of its most enterprising citizens to abandon the path of common honesty — -to listen to the sug- gestions of the deceptive policy of foreign ar- tifice, and to seek wealth and distinction by seizing, diverting and changing the fatherly care of government to an engine of rapacious piracy. Thus, on an occasion like the one I am call- ed on to describe, it was easy to imagine that all good, honest and intelligent citizens of Cal- ifornia were tired of this state of continued vi- olence, injustice and misrule. But, dear Sir, before we bring ourselves to the consideration of the events which gave birth, unexpectedly, to the " Independent Bear Flag Nation*', it will be well that we consider the situation, origin and character of the few that were destined to be crushed and annihilat- ed by the fears and jealousies of an apparently well appointed, overwhelming military despot- ism. Then, Sir, let us remember that the then recently arrived American emigrants were THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 105 no Cuban volunteers ! They were not enlisted from the lounges of dissipation, nor drilled in the school of political intrigue and dishonesty. They came not to provoke the Mexican au- thorities to "strike the first blow", in a loar sought for the acquirement of that fair and shining land to which they journeyed. They came not equipped and provided with military stores. In short, they came not as enemies ; but AS FRIENDS' CAME THEY, with hearts burn- ing with love of liberty — of that liberty that is founded on the immutable principle of equal justice ; that gives an equivalent for what it receives. They were not, like your modern gold-hunt- ers and squatters, prepared for "fight m flight" ; but bearing with them their wives, their child- ren, their flocks and herds — their home, their all at stake ; prompted by no groveling desire to obtain something for nothing — to rob, to plunder those they might find possessed of wealth, happiness and peace. They were collected and banded together, not by any preconcerted scheme of any kind, but by individual enterprise, — by long cherish- ed love of that pure, unadulterated freedom, known only to the just and the brave; to those 106 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF who, for the sake of peace, plant their foot and build their habitation beyond the reach of po- litical oppression, where nature smiles in holi- est loveliness — where there is naught to entice those vile miscreants who prey upon the rights of others. Then, kind Sir, please imagine the disap- pointment of those brave men, who, having con- quered the difficulties of the untrodden, path- less Sierra Nevada ; after having maintained their peace, unstained even by the blood of the untaught savage ; and having with toil, priv- ation and watchfulness, known only to those who have endured similar privations — who, having pierced the trackless wilderness, had ar- rived within sight of the ever shining vales they had thus sought ; when, by the interven- tion of a self-constituted government, heated to madness by jealousies excited by designing emissaries, we were forbidden the usual hospi- talities of the country, and " ordered to re- turn"! It is in vain to trouble you further to con- sider the situation of the newly arrived emi- grants, when you remember that 13,000,000 of dollars had been offered and refused for the possession of the Bay of San Francisco, and ? HE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 107 that the acquisition of the same had been un- successfully sought by negotiation for more than fourteen years* But there was another class of citizens concerned, who were principally of American origin, and constituted about one-tenth of the citizen population of California. They had, in many instances, intermarried and become associated with the native citizens, and enjoyed their common advantages. Indeed, a portion of them had become the merchants and finan- ciers of the country ; and thus failed not, in the genuine spirit of Yfiukeedom, to direct and profit by those political impositions, change of administration, and continued increase of tar- iff duties, by which, during ten years of in- creasing distress and ruin, the main body of the people were made miserably poor. But of this class the mass had fallen among the oppressed ; and it appeared to be the pleas* ure of the more successful, to set the whole community at variance — to increase public ex- penditure and t tariff duties, which constituted their principal stock in trade. Whatever scheme the merchants proposed became the rule of action ; for it was claimed they "paid all the people's taxes" ! 108 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF You cannot fail to remember the preconcert- ed seizure and ironing of every American, ex- cept T. 0. Larkin and a very few others — the plot to scuttle the vessel and throw them all, while in irons, into the Bay of San Diego — the failure of the plot by the humane interposi- tion of the better disposed portion of the na- tive citizens — -their subsequent five months' im- prisonment at Mexico ; and, withal, that those favored merchants, (at least their leader), im- proved this favorable opportunity to collect inflated demands against these prisoners. It is quite impossible to trace, in written charac- ters, the reflections that crowd the mind, in view of their hypocritical and murderous acts. While the aforementioned causes, and num- erous others of like character, were producing their legitimate fruits — fruits which were pro- prolific of seeds of new dissensions — Captain Fremont came among us ; who, after having provoked the assumed authorities of the coun- try, left us to experience the wrath and retali- atory vengeance his acts had engendered. Immediately after, (about the first day of ' April, 1846,) Gen. Jose Castro, naturally hu- mane and generous, caused to be issued and posted up at Sonoma and various other places — THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 109 the temporary residences of the newly arrived emigrants — a proclamation, ordering u All for- eigners, whose residence in the country was less than one year, to leave the country, and their property and beasts of burden, without taking arms/' on pain of death. It may well be supposed that this proclama- tion . produced »no little consternation among the recent emigrants. But the prudence and sagacity of some of the resident (American) citizens prevented much alarm, by proposing to the authorities to call the said emigrants to- gether, and to instruct them orally. This was agreed to, and the citizen Americans were vis- ited, and persuaded their new neighbors to dress themselves decently in California fashion, as far as possible, without loaned articles of clothing, and to attend respectfully and sub- missively the meeting. Thus cautiously was a meeting and separation effected at Sonoma, without producing a general rupture. But notwithstanding every effort, a large party of young men and two or three women, to escape •the much expected scene of blood, left the country for Oregon. Next came Lieut. Grillespie, who failed not to give cautionary advice in relation to a state of 110 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF preparedness, on the part of all of U. States origin, but dissuaded from any kind of organ- ization ; no, not even in the externals of an "Agricultural Society"; " for such", he said, " is the watchful jealousy of the Spaniards to- wards the last emigration, that the slightest attempt at organization in any shape, or by any name, would be but the signal for the mas- sacre of the whole of the last emigration/* He made known that he should, as soon as possible, recall Capt. Fremont ; and suggested that his camp would be the means of tempo- rary protection : or, if matters came to the worst, to effect a retreat to the States. THE LIFE OF WHLIAM B. IDE. Ill CHA.PTEE X. FIRST UPRISING OF THE EMIGRANTS. — CAPT. FREMONT'S PLAN OF " NEUTRAL CONQUEST". — INTERVIEW WITH THE CAP- TAIN AND COMMENTS THEREON. ANOTHER month rolled on, and Capt. Fre- mont came not ; for the snows were not yet fully melted in the mountain gulches of the Sierra Nevada. The Oregon company were long gone. Forces were every day increasing under Gen. Jose Castro at San Juan Baptista. Six hundred armed men were known to be foaming out vengeance against a few foreign- ers. Everybody spoke of and felt the impend- ing danger — admitted that organization and resistance was desirable ; but all agreed that it was impracticable. A want of confidence in the ability of any man among us to conduct such an enterprise was everywhere apparent and fully expressed, and a — a " certain fearful looking-for of judgment and fiery indignation, that would devour the adversary", should we fail of success, bound and paralized the ener- gy of that portion of our friends who were so miserable as to possess more wealth than they 112 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF • could swallow at a meal. " What was to be done ? Were they to risk their lives, and the lives of their wives and children in the fath- omless snows of the Sierra Nevada ?" Oh, no, Sir, no. This was impossible : the snows were melted. It was the 6th of June, and all eyes were turned to watch the approach of Fremont He came ! — the glorious era ! — memorable day ! — when it was determined, as we were informed nearly a year after by Col. Benton's letter to Congress, to " Overthrow the government, and conquer California at once /" But pardon me, my dear Wambough, for thus darting away to the consummation of such a scheme, witKout describing the modus operan- di whereby this was t<5 have been, before com- ing to the subsequent plan of operation by which it was accomplished. I am requested to give such papers, among my cast-off memoranda, as may be in point : then read : "Notice is hereby given, that a large body of armed Spaniards on horseback, amounting to 250 men, have been seen on their way to the Sacramento valley, destroying the crops, burning the houses, and driving off the cattle. Capt Freemont invites every freeman in the valley to come to his camp at the Butts, THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE 113 immediately; and he hopes to stay the enemy, and put a stop to his" (Here the sheet was folded and worn in-two, and no more is found). This document was not signed by Capt. Fremont, nor by any person in his legal company ; else it would have been legal evi- dence of unwarrantable interference in the dif- ficulties brewing in the country, which he uni- formly and unequivocally declared he should refrain from. This letter came to hand by an Indian " agent", on the 8th of June, between the hours of 10 and 11, A. M. You may be assured there was no hour of deliberation — not a moment; the horse bound- ed back to the cabin ; the rifle, pistols and ammunition were, by every inmate of the house, produced at the door ; one brief sen- tence gave the parting advice to the fond wife and listening, excited and wondering children, while the blanket was being lashed to the sad- dle. Every house in the valley was visited ; but not one was found willing to leave his goods, not his wife, (for there were only two within the valley) — and we hastened to the camp of Capt. Fremont, where we arrived at break of day on the 10th, and, by dint pf ap- parent acquiescence, learned " THE PLAN OF 114 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CONQUEST"; which was quite simple and easy of accomplishment — and here it is : First, se- lect a dozen men who have nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Second, encourage them to commit depredations against Gen. Castro, the usurper, and thus supply the camp with horses necessary for a trip to the States. Third, to make prisoners of some of the principal men, and thus provoke Castro to strike the first blow In a war with the United States. This done, finish the conquest by uniting the forces, and " marching back to the States." The foregoing constituted the whole of the " first edition" of Capt. Fremont's plan of neu- tral conquest of California. And here I would beg a moment's indulg- ence, that I may the more fully show the true position of the " Bear Flag nation", so far as relates to any influence Capt. Fremont may have had in its origin or organization. I do not wish to impugn his motives or con* duct, but have no doubt he acted honestly in accordance with what he conceived to be the will of his superiors. Nevertheless, we must speak the whole truth, and say that the aforementioned plan was fully presented to us, with the advantages it would bring ; to wit ; THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 115 a war between Mexico and the U. S., and the conquest and union of California with them, Capt. Fremont, while we were alone in his markee, on the evening of the 10th, rehearsed the above plan, humanely providing that none who had anything to saorafice should be impli- cated therein ; and asked the opinion of his auditor, who said in reply, that i( it would be a long time ere he would consent to, or join with, any set or company of irresponsible per- sons, who first commit an outrage, and then dishonorably leave the country and others to settle the difficulty, or endure its consequen- ces." 'Capt. F. remonstrated against this re- ply ; and especially against the reflection of dishonor cast on himself — went on to show that the emigrants had received great indignities, from Castro, and would be justified in any measure they might adopt for their safety— went on to say, that if the emigrants waited to receive the first blow, all hope in resistance would be in vain ; and cited, in support of his argument, the seizure of all Americans that had taken place, as herein before mentioned. I then informed him thq,t no personal re- proach was intended ; that he, (Fremont), as an accredited American officer, was supposed 116 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF to act in obedience to his instructions from his superiors ; but that we, although beyond the protecting shield of the U. States' flag, still cherished the memory of the AMERICAN NAME, the honor of which was yet dearer to us by far than any rewards of falsehood and treachery dishonorably won. Whereupon Capt. F. be- came exasperated. Rising hastily he said : "/ will not suffer such language in my Camp ; it is disorganizing /" and went immediately out. Thus ended all intercourse, on our part, with Capt. Fremont, until the 25th of June, when, in due course of events, his next salutations will be given. A few minutes after his de- parture Mr. King came into the markee, and politely invited us to another tent, and very soon commenced asking : " Suppose the men succeed in taking the horses, what will you in that case propose to be done?" The reply was, " When the breach is once made that involves us all in its consequences, it is useless to con- sider the propriety of the measure. We are too few for division. In for it, the whole man! Widen the breach, that none can stand outside thereof. Down on Sonoma ! Never flee the country, nor give it up while there is an arm to fight, or a voice to cry aloud for Independ- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 117 ence. But let truth and honor guide our course. The United States may have cause of war against Mexico ; but that is nothing to us. We have cause of war and blood — such as it is impossible for the United States to have received/' " Good !" cried Mr. King, and ran out to repeat the sentiment. " Good ! Hurrah for Independence !" cried the whole camp ; and several persons, among whom was KIT CARSON, begged of Capt. Fremont their discharge from the service of the exploring ex- pedition, that they might be at liberty to join us. This was peremptorily refused. Fremont, in my hearing, expressly declared that he was not at liberty to afford us the least aid or as- sistance; nor would he suffer any of his men to do so; that he would not consent to dis- charge any of them, as he had hired them ex^ pressly for, and needed their assistance on his journey over land to the States; that he had not asked the assistance of the emigrants for his protection; that he was able, of his own party, to fight and whip Castro, if he chose, but that he should not do so, unless first as- saulted by him; and that positively he should wait only for a supply of provisions, — two weeks at farthest, when he would, without fur- 118 A BIOOAP HICAL SKETCH OF ther reference to what might take place here, be on his march for the States" Scarcely were these statements made, ere it was reported and acclaimed : " The horses are coming !" — and on they came ! Ail was ani- mation in the camp. Capt. Merritt (for it was understood it was he who was to be the leader of this little band of heroes), made report that he had followed his instructions, as given by the " advice" of Capt. Fremont, and had sur- prised the guards and captured the whole band of 250 horses — had offered to give back the arms of the guard ; and, for " fair play", to fight the battle over again, at 50 or 100 yards distance. This favor being refused, he had gen- erously given each man his arms and two hors- es ; and boldly directed the released prisoners to tell Gen. Castro " if he wanted his horses, to come and take them/' This conduct was highly applauded by Capt. Fremont, (who, a moment before, would not and dare not, on his honor, offer us the least protection or assistance). The said horses were acknowledged to be the rightful property of the twelve men who so valieutly had captured them, and were delivered over to the care of Capt. Fremont for safe keeping, while their THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 119 new owners might acquire new spoils in the di- rection of Sonoma. It was 12 at night, and all possible haste was made to be off, as it was known that the men who had been imprudently released would, in all probability, separate and spread intelligence of the rising of the emigrants, and of the tak- ing of government horses, in every direction ; and it was more than probable, th^t the gar- rison at Sonoma might be alarmed, rather than surprised. 120 A BIOGAPHICAL SKETCH OF GHAPTR XI. THE PARTY LARGELY RE-ENFORCED BY NEW RECRUITS — THEIR MISTAKEN NOTIONS EXPLAINED. — WHAT HAPPENED ON THEIR ARRIVAL AT SONOMA — MR. IDE MADE COMMAND- ER-IN-CHIEF, il BY ACCLAMATION", AND TAKES THE FORT, INSTANTER. — THEIR INCIPIENT MOVEMENTS UNDER THE " INDEPENDENT BEAR FLAG GOVERNMENT". JUST about sunrise on the llth of June, '46, thirteen mounted men, armed with rifles and pistols, crossed the Sacramento River, a little below, or at the mouth of Feather River. Much time was spent in procuring, fresh horses, and no accessions were made to our forces that day. We supped at Gordon's, on Coche Creek, who gave us a bullock ; but was too deeply in- terested in our enterprise to join our party just then. At- night we groped our way over the mountain pass, and ere the sun haft become op- pressive, we were safely at the Rancho of Ma- jor Barnard. He, also, allowed us to kill and eat a fat bullock, but like the other dear friends, was too fond of the goods of this life, seriously to think of dying in defence of others. Here o& hereabouts were a considerable num- THE LIFE 'OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 121 ber of newly arrived emigrants, and the day was spent in obtaining recruits. Much time was spent in procuring as many as swelled our number to thirty-two; and on the 13th, at 11, p. M., sleep and drowsiness were on the point of delaying, if not defeating our enterprise. We were 36 miles from Sonoma. The sleep- less energy of some arroused their companions by representing the danger of delay, and half an hour's debate turned the scale in favor of immediate action, and all put for Sonoma for dear life, as fast as our jaded horses could car- ry us, so, if possible, to arrive there by a rough path away from the traveled road, before the day-light gave notice of our approach. And now, dear Sir, as it will be some little time before we get there, I will improve the time to state the views of the party as to the object of their intended visit. It will be borne in mind that none of this party, save myself, were present when the sen- timent of INDEPENDENCE was so heartily cheer- ed in the camp under the Nevada mountains ; nor was it reasonable to suppose that any of them were informed by any of Capt. Fremont's men, that his plan was to provoke an attack on Castro's camp, before he left for the States, 122 A BIOGRAPHICAL TKETCH OF to take along with him the offenders, to save them from certain destruction. It was known that Capt. F. possessed the unbounded confi- dence of those twelve men, and also that most, of them desired to avail themselves of the op- portunity for a safe return to the States, in the service of the United States, at $ 60 per month for the trip. The subject of Independence was only talked of as an event that might occur ; and no one of them seemed to understand that the taking of Sonoma formed any part of our errand there. And, moreover, Capt. Fremont, who is al- lowed to be proverbially cautious and prudent, gave his directions — or rather "advice", — in such manner as to avoid legal testimony in any matter of interference in California politics, (which he invariably and solemnly disavowed) that it was impossible to prove, authoritative- ly from him responsibility for any line of con- duct by our party ; but every one, (especially those of the " twelve''), seemed, as if by intu- ition, to undertand that our only business was to capture and convey to Fremont's camp Gen. M. G-. Vallejo, Don Salvadore Vallejo, Col. Prudshon and Capt. Jacob P. Leese, if practi- cable, and if not, to drive off another band of THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 123 horses, or commit any other act of violence, in its nature calculated to provoke pursuit and attack in the proper quarter. Fully impressed with the importance of this mission of benevolence and good will towards the sleeping and unsuspecting gentlemen to whom we were about to pay our respects, we took timely precaution to swear certain of our number against the commission of violence against either of those gentlemen. This step was considered proper, as we were aware there were certain breathings of vengeance against some of them, in the minds of a few of our party. It was known that Doct. Semple, who was an active and conspicuous leading man of the host, was in favor of Independence, instanter; but we knew of none willing to push the meas- ure. Under these circumstances it was thought prudent not to broach the subject generally, until some crisis should call the principle into immediate action. Thus circumstanced, we arrived at Sonoma; and, after reconnoitering the place, and notify- ing our friends of our object in seizing the aforesaid gentlemen, and having secured the captain of the guard whom we found a little 124 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF way out of town, we surrounded the house of Gen. M. G-. Vallejo just at daybreak, on the 14th. William Merritt. Doct. Semple and Mr. Knight, (who took wise care to have it understood on all hands that he was forced in- to the scrape as an interpreter), entered the house to secure their prisoners. Jacob P. Leese, an American by birth, and brother-in-law of Gen. Vallejo, who lived near by, was soon there, to soothe the fears, and oth- erwise as far as possible assist his friends. Doct Salvadore was also found there, and Col. Prudshon was also soon arrested and brought there. After the first surprise had a little sub- sided, as no immediate violence was offered, the General's generous spirits gave proof of his usual hospitality — as the richest wines and brandies sparkled in the glasses, and those who had thus unceremoniously met soon became merry companions ; more especially — the wea- ry visitors. While matters were going on thus happily in the house, the main force sat patiently guarding it without. They appeared to un- derstand that they had performed all the duty required of them, and only waited, that the said prisoners might be prepared and brought THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 125 forth for their journey , and waited still. The sun was climbing up the heavens an hour or more, and yet no man, nor voice, nor sound of violence came from the house to tell us of events within : patience was ill, and ling- ered ill. " Let us have a captain," said one — a captain, said all. Capt. Grigsby was elected, and went immediately into thp house. The men still sat upon their horses — patience grew faint ; an hour became an age. "Oh ! go in- to the house, Ide, and come out again and let us know what is going on there !"• No sooner said than done. There sat Doct. S., just mod- ifying a long string of articles of capitulation. There sat Merritt — his head fallen : there sat Knight, no longer able to interpret ; and there sat the new made Captain, as mute as the seat he sat upon. The bottles had well nigh van- quished the captors. The Articles of Capitu- lation were seized hastily, read and thrown down again, and the men outside were soon in- formed of their contents. Pardon us, dear Doc- tor— we will not make an exposition. It is sufficient to say, that by the rule of opposition, they gave motion and energy to the waiting mass, and all that was necessary was to direct the torrent and guide the storm. 126 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF No one hitherto in authority had thought of seizing the fortress, or disarming its guard. Capt. Grigsby was hastily called, and the men demanded of him that the prisoners should be immediately conveyed to the Sacramento val- ley. Capt. G-. inquired, " What are the orders of Capt. Fremont in relation to these men ?" Each man looked on his fellow, yet none spake. " But have you not got Capt. Fremont's name in black and white to authorize you in this you have done ?" cried the enraged Captain — and immediately we* demanded, that if there were any one present who had orders from him, either written or verbal, he declare the same. All declared, one after another, that they had no such orders. Thereupon the Captain was briefly but particulary informed, that the peo- ple whom he knew had received from Gen. Cas- tro, and others in authority, the most insolent indignities — had been, on pain of death, order- ed to leave the country ; and that they had * The modest writer of this Letter, it will be observed, invariably useft the pronoun we, instead of /, in referring to what he had said or donej; and the Editor has not felt him- self at liberty to change his phraseology in these cases, as it may be necessary for the reader to do. mentally, in order to a correct understanding of what he said or did. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 12? resolved to take the redress of grievances into their own hands ; that we could not claim the protection of any government on earth, and were alone responsible for our conduct ; that— (Here the Captain's " fears of doing wrong" overcame his patriotism, and he interrupted the speaker by saying, " Gentlemen, I have been deceived; I cannot go with you; I resign and back out of the scrape. I can take my family to the mountains as cheap as any of you" — and Doct. S. at that moment led him into the house. Disorder and confusion pre- vailed. One swore he would not stay to guard prisoners — another swore we would all have our throats cut — another called for fresh horses, and all were on the move — every man for him- self ; when the speaker [Mr. Ide] resumed his effort, raising his voice louder and more loud, as the men receded from the place, saying : " We need no horses ; we want no horses. Saddle no horse for me. I can go to the Span- iards, and make FREEMEN of them. I will give myself to them. I will lay my bones here, before I will take upon myself the igno- miny of commencing an honorable work, and then flee like cowards, like thieves, when no euemy is in sight. In vain will you say you 128 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF had honorable motives ! Who will believe it ? Flee this day, and the longest life cannot wear off your disgrace! Choose ye ! choose' ye this day, what you will be ! We are' robbers, or or we must be conquerors!" — and the speaker in despair turned his back upon his receding companions. • THE LAST WORD — NOW THE BATTLE ! With new hope they rallied around the des- ponding speaker — made him their Command- er, their Chief ; and his next words command- ed the taking of the Port. Joy lighted up every mind, and in a moment all was secured : 18 prisoners, 9 brass cannon, 250 stands of arms, and tons of copper, shot, and other pub- lic property, of the value of 10 or 1200 dol- lars, was seized and held in trust for the pub- lic benefit. Arrangements were immediately made for putting the garrison in a complete state of de- fence. Tools suitable for fortification, and for supplying a well of water within our walls ; and a liberal stock of provisions were procured On contract — pledging the public property now in possession for future payment. But that portion of our forces who still adhered to the THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 129 " neutral conquest" plan, with the four gentle- men, the aforementioned prisoners at Sutter's Fort, were allowed to remain under the protec- tion of Capt. Fremont, where every comfort was granted them that their situation allowed. Thus and so was the " Independent Bear Flag Republic" inaugurated. Other circum- stances might be given ; but not to change its character. What dear friend of Capt. Fre- mont will hereafter claim that the taking of Sonoma, or the hoisting the Independent Flag, or any other act that grew out of the same, constituted any part of his plan for the con- quest of California ? If any of those twelve men who took the horses had have had any idea that Fremont desired the seizure of the garrison, think you they would have sat on their horses more than two hours, within pis- tol shot of the Fort, and never thought of tak- ing pssession of it ? Or think you that if Capt. F. had designed the capture and hoisting the Independent Flag, he would not have so in- structed his three champions, who were the leaders of this force, up to the very moment of the recalling the scattering soldiers, and the appointment of the Commander by the people, who ordered the taking of the Garrison ? 130 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTER XII. THE COMMANDER'S ADDRESS TO HIS MEN. — HIS REASONS FOB ISSUING A PROCLAMATION — ITS TEXT IN FULL — NOTICE OF ITS PUBICATION ADDRESSED TO COMMODORE STOCKTON AS A U. S. OFFICER, THEN DAILY EXPECTEED ON THAT COAST. NEXT, (if you will be pleased to exercise- pa- tience enough), we will consider the circum- stances tending to its unexampled success, as we trace, step by step, its history to its first acquaintance with Capt. Fremont, and thence to its finale. After the return of the three leaders of the party of the primitive plan of neutral con- quest, and seven others had " left us alone in our glory/' the said " Bear Flag" — made of plain cotton cloth, and ornamented with the red flarmel of a shirt from the back of one of the men, and christened by the words " Cali- fornia Kepublic," in red-paint letters on both sides — was raised upon the standard where had floated on the breezes the Mexican flag afore- time. It was on the 14th of June, "46. Our THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 131 number was twenty-four, all told. The me- chanism of the flag was performed by WM. TODD of Illinois. The grizzly bear was chos- en as an emblem of strength and unyielding resistance. The men were divided into two companies of 10 men each. The 1st artillery was busily engaged in putting the cannon in order, which were charged doubly with grape and cannister. The 1st rifle company was bu- sied in cleaning, repairing and loading the small arms. The Commander, after setting a guard, and posting a sentinel on one of the highest buildings to watch the approach of any one who might have the curiosity to inspect operations, directed his leisure to the establish- ment of rules of discipline and order, and of a system of finance, whereby all the defence- less families might be brought within the lines of our garrison and supported. Ten thousand pounds of flour were purchased on the credit of the Government, and deposited within the garrison ; an account was opened for the sup- ply of beef, on terms agreed upon : and a few barrels of salt constituted our main supplies. Whiskey was altogether a contraband article.* * MR. IDE was a life-long " Te-totaler" and " Temperance Advocate,'' of the straightest sect. — ED. 132 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF After the first round of duties were perform- ed, as many as could be spared off guard were called together, and the situation fully explain- to the men by the Commander of the garrison. It was fully represented that our success, nay our very life, depended on the magnanimity and justice of our course of conduct, coupled with sleepless vigilance and care. (But ere this we had gathered as many of the surrounding citizens as possible, and plac- ed them between four strong walls : they were more than twice our number.) The Command- er chose from these stangers the most intelli- gent— by the aid of an interpreter went on to explain the cause of our coming together ; our determination to offer equal justice to all good citizens ; that we had not called them there to rob them of their liberty, or to deprive them of any portion of their property, nor to dis- turb their social relations one with another — nor yet to desecrate their religion. He went on to explain the common rights of all men, and showed them that those rights had been shamefully denied them by those heretofore in authority ; that the Missions had been robbed, and the general prosperity of the country de- stroyed ; that we had been driven to take THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. ] 33 up arms in defence of life and the common rights of man ; and that we had pledged our lives to the overthrow of injustice, and the es- tablishment of such government as should give freedom to commerce, and that should collect its revenues of those who, by their improper conduct, make governments necessary for the protection of all good citizens. He went on further to say, that although he had, for the moment, deprived them of that liberty which is the right and the privilege of all good and just men, it was only that they might become acquainted with his unalterable purpose : and, that having made them thus acquainted, " without waiting to know wheth- er you approve or disapprove — whether you are disposed to regard us as friends or enemies — we will restore you the liberty of which we have deprived you, after we have convinced you" — (and here he assumed all the fierce, de- termined energy of manner that such an [em- ergency was calculated to inspire) — " that as enemies we will kill and destroy you ! but as friends we will share with you all the blessings of liberty, and all the privileges that we our- selves can hope to enjoy.7' " Now, dear Sirs", he continued to say, " go and prepare your- 134 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF selves for the battle ! We are few, but we are firm and true. We have not come to hold forth deceitful appearances. Go. You are free as the air of heaven. Receive us as friends, and assist us to give liberty to your country and countrymen ; or, meet us like brave men, according to your own time and pleasure/' Although the address was not the twentieth part interpreted, yet the importance of success in the measure, to persons circumstanced as we were, gave expression that would have been un- derstood by every nationality and tongue under heaven ; and the Spaniard, even, embraced the Commander as he pronounced the name of WASHINGTON. There was a glow of feeling beaming from his eye, that defied all hypocra- cy, as he said, " Suffer my companions to re- remain until we complete a treaty of peace and friendship, and then go and come as friends — only that we be not required to take arms against our brethren/' By the unanimous vote of the garrison all the powers of the four departments of govern- ment were conferred, for the time being, upon him who was first put in command of the fort; yet Democracy was the ruling principle that settled every measure — Vox Populi, our rule. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 135 On the evening of the 14th, after every pre- caution for security for the night coming had been taken, the subject of issuing a Proclama- tion was discussed ; and, notwithstanding ar- guments were used tending to show that we were bound by a proper respect for the rights and interests of all honest and good citizens of California, to represent ourselves as to our do- ings and purposes, yet a very large proportion of our men were against making any public representation of our situation and intentions, until our numbers should have been increased to something like a force adequate to the un- dertaking. But how were our forces to be aug- mented, and who would come to the assistance of those who were only represented as robbers and rebels ? Would our enemies be pleased to represent us truly, and in such a character as would induce others to incur the like respon- sibilities? Or, would Capt. Fremont volun- teer for us such kindly assistance, after having pledged his honor and the honor of his coun- try to remain neutral ? — and, besides, he had declared his intention to leave the country within two weeks, and that in our own hear- ing. Were we to believe that Capt. Fremont would hold out, publicly, false pretentious ? 136 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Those who would have entertained such an opinion, without cause, of an officer of a gov- ernment they delight to honor, must have been virtually destitute of any just sense of honor themselves. But all would not do. It was contended by some, notwithstanding all his pretentious to the contrary 3 that he would yet consent to become our leader. So it was urg- ed that no proclamation should be made until Capt. Fremont, Doct. Mearch, or some other person of distinction, could be persuaded to join us. So, here we were ; by our flag proclaimed " The California Kepublic" ! twenty -four self- consecrated victims to the god of Equal Bights — unknown by any mortal being, except ten men who had dissented from our plan of oper- ations, and fled to the protection of Fremont's eamp, (except 30 or 40 Spaniards, who had, from a brief acquaintance, sworn fidelity to our cause), exposed not only to the wrath of 600 armed men, whom we were compelled, in order to avoid the just imputation of violence and crime, to defy in open fight, but to the unrnin- gled scorn and contempt of all honorable men, whether Mexicans or Americans, if we failed to represent our true character, and the cir- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 137 cumstances which compelled us to assume such an unusual position. Was it prudent to delay a just representation to the public ear? to that community which had equal rights with our- selves to a representation in any system of gov- ernment we might establish ? Was it prudent thus to delay what it immediately concerned everybody to know, until the happening of an event which might never occur ? Who or what circumstance was to call to our aid that august personage capable of duly and honora- bly representing to the public favor our benev- olent designs ? Under these circumstances, and impressed with these views, it was believed that any rep- resentation was preferable to none ; and our Commander [invested with "all the powers of the four departments of the government", it will be remembered], JACKSON-like, " assumed the responsibility" of performing his duty, "as he understood" his obligations to all concern- ed, and drew up, on the morning of the 15th,* * This was the morning of the EIGHTH DAY, since he had, "between the hours of 10 and 11, A.. M.," left his family to arouse the emigrants to action in sel-defence ; but they fled to Oregon. The two days thus spent, and then four or five more days and sleepless nights, in organizing the " new Gov. ernment", (his relatives believe) was a strain upon his phyic- al powers of endurance, materially shortening his useful days. 138 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, the fol- lowing "PROCLAMATION, *' TO ALL PERSONS, INHABITANTS OF THE COUN- TY OF SONOMA AND COUNTRY AROUND. RE- QUESTING THEM TO REMAIN AT PEACE ; TO PERSUE THEIR RIGHTFUL OCCUPATIONS,— WITHOUT FEAR OF MOLESTATION. " The Commander-in-chief at Sonoma gives his inviolable pledge to all persons in Califor- nia, not found bearing arms, or instigating oth- ers to take up arms against him, that they shall not be disturbed in their persons, proper- ty, religion, or social relations to each other, by men under his command. " He hereby most solemnly declares the ob- ject of his movement to be, — first, to defend Our women and children, and his brave com- panions in arms, who were first invited to this country by a .promise of lands on which to set- tle themselves and families ; who were prom- ised a Eepublican government ; who, when having arrived in California, were denied even the privilege of buying or renting lands of their friends ; who, instead of being allowed a par- ticipation in, or of being protected by a Ke- publican government, were oppressed by a mil- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 139 itary despotism ; who were even threatened by proclamation of one of the principal officers of the aforesaid oppressive government, with extermination, if they would not depart out of the country, leaving all their property — their arms and their beasts of burden ; and who were thus to be despoiled of the means of defence or of flight—and were to have been driven through deserts inhabited by hostile savages to certain death. " To overthrow a government which has robbed and destroyed the Missions, and appro- priated the properties thereof to the individu- al aggrandizement of its favorites ; which has violated good faith, by its treachery in the be- stowment of public lands ; which has shame- fully oppressed and ruined the laboring and producing inhabitants of California, by their enormous exactions of tariff on goods import- ed into the country : — this is the purpose of the brave men who are associated under his command. " He also declares his object, in the second place, to be, — and he hereby invites all good and patriotic citizens in California to assist him — to establish and perpetuate a liberal, a just and honorable Government, which shall secure to all, civil, religious and personal liber- 140 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ty ; which shall insure the security of life and property ; which shall detect and punish crime and injustice ; which shall encourage industry, virtue and literature ; and which shall foster agriculture, manufactures and mechanism, by guaranteeing freedom to commerce. " He further proclaims that he relies upon the justice of his cause — upon the favor of Heaven — upon the wisdom and good sense of the people of California, and upon the bravery of those who are bound and associated with him by the principle of self-preservation, by their love of Liberty and by their hatred of Tyranny — for his hope of success. " And he further premises that a Govern- ment, to be prosperous and ameleiorating in its tendency, must originate among its people : its officers should be its servants, and its glory its COMMON REWARD \" " (Signed) WILLIAM B. IDE, Commander. 44 Head-Quarters at Sonoma, June 15th, A. D. 1846." A letter was also written, during the night, addressed to Commodore STOCKTON, who was daily expected to be at the Bay, informing him — and intended, by the earliest possible THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 141 means, to inform the world in general, so far as it was interested, and the Government of the United States, thnnigh its officers, in par- ticular— that we had been compelled in self- defence to appeal to arms ; that we had pos- sessed ourselves of the fortress of Sonoma — had set up a Flag of Independence, and were determined, whether victorious or otherwise, to approve ourselves not unworthy the sympa- thy, at least, of those who labor for the glory of the American name. And let me remark, dear Sir, that this let- ter (a copy of which I still have, and have no doubt of the present existence of the original) did not, in the remotest manner, ask for or in- timate that we desired assistance ; but it was intended to notify, in due season, the officers and Government of the U. S., that we had, agreeably to the universal and immutable right of all men, claimed the right of self-govern- ment for the good citizens of all California ; that we had solemnly, by an appeal to the last resort, abjured all connection with the govern- ment of Mexico, its protection and liabilities ; — that although other nations might have just claims upon Mexico, they could have no claim upon the sovereignty of the people of Califor- 142 A BIOGAPHICAL SKETCH OF ma ;— that we had recorded our establishment, and notified our seizure and possession. And farther : lest the well known desire, on the part of the United States* Government, to pos- sess itself of the Bay of San Francisco should tempt the officers of said Government to com- mit an unwarrantable and inglorious interfer- ence in our affairs, in violation of the one prin- ciple that hath given peace to the ivorld, we had, in a timely manner, incorporated in this same "notice", most sincerely and unequivo- cally, that we would embrace the earliest hon- orable opportunity to unite this fair land with the land of our birth. It was honestly and implicitly believed on our part, that the U. S. officers, whom we were proud to believe were men of deathless honor, would rejoice to acknowledge our right to In- dependence, and so far become our friends as to conquer any inward aspiring after individual renown as conquerors of California, and still continue to adhere tenaciously to that just sense of national honor which prompted the Reply to the above mentioned Notice. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 143 CHAPTEK XIII. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT AND TREATY STIPULATIONS ARRANG- ED.— SYMPTOMS OF DISCONTENT AMONG THE MEN OF THE GARRISON — A CHANGE OF " COMMANDER7' TALKED OF. — THE LETTER TO COMMODORE STOCKTON FORWARDED BY WILLIAM TODD — CAPT. J. MONTGOMERY, OF THE U, S. SHIP PORTSMOUTH. RETURNS BY LIEUT. MISSROON A FRIENDLY LETTER — CAUSING THE COMMANDER, HOWEVER, NOT A LITTLE DISQUIETUDE. BUT it is proper to return to the history of events, in the order in which they transpired. Every moment that could be prudently spar- ed from the duty of overseeing the guards, at very short intervals, (as most of the men had been deprived of sleep, and some of us for five days and nights in succession), was devoted to writing — as we had no clerks or printing estab- lishment. The remainder of the night was spent in drawing up such articles of agreement and treaty stipulations, as were most likely to enlist the good will of all good citizens of Cal- ifornia, without respect to the circumstance of any peculiar origin of its inhabitants. These treaty stipulations were based on the 144 A BIOGKAPHICAL SKETCH OF independent right, self-existent in every indi- vidual, to cast off at pleasure any former obli- gation to governments, that experience might demonstrate as unproductive of the best good of the governed ; and to remain isolated, if consistent with their circumstances and pleas- ure : or, if necessary to secure protection and peace in the enjoyment of that just Liberty which is, ever was and ever will be the immut- able birth-right of all men, to associate them- selves voluntarily for the present necessity, un- der such regulations as may best guarantee the protection sought. * * * But not to stop to make our last appeal in behalf of equal Liberty, we will simply inform you that, in addition to the preceding state- ment, the stipulations provided, First : That no individual division of the public property should be allowed, but that such should be sa- credly held as security for the faithful payment of the just value of such articles of provisions as necessity demanded for the common support of such as should, without pecuniary consid- eration or hope of other reward than the con- sciousness of having freely given their devoted services to the cause of Independence, and the the establishment of such government as the THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 145 good sense and wisdom of the people of Cali- fornia might desire. Secondly : That Com- merce should be free — thai no impost should be levied or collected — that frauds and crimes only should be taxed, and that without license! Thirdly : That, the supreme direction of the affairs of Paternal government should be en- trusted to those alone, whose generous philan- thropy and patriotic regard for the welfare of their children, in common with the rest of their fellow-countrymen, and the race of men in gen- eral, would enable them willingly and cheerful- ly to do so, without enlisting the corrupting influence of the love of money. That no gov- ernor, president, legislator, member of assem- bly, council-man, or Senator, (if you please), should ever be enticed to corruption, fraud and dishonor, by the love of money. Fourthly : That all involuntary taxation of the virtuous, industrious, self-governing freemen of Califor- nia, or any other people whom we would ac- count worthy of our fellowship, should never be allowed or practiced — that whenever taxa- tion shall be necessary, (except as punishment for the infraction of the moral principle of hon- esty, justice and equal rights) it shall be be- tween contracting parties equally free to choose 146 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF or refuse. Fifthly : No persons shall ever be compelled, contrary to their free will, to bear arms, or otherwise to serve the cause of Liber- ty : for that would prove that its people were unworthy of its blessings ; or, that those bless- ings were no longer worth enjoying. And, last- ly : All good friends, (Spaniards and native Californians), who had taken a solemn oath that they were pleased to support our Inde- pendent principles and Flag, were on their part, according to their request, excused from bearing arms against any of their brethren who might not understand, or believe in the sincer- ity of our professions, or our determined reso- lution to make a virtue of the stern necessity which had compelled us to assume responsibil- ities so unusual and unlooked-for ; and volun- tarily promised that they would write to their friends and acquaintances throughout all the country, and inform them as to the nature of our intentions, and persuade them not to re- sist us ; and they further voluntarily agreed to furnish us with any supplies of provisions, or other articles we might stand in need of for the public service, on the conditions we had proposed ; — and, further, it was stipulated and agreed that receipts should in every case be THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 147 given, signed by the Commander of the garri- son ; and that no gift, not even the smallest trifle, should be accepted by any of the sold- iers, individually or collectively, lest it should be infered that, in some event, extortion, through fear of violence, should have been practiced. It was not without the greatest difficulty that these stipulations could be interpreted to the understanding of the first Alcalde of the District of Sonoma ; and still more difficult to make him see how and by what magic the wheel or postule of government was to be made to operate without the aid of the love of mon- ey. It became necessary to dissect each sen- tence, and reduce it to its simplist form, ere it could be interpreted into Spanish, and by an- other interpreter changed back to English again, which was considered necessary in order to any certainty of understanding. There was another difficulty of no inconsid- erable magnitude, which was a want of proper understanding on the part of many of our own men, of the policy or principle of action neces- sary for success. * That portion of our little band of heroes who at first enlisted for plunder and flight to the States, who proposed to tear 148 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF down and pillage the house of Gen. M. Gr. Val- lejo (as it was known that he had charge of a large amount of money in his house) still earn-' estly contended that a Spaniard had no right to liberty, and but very little right to the en- joyment of life. You will not, therefore, dear Sir, be surpris- ed to incredulity, we hope, when you are in- formed, that after a portion of the men had exhibited the most surprising vigilance in cap- turing all the Spaniards, and even some others whose love of freedom was considered question- able, and thrusting them indiscriminately with- in the walls of the callaboose ; that after the Alcalde had been taken from thence by the Commander — not without the most earnest re- monstrance on the part of a large portion of our " Independent Freemen" — that after they had witnessed the assurance that the said Al- calde gave of his approbation of our cause ; after they had refused their consent to the pub- lication to the world of our intentions, lest it might be the means of hastening our indis- criminate destruction ; when you are informed that the release of one man'was sufficient to fill them with consternation — to fill their minds with distrust as to the sagacity and ability of THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 149 their leader to conduct an enterprise fraught with such terrible consequences ; — we add, when you are also informed that it became necessary to . conduct these friendly negotia- tions without the camp, and without the full knowledge of the garrison, you will not be sur- prised that it was by a great sacrifice of feel- ing on their part, that the garrison continued their Commander in office. But on the other hand it was acknowledged that no fault could be found with his watchful care in providing for the maintenance of that security of "persons", now become so appar- ently necessary ; and, as he was the only man then present that could command with that determination and decision necessary to insure obedience, it was again agreed, that until a more suitable man could be found, he should be sustained. Early in the morning of the 15th of June it was deemed necessary to send an ambassador to the Bay, to carry the letter heretofore spok- en of to Commodore STOCKTON, if he were then arrived ; and if not, to deliver it to him who should be highest in command in the U. S. Navy then present. But as no man might be found willing to risk his life in going to the 150 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Bay of San Francisco (to Yerba Buena) sim- ply to carry a letter, it became necessary to make other and more important business. It is necessary and right, sometimes, to take ad- vantage even of the fears, as well as of the bravery of those with whom we have to do. That the fears of the men of the garrison, af- ter the first moments of excitement had sub- sided had prevented, and would continue to prevent desertion, and to bind them close to the loaded cannon, and to the 250 loaded mus- kets, was easy to understand ; but how to compel an individual, by the same fear, to trav- el 50 or 60 miles through an enemy's country, was a problem not so readily solved. The men of the garrison were accordingly summoned to attend, and the circumstances of our situation were recited ; — positions upon the neighboring hills were pointed out, where Gen. Castro might plant his cannon ; and, in case of the want of a sufficient supply of pow- der, we might be greatly annoyed : and the men of the garrison were informed that a let- ter had been prepared for Commodore STOck- TON, and a volunteer was necessary to carry it, and take charge of anything that might be sent back in return. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 151 William Todd,' whom circumstances after- wards proved to be a brave man, volunteered to go — who was conducted on his way imme- diately by the Commander of the garrison, be- yond the guard lines, where he received the said letter and full information in relation to the existence of the Proclamation and treaty stip- ulations, which had been partially made known to the Alcalde before refered to, and the hopes of the Commander were communicated ia re- lation to the same. He was then charged in relation to his journey ; and, withal, to be sure not to ask for anything from the men or offi- cers of the ship where he delivered the letter, as the letter contained all the business of his mission ; but simply to take whatever (if any- thing) was put into his hand, and be sure to make his way back by another route than the one he pursued thither. The balance of the 15th, the 16th and 17th, was spent in translating and re- translating the simple elements of the articles of the treaty of peace and amity, and of the Proclamation, by so many of the men as could be spared from the general oversight of the garrison. The men were divided into 4 night guards of 6 men each, and into 8 day guards of 3 men 152 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF each. One half of the men were at all times, by day, employed in camp duty — the other half guarded and slept ; and the Captain, who was never counted anywhere, served as officer of the day and night. The camp service con- sisted in cleaning the muskets, providing wood for cooking, bringing in provisions and cooking. Eoast beef, fried pan-cakes and cold water serv- ed us for rations. We received no intelligence from abroad the first four days ; and such had been the vigi- lance with which our camp was guarded, that none were known to approach it near enough to be at all acquainted with our means of de- fence, and to escape. Every opportunity was embraced to make ourself and our plan of gov- ernment known and approved by our prison- ers ; for which purpose we took occasion to make them understand it was necessary to de- tain them a few days. On the evening of the 17th came back Wm. Todd, and with him Lieut. Missroon, of the U. S. ship Portsmouth, bearing a letter from his Capt. J. Montgomery. He was bearer of ver- bal dispatches, which for prudent reasons were not written, but refered to and authorized by written documents from Captain Montgomery. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 153 It appeared on investigation, that our mes- senger, after having delivered the letter, and waiting some time, and nothing was said about any powder, thought it necessary, notwith- standing his orders not to ask for anything, to inquire if any powder was to be sent ; and the letter, which was written to be read before the garrison, contained the following sentence : — "Although we have ample means to defend ourselves from any attack that can be made on us by Castro, by the use of small arms, we have not a sufficient quantity of powder to withstand for any considerable length of time, an attack by the use of cannon". Thus, under these unfortunate circumstanc- es, it was easy for our good Capt. Montgomery to mistake the real design of the letter, (which it is true was written in haste, but with care), and which contained no intimation that we de- sired of him the slightest assistance — no, not " so much as one charge of powder" — which to have asked would have been the begging our own destruction, and inviting that unwarrant- able inteference we feared, and which after- wards ingloriously arrested our progress, de- feated our plans — caused disobedience of our orders, and ourself to be bitterly, and, else, 154 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF justly reproached by more than a hundred of our companions who knew us only by our Proclamation — who had secretly organized un- der Weaver, Bird and others on the south side of the Bay — waiting in vain, because of the disobedience of our orders, for that assistance which it was abundantly in our power to have given — whereby Castro's main army would have been suddenly and wholly defeated. But to reserve this part of our history for the leading subject of another division, we will rehearse from recollection Capt. Montgomery's answer to our said " Letter of notice", which he unfortunately not only failed to understand, but failed, for nearly six months, to deliver to Commodore STOCKTON. Capt. Montgomery's letter bore date June 16th — and, after the usual compliments, went on to say, that he was " here as the legal rep- resentative of the Government of the United States of America — having in charge the prop- er interests and peace of its citizens engag- ed in commerce," etc., and it was more than his gallant ship was worth to give us so much as one charge of powder. He responded, very handsomely, to the sentiment that it is right, on every proper occasion, to resist oppression THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 155 by all honorable means ; and that it was the settled policy of his Government always to ac- knowledge any authority they might find in power, without considering the 'legitimate rights of the contending parties — said he was happy to learn by my messenger, that we had, by Proclamation, secured the proper rights and peace of the inhabitants of Sonoma and coun- try around, and hoped that the same humane course of conduct would characterize all our future operations. Capt. Montgomery closed his letter by say- ing he had not time to communicate all he would say in answer to my letter ; that he was in expectation of important news from Mexico or the United States, and refered us to any ex- planations Lieut. Missroon might make, which were thereby made a part of his communica- tions to me. Lieutenant Missroon, after we were quietly seated in a room by ourselves, read the said letter, and went on to explain and say that, as officers of a Government at peace with Mexico, to assist, or in any way to interfere in any rev- olution that might be going on in any country where they might be present, would justly sub- ject their Government to dishonor, and them- 156 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF selves to be disgraced and driven from the ser- vice of their country : but that, in the event of war with Mexico, his Captain had instruct- ed him to say that he would supply any am- ount of ammunition we might be in need of, and would also place the half of his men un- der my command, and cooperate with his ship against the common enemy. He then asked for a copy of the Proclamation of the 15th. He was informed that we had no clerks to per- form our writing, and that one would be hand- ed him at the time of his return. He thanked me, and said he would direct the clerk of the ship to copy and circulate it. He took his leave, and agreed to meet me at sunrise, at my room next morning. I gave charge of the guards, for the first time, to Capt. Sears and Lieut. Ford : after writing until 11, went quietly to rest for the first time since the 8th of June, and slept until sunrise. These matters are of trivial importance ; but they show how much labor was performed in order to avoid what was conceived to be a dis- honorable act. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 157 CHAPTER XIV. THE LIEUTENANT INTERVIEWS THE GARRISON, AND FINDS IT STILL DISTRUSTFUL. — THE COMMANDER INDULGES A LIT- TLE DESPONDENCY, FOR A MOMENT. — THE MEN APPROVE THE PROCLAMATION, AND ALL ARE JUBILANT IN VIEW OF THE SITUATION. — AN ATTEMPT TO DRAW A FIGHT. — CAS- TRO'S SECOND PROCLAMATION.— TWO YOUNG MEN INHU- MANLY MURDERED BY HIS MEN. — THE FIRST AND ONLY FIGHT WITH THE ENEMY. A LITTLE after sunrise came Lieut. Missroon, whose every expression indicated that a sad change had come over his mind in relation to the subject of our Independence. He said, sorrowfully, that he had been talking with the men of the garrison, and it was thought best not to put out any proclamation ; and that something might be done by way of relieving us from our disagreeable situation — but as he continued to speak in sad, sorrowful tones, we tossed the copy of the Proclamation of the 15th we held in our hand, which by its dangling mo- tion caught his eye, despite his sorrowful ab- straction of mind. "What have you got in your hand, Sir?" said he — his voice a little 158 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF elevated by curiosity. " It is a copy of the Proclamation, Sir ; and as it is already pub- lished, and as the men of the garrison so seri- ously disapprove thereof, it is very proper that they should know what it is, that they may be able to provide a timely remedy for the evils it may otherwise cause. Will you be so kind as to take it up to the garrison and read it to them ?" Lieut. Missroon very gravely reached out his hand, without saying a word, and took the copy ; his countenance indicating more of sadness and pity than before, as he slowly opened it and began to move his eye along the lines. This was a moment of horrid apprehension ! Was it possible that the men of the garrison were to be taken on board the ship, and all our labor in proving to the world, that we scorned death and danger in any shape, rather than be shown up to the world as a band of Moun- tain thieves and robbers ? With what inde- scribable anguish did we trace each kindling emotion in the mind of the Lieutenant, as he slowly and carefully passed his eye to the end of it. But this horrible suspense was of short duration : it required no word of promise, nor word of any kind— nothing but the language 'THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 159 of the soul, the life of men, was capable of re- moving the apprehensions which had prompt- ed our mind to the endurance of sleepless vig- ilance,— which was first quieted the evening before, by the assurances of Capt. Montgom- ery's letter, that the U. S. officers would not interfere, — to be thus horribly renewed ! Hitherto not a single voice (except Mont- gomery's) had spoken encouragement — not a man of influence came to our assistance. Four days had passed, and the men of our little gar- rison were only brave when wound up by the melodious sounds of Liberty aud Ifidepend- ence. to become cold and desponding again, as soon as the excitement of action was past, If left to ourselves we would at least prove by our blood poured out, and by our written doc- uments sent abroad, that we were " no base band of robbers, bent on mischief." But, my dear Wambaugh, we had cherished, in our more cheerful moments, a brighter hope than this. We knew with positive assurance, that the whole country was groaning to be de- livered from that excessive tariff taxation that had reduced our exports to less than nothing, and had left us to clothe ourselves, our wives and children, in skins or fig-leaves? if we would 160 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF maintain independence of lordly merchants. We also believed, in all sincerity, that if some man, even an entire stranger, would present us even the hope of a desirable change before the public mind, that one general crowding to the uplifted standard would render all " indi- vidual" entreaty and persuasion to adopt our cause unnecessary. It was therefore that we neither importuned nor begged of a single individual, even to lend a listening ear to our plan ! If the whole mass moved not^ in answer to our appeal, it was more honorable to die singly and alone, rather than involve others in our fate. The men of the garrison were already equal- ly involved with ourself— (only, as, perhaps, the head of their leader might ransom them) ; but not one single man had thus involved him- self through any persuasion of ours. Other persons and other motives had tempted them to enter the vortex. But stop ! — We must confess our guilt, as well as plead our inno- cence ! Truth, like the diamond, is always bright and clear ; and the darkest crimes are deprived of half their turpitude by frank con- fession, and the other half is more than can- celed by unfeigned contrition and forsaking. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 161 One solitary man (and others may have been in his situation) vehemently, in the anguish of his soul, accused us of having deceived him, and of having thus involved him in rebellion. What have we said, what have we done, thus to deceive ? was the ankious inquiry. You were along with them. Guilty, we plead. But we were involved in the consequences we could not suppress. If we could not " gather up the flood in a basket", we might, perchance, run along before it, and, at some favored point, direct its course, and change the evil — the "partial evil" — to "universal good." Now we were so simple as to suppose that he, whom chance and necessity had placed in the brief and uncertain command of the enter- prise— he who had conceived and unwaveringly sustained it — would encounter the applause, the stupid gaze of all the world, by such an act. It was well known that he was charged with entertaining designs more base, more hos- tile to the interests and wishes of the good peo- ple of California, than even the plundering and robbing the house of Gen. Vallejo ! He had been charged by Capt. Fremont with being a Mormon, and his scheme was denounced as an artifice to betray the whole country into the 162 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF hands of the Mormons ! and it was known that most of the garrison believed the foul slander ! It was fully known, also, that the men of the garrison had the most unbounded confid- ence in these United States officers, and that they looked to them for protection ; and it was also known that, if the plan of Independ- ence could be suddenly presented to the public, it would enlist the bone and sinew — and it was fondly hoped — the minds of all such as were capable of understanding the difference in fa- vor of conquest, by extending just and benev- olent principles of government, and that of vi- olence, bloodshed and political murder. And it was fondly hoped there would at least be found one of noble and upright intentions, who might be willing to wear the honors, while we might still be permitted to perform some part of the labor necessary to the establishment of a gov- ernment more humane, more honorable, more just and more enduring, and less oppressive, than any government that had hitherto arisen and fallen here in California. We had indeed promised, in behalf of its citizens, union with the land of our birth, at the earliest honorable Opportunity— not by the devastation of blood, THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 163 nor by the more ignoble system of purchase, but by the more exalted principle of universal and equal liberty and freedom of choice by the people; which remains to be more fully ex- plained as we proceed in our narrative. 1 ' Hope springs eternal in the human breast ; " And hope sprang up in our mind, the moment hope seemed to rise in the mind of the Lieu- tenant ; and hope spake thus : "If he reads it before the garrison, and approves it himself, (and he will read and approve), it will make no difference whether they discover merit in it or not : if h^ approves they will approve, and we shall find means to circulate it: and when the people begin to flock to the standard, there will be a time for action ; the mass will be in motion, and it will be easy to direct it, if no counter current springs up— if no vile interfer • ence defeat our aim/' — But the Lieutenant has finished the read- ing. With the smile of joy he says : " I will read it to them"! He hastened with a long and bounding step back to the garrison — which said to us, (mentally), " The battle 's won ; we '11 triumph still, in spite of 'fears of Mor* 164 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Not long after the Lieutenant returned and said : " Every man has approved the Pro%la- mation, and has sworn to sustain its princi- ples !" — and from this moment that instru- ment became the test by which to approve our friends and condemn our enemies. Joy and animation were enkindled in every heart : even he who had denounced "the damned Mor- mon as less deserving of respect than a dog", smiled again, and yielded service with cheer- fulness and joy, and furnished incontestable evidence that it was best not to have punished ivith death so trivial an offence as ' Mormon- ism.' The first business was to send out the Proc- lamation, and also a Letter written by our friend, the liberated Alcalde; and a trusty man of known ability was dispatched south- ward with said copies and letters. Brooker penetrated successfully his way as far as Mon- terey ; gave copies to known and faithful men; spread the copy of the Alcaldes's Letter even within Castro's camp, and the Proclamation was written and re- written, and sent as far as San de Angelos. It was a fact worthy of note, that within ^iree days of the arrival of the Alcalde's Let- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 165 ter and the Proclamation at Santa Clara, then the Head Quarters of Gen. Castro, more than half of his army deserted. Men were sent in every direction with the Proclamation, and it was not until our men were reduced to nearly one half our original number, that we received the first accession to our force. A party, on the 19th in the afternoon, ar- rived from the neighborhood of Napa Valley and Cash Creek, and as Jose Castro had, as early as the 18th, sent out a proclamation call- ing on all good Californians to unite, and with one bold effort, " fall on and kill the Bears of Sonoma, and then return and kill the whelps afterwards", it was deemed prudent to collect all the unprotected families, and support them within the garrison at the public expense, so long as the services of the husband or father were required for the common security. It was known that a party of 70 or 80 of Castro's men were " cruising" about our neigh- borhood, and the danger to unprotected families was imminent ; and therefore it became neces- sary to divide our forces in such manner as that the safety of the garrison should not be endan^ gered. Accordingly, Capt. Sears, of the " 1st Artillery", and Lieut, Ford, commander of the 166 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF "1st Eifle Company", were left in charge of the Fort, with about 20 men, in addition to those expected and known to be making prepara- tions to join us. Selecting the husbands, fath- ers and relatives of those defenceless families, the " General in Command" started before the dawn of day, with an escort of 10 men, for the aforementioned purpose. Proceeding cautious- ly along we discovered, a little after sunrise, a party of about 25 or 27 Spaniards, and made preparation for a meeting, by improving a path on the opposite declivity of the hill, so as ap- proach unobservedly ; but our wary opponents disappeared. This circumstance convinced our leader that any attempt to get a fight, (just for a sample of what could be done, so as in the main to avoid bloodshed), could not be ef- fectual, unless the enemy were allowed to have an advantage of ' five to one' : and even then a retreat must be feigned. This conclusion he formed from the fact, that he knew that not more than one-third of his small force had been seen by the enemy. The next day (21st) the families were returned in safety. Gen. Castro's proclamation, which breathed out death and slaughter against even the in- fant that had a drop of American blood in its THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 167 veins, greatly assisted us in getting together our forces. Even those who a few days before were unwilling to leave the care of a few calves, were not only ready to leave their stock and ranches, but their houses and household stuff, and to bring their families, instead of " taking them to the mountains", by by-paths, and in the night-time, to the protection offered by our garrison. On the 19th of June Thomas Cowey and George Fowler, two young men of peaceful dispositions were sent to Doct. Bails, a dis- tance of about 20 miles, to obtain a keg of powder which had been purchased. They re- ceived particular instructions as to the manner of proceeding, and of avoiding danger : but having proceeded more than half way very cautiously, and meeting no enemy, they took the main road, and traveled as at other times. They were discovered and captured without re- sistance— having trusted the promise of the enemy, that if they would give up their arms, they should receive no harm. They gave them up, and died like martyrs! They were tied to trees and inhumanly cut in pieces, in a man- ner too horrible to relate. This was the first Hood shed in the Conquest of California — an 168 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF exemplary measure of the consequence await- ing all who might be weak enough to think of retaining life by the surrender of their arms, in a conflict with such an enemy. But this vile act of his gave strength to our nerve, and sharpness to our flint. On the 21st our force was hourly increasing. All our prisoners in the callaboose had signed the " treaty stipulations", and been discharg- ed ; and it is not yet known that any of those Spaniards who made treaty with " the Bear- Flag-Men", ever after violated their engage- ments. As our numbers were now somewhat increas- ed, and there were men who had families de- pendent upon their daily labor for their sup- port, an effort was made to establish some sys- tem of monthly pay for the service : but as we had no other means than the securities of the public properties, and none of these were in any manner immediately available, it was foreseen that any system of monthly pay would serve but to increase our financial difficulties : it was resolved that there should not be made any distinction between one man's services and another's, and that no one should be allowed an individual perquisite, except rations for THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 169 himself and wife, and children under the age of twelve years. It was further resolved to recommend and pledge ourselves, that there should be given to each man who had not already that amount of land, at least one square league of choice land, as a bounty for which he was to consider him- self always bound to defend his Tights, in com- mon with his fellow-countrymen ; or, to ac- knowledge himself unworthy of citizenship. And again : it was resolved that the Mission property should be considered public property, except so much of it as had been properly vested in the several churches ; and that all persons who were known to have received any portion of these properties be required to ac«- count for the same ; and that every transfer of any of this property, wherein a valuable and complete consideration had not passed to some authorized agent of the Mexican Government, shall be considered void. It was considered that these means would be quite sufficient to defray expenses. On the 23d of June we learned that another of our messengers, (William Todd), had been captured by means of the treachery of a guide that had been employed to conduct him to a 170 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF settlement on the coast ; and great fears were entertained that he would also be cut in pieces, (as the two American young men had been) by the Spaniards who had Todd in custody — they being 88 strong. Now it was certain that the only way to res- cue Todd, was to get a fight and whip the en- emy, and thus- enable him to make his escape at the same moment that the enemy should make his escape. At this time we could have met him, man to man, besides guarding our Fort ; but to have sent such force after them would have caused the death of our comrade. So, as the only means of the thing sure, our Commander selected, one by one, until there were 18 men in the row. Capt. Ford, then 1st Lieut, of, and in command of the 1st company of Riflemen, was selected to carry into execu- tion the especial Orders of (not " General Fre- mont", for he knew nothing of the matter), but of another man who was understood, at this time, not to be on the most friendly terms im- aginable with that noble officer. This little band of 19 men, after having been made up, as nearly as possible, on the ra- tio of 1 to 5 men of the garrison, was especial- ly charged as to the importance of understand- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE, 171 ing and obeying orders. The design in partic- ular was to save the life of Todd ; but the practical utility and importance of properly conducting this manoeuvre was set forth in un- mistakable terms. The Lieutenant received Orders to " conduct his men cautiously along, without fatiguing the horses, until he should discover himself to the enemy ; then halt, and as soon as the enemy began to be in motion, retreat to the nearest clump of trees, and every man get down and tie his horse fast. Then mark out the distance of 100 yards, and let it be understood by every man where the line of the circle shall be, that there may be no mis" take. Then let no man fire before the enemy reach the well-known line. Then be careful to take, each one, your man---but be cautious not. all to fire at once, lest they rush upon and cut you to ^pieces before you can re-load. Make no calculation for mounting your horses, nor for running away. The Spaniards can outrun you, therefore don't fight them by running. Ke- rne mber that this day is to decide the fate of every one of us! If you do your duty like men this day, and we be faithful to ourselves, and follow up its advantages, you wiU not be again called on to engage in fight, until the full 172 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF conquest of all California is achieved. But if, on the other hand, you yield like cowards this day, not a man of us can save his life! And now, if there is a man among you in whom I have been mistaken in thus putting your brave- ry and good conduct to this severe test, let him speak, and I will fill his place. Will you carry out these orders at the expense of your life, if need be ?" " We will do it!" said the gallant Ford. " Have you a man with you that you cannot trus.t your life with ? Are you all sat- isfied ? Is every man ready to go and do his duty ? Then go ! and not a man of you will be harmed" — and they bounded away. There was felt no little anxiety as to the re- sult ; especially as we thought the life of Todd was at stake, and his release depended on an entire rout of the enemy. We had heard that Gen. Castro had already crossed the Bay, and as he was allowed, even by his enemies, to be a wiley adversary, it was fully believed that the operations of his advance party, whom Lt. Ford was sent to encounter, were intended to draw out our forces in a western direction, while Castro, with his host (for we were not yet informed of the fact that half of his men had deserted him), would, in that case, sud- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 173 denly fall upon our defenceless garrison from the east. Therefore it was, that the " Com- mander-in-Chief" remained at the garrison, and made all necessary preparations for such a movement by Castro : but (as we soon after- wards learned) he had sufficient occupation for his tact at generalship, to keep down and over- come a formidable party that had organized in support of our Proclamation of the 15th, on the south side of the Bay, under the superin- tendence of Weaver and Bird. Capt. Grigs- by, who was first elected Captain before the taking of the Fort, and who resigned through fear of being found in a state of u unauthoriz- ed rebellion", came back from a visit to Capt. Fremont's camp, and begged of the men to be reinstated ; and was elected captain of the 1st Company of Riflemen ; which office he held until the 5th of July. On the afternoon of the 24th Lieut. Ford came back, bringing Todd with him, and made report to the Commander, in these words : "I have done exactly as you ordered. We have lohipped them, and that without receiv- ing a scratch. We took their whole band of horses, but owing to the fact that about one half of the men retreated with all possible 174 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF haste, I did not think best to encumber our- selves by taking the whole band. So we only picked out each one a good horse, and thus supplied the place of the horses we had killed, and have come back without bringing the whole- band/' " Very well done ! I did not order you to bring the horses : I only told you that you never mind the killing a few horses, for you would easily get more. You have done all that I expected of you. You have given tone and character to the Revolution. We have only to follow up this example and the work is done " THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 175 CHAPTER XV. CAPT. FEEMONT'S FIRSP VISIT — is A BIT CENSORIOUS — CHANG, ES FRONT, AND IS A TRIFLE LAUDATORIOUS. — HIS WHERE- ABOUTS FROM THE llTH TO THE 25TH OF JUNE. — THE GENERAL ASPECT OF THEIR AFFAIRS SERIOUSLY CONSIDER^ ED BY THE COMMANDER. — NARROW ESCAPE OF FREMONT AND PARTY. — THE MURDERERS OF FOWLER AND COWEY ESCAPE DUE PUNISHMENT, THROUGH FREMONT S INTER- FERENCE. ON the 25th of June, at 2, p. M., came Capt. Fremont with the whole of his forces, amount- ing to 72 men. Doct. Semple hailed us with joyful greeting, and frankly confessed that a few days since he had no confidence in any man among us capable of conducting the enter- prise ; but since the event of the 24th he was willing to risk his life anywhere that such a man as Lieut. Ford might lead the way. Amid the general congratulations of the oc- casion, £!apt. Fremont came up to me, and, without any other salutation, in a sarcastic and commanding tone, (looking me steadily in the face), said, " Who wrote that Proolamation for you ?" and continuing his " stern gaze" a mo- 176 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ment, and perceiving that not the least notice was taken of his insolence, he indignantly said, " H-ah !— your name was to it I" and left me as abruptly as he came. The inference to my mind was instantaneous, and to the effect that however I might refuse to expose an accom- plice in that offensive act, if there had been one, he was determined that / should not es- cape his wrath. But in a very few minutes he re-appeared, changing his whole line of attack, and I have every reason to believe that ere this he had changed his whole plan for the " Con- quest of California" ! But as, in the events of warfare, plans, and especially indefeasible purposes,' are subject to alterations and change, no farther notice would have been taken of these trivial demonstrations, had a tithe of his professed devotion to the cause of Independ- ence been genuine. But to proceed, dear Sir. If you will be patient, I will tell you the whole tale, so far as it came to my personal knowledge; although we have somewhat difference of version from what has been published instead of the truth, about this matter : and if in aught there is exaggeration or mistake, as I said before, the means of correction are at hand. It has been THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 177 said that " truth should not at all times be spoken"! But we consider the path of truth the only path of safety — ah, and of glory, too! But we will not contend for glory, since, like a shadow, it fleeth from its pursuer. We were about to say, that after a few mo- ments Capt. Fremont came in again, and ac- costed us in a most civil and graceful manner, this time, (as it became a gentleman) — said he was happy to see and understand that the Proclamation was all it could have been ; that every word was as he would have it, so far as it went ; that we had. done ourselves immortal honor ; that in style of diction it would com- pare favorably with the best writers in the States ; and only regreted that we had not made the insult and abuse he* had received a part of our grievances : — and went on to say * The u insult" here alluded to happened in this manner : As Capt. Fremont, with his surveying party, on the 3d of March, 1846, was encamped' at Hartwell's Rancho, he receiv- ed a threatening missive from Gen. Castro, " by the hands of a Mexican officer, who was backed by 80 lancers, well arm- ed," ordering him to " return with your party beyond the lim- its of this Department" — warning .Fremont if he did not im- mediately comply, Castro would take measures to compel him to quit the country. This mandate was thus officially com- municated to Fremont on the 5th of March, and on the 6th 178 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF that he would receive it as a great favor, in case Gen. Castro should write or do any act or thing that might call forth another Manifesto, that we would not forget to do him^ (Fremont) the justice to set forth the insults he had en- dured at Castro's hand. To this we agreed, and we separated in mutual friendship; at least as sincere as were his unbounded professions of friendship for the success of our labors for unalloyed INDEPENDENCE ! Seeing that we had succeeded in saving the life of William Todd, and as we had learned that about 80 of Castro's men were on duty, this side the Bay, we determined to send a suf- ficient force to hunt them down so closely as to prevent their re-embarkation across the Bay. Lieut. Ford was sent in command of this ex- pedition, with orders not to turn to the right he entrenched himself, with his little band of assistants, on the summit of Hawk's Peak, 30 miles distant from Monterey. This place — 2200 feet above the level of the sea — he fortified with fallen trees, &c., and stripped one of them of its limbs and foliage, and suspended on it, 40 feet from its base, the American Flag. Castro raised a force of abount 200 men, and marched them off t© dislodge his disobedient visitor; but he took especial care not to go within rifle range of his fortified encampment, and finally abandoned the undertak- ing.— [From a California newspaper. — ED.] THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 179 or left from pursuit, so as to suffer them to es- cape. Capt. Fremont said in our hearing that he had come down, not to take any part in the matter; only to see the sport, and explore about the Bay : and that he would be pleased that our party should accompany him — or, that he would be pleased to accompany our party — which, we cannot certainly say — but so it was they all set out together, and so anxious were all hands to " see the sport", that it was with difficulty we could persuade 75 men to remain to guard the Fort. On the morning of the 26th this " pleasure" party left — in number amounting to about 134 men! — Large numbers continued to flock to our standard, and to record their names in support of Independence — pledging themselves to sup- port the principles of the Proclamation of the 15th of June. Before entering upon the doings of the said . " pleasure party", it may be well to give an ac- count of all we knew (by report) of Capt. Fre- mont's operations from the llth to the 25th of June. And here, as we knew nothing by per- sonal observation, you will compare it with other testimony. We were informed that Capt. Fremont con- 180 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF tinned his preparations for his journey to the States until the 17th, when he learned that a party had seized the Fort at Sonoma ; and, as it was not reasonable to suppose that Gen. Cas- tro would pass by so small a force as that at Sonoma, to attack the larger force at Johnson's Kancho, more than 100 miles further off, the only chance to provoke that attack, which was, according to his instructions from the Ex- ecutive Departmeat, to constitute and be, in effect, a Declaration of War, on the 'part of Mexico, against the United States, was to move down nearer to the liabilities. So, on the 18th he moved to Sutter's Fort, and informed Capt. Sutter that it was necessary to take possession of his Fort, and if he thought fit to yield peacable possession, it would save the disagree- ble necessity of taking it by force. Capt. Sut- ter gave possession, and Gen. Vallejo and his companions were put under guard there. Here Capt. Fremont waited for a few days, expecting that the garrison at Sonoma would soon be overthrown, and that the much desired assault upon the United States' Flag would soon be made, to rescue the much loved and esteemed Gen. Vallejo and his friends. But while preparations for the said attack, THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 181 and further provision for his journey across the Plains were being made, he received a letter from Lieut. Ford, informing him that the men of the garrison had no confidence in the abili- ty of Mr. Ide to manage matters at the Fort at Sonoma ; that they were in great danger of being betrayed into the hands of the Span- iards ; that such an inference was drawn from the supposition that the Commander had erred in his conditions of peace with the neighboring Spaniards. (At the time this letter was sent we had no knowledge thereof, as it was sent by that weekly messenger that was provided by the hospitality of the Americans, to convey let- ters from the families of the said prisoners to Gen. Vallejo and companions, and from said prisoners to their families, weekly.) Intelligence of this was soon communicated to the Commander, and every effort was made to convince the men of the garrison that our interest, as well as moral obligations, forbade that we should refuse to others the same rights and liberties that we claimed for ourselves, and that we must not, if we desire the best good of the inhabitants of California, think of lay- ing hold of the right to govern by the iron hand military force, but by the might of such equit- 182 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF able principles as we could plainly show were calculated to unite the masses in one common effort to extend the knowledge and blessings of true Liberty. Lieut. Ford, (as we were informed by an of- ficer who had seen the said letter) begged Gapt. Fremont, by all means, to come down and make his camp in the immediate neighborhood of Sonoma. Whether this letter had pith and pathos sufficient to dissuade Oapt. F. from all his public protestations against involving him- self, his men or his Government, in any un- warrantable and dishonorable interference in the internal difficulties of the people of a na- tion then at peace with his Government, (as far as was then known by us), or whether a desire to avail himself of the honor of provoking the Mexican authorities to open the floodgates of that war which fate had destined to be the messenger of peaceful Liberty to so much of the Mexican domain as it might be desirable to "annex" to the Union, in order to obtain, or rather to retain the balance of political power in favor of " the cherished institutions of the South", we will not presume to affirm ; but will state distinctly, that up to the 25th, and even to the 5th of July, he had adhered THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 183 strictly to his neutral plan of provocation, ac- cording to what was fully understood among the knowing ones to be in accordance with his private instructions : and what course of con- duct could be better calculated to exasperate — to induce some unthinking agent of Mexican authority (a subaltern of a friar, perchance), to throw an unlucky shot at one of Capt. Fre- mont's "neutral and unoffending men", and thus to have struck the chord discordant — that had rung the tocsin of war, involving in its consequences a hundred thousand lives! If he who, by the favor of Heaven and persever- ing study, has seized the lightnings and direct- ed their course, shall be thought worthy the admiration of his surviving race, in how much higher estimation shall he be held, who may introduce a successful mode of conquest, with- out the shedding of blood — of extending Lib- erty to the suffering sons of civil oppression and slavery ? But pardon me, dear Sir, and I will return to the narration of another series of events as they occured, and which imperceptibly produc- ed our overthrow. Perhaps you would have considered the 5th of July the zenith of our glory! Not so, dear 184 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Sir. It is true that numbers came pouring in up to the 5th. This continued increase of numbers was the effect of that quiet influence of motives, designs and principles, silently set in motion, which could not be supposed to cease to act, on the commission of the first er- ror, nor yet on any change of the general plan. But you will recollect that no action was had reflecting the least credit to our enterprise, af- ter the arrival of Capt. Fremont at Sonoma : and if we had been ten days in establishing a reputation for our cause, which was capable of enlisting the whole energy of the country in its support, and which did enlist hundreds who had no knowledge of us, except by the one com- mon appeal made to all alike — to enemies as well as to friends — ten days more were fully sufficient to effect an entire revolution, and to divert and change the current of that general interest which none other had power to awaken. These prefatory remarks bring us to consider the events and circumstances which changed the character of our enterprise, and presented California to the United States as a trophy of that species of conquest that wallows in the blood of murder, or of that ignoble traffic that makes the price of Liberty the price of blood ' THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 185 — instead of presenting the same fair land on terms of honorable compact and agreement, — such as all the world can participate in with- out loss or dishonor, by the free, frank expres- sion of voluntary consent and good will of the pafties. We will now refer to a little incident illus- trative of the feeling of all California, at that time, on this subject. The native Californians were democratic in feeling, scorning subjuga- tion by conquest ; but not ignorant of advant- ages that might have been secured to all Cal- ifornia by an amicable union with the United States. After taking the garrison at Sonoma, and after confidence had been established by the equitable course pursued, the highest offi- cial officer of the District of Sonoma, on see- ing our flag, said to me : " Why did you not raise the United States' flag ?" I said we had no right to do so ; that the United States' Government would justly punish us should we do so, and return within its jurisdiction : but that we would raise an Independent Flag, and become a united and free people ; and then, by peacful agreement, unite ourselves to the United States by treaty — and then, (and not till then) we would hoist the United States' 186 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Flag. He heartily replied, " Buena ! then will my people dance all day ! !" But such a day of glory to the free institutions of America was not then at hand. Yes, we would have gladly " danced", also, rejoicing — " Old men and maidens, in the dance together", if *we might have been allowed to behold the peace- ful triumph of just principle, rather than the triumph of Buena Vista and Sierra Gorda ! On the evening of the 28th one of our men intercepted a letter addressed to certain citizens of Sonoma, giving intelligence, that early on the morning of the 30th Gen. Castro would in- vade Sonoma, and put to death every soul found there, without distinction, except the " Grande Oso", whom they intended to chain and convey to the other side of the Bay, for the amusement of their women and children. All the Spanish people came and requested of me permission to leave the town, which was positively refused. After much unavailing per- suasion they ceased to importune ; but a short time after a request was presented, that all the women and children, both American and Span- ish, might be allowed to congregate in one house, and that the Spanish men might be al- lowed to take shelter in the callaboose. To THE LIFE OF WILLIAM. B. IDE. 187 this we agreed. The women and children were hived in the back apartment of Gen. Vallejo's house ; and as the night came on, all were ready for the expected attack. The two 18-pound- ers, double charged with canister shot, guarded the main entrance, and 7 other pieces of artil- lery were in using order, and so arranged as to be available at short notice at any point whith- er an attack might be made. The 250 loaded muskets were divided among the men, and so "placed as to be within convenient reach. The rifles/all fresh capped, were ready — the guards were strictly charged, the matches were always burning at night. About 4, a. m., or a little earlier, our guards came in and reported having heard the tramp- ing of horses in the distance. Every man was called to the position intended. The signal for the fight, the onset, was agreed on. The 18- pounders were first to answer the report of my rifle — each officer had his orders at what par- ticular distance the enemy should be allowed to approach, before he might engage in the fight. And as we well knew that if the enemy were to succeed at all, it would be by a sudden charge ; therefore we placed a trusty guard, whose duty it was to reserve each a loaded 188 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF musket, only to be used in such an emergency. Thus prepared, in less than one minute from the first alarm, all listened for the sound of the tramping horses — we heard them corning ! — then, low down under the darkened canon, we saw them coming ! ! In a moment the truth flashed across my mind : the Spaniards were deceiving us ! In a moment orders were given to the captains of the 18-pounders to re- serve fire until my rifle should give the word ; and, to prevent mistake, I hastened to a posi- tion a hundred yards in front of the cannon, and a little to the right oblique, so as to gain a nearer view. " Come back ; you will lose your life 1" said a dozen voices. " Silence \" roared Capt. Grigsby ; " I have seen the old man in a bull pen before to-day !" The blank- ets of the advancing host flowed in the breeze- They had advanced to within 200 yards of the place where I stood. The impatience of the nxen at the guns became intense, lest the ene- my came too near, so as to lose the effect of the spreading of the shot. I made a motion to lay down my rifle. The matches were swinging— "My God ! they swing the matches !" cried the well known voice of Kit Carson. " Hold on, hold on ! we shouted — 'tis Fremont, 'tis THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 189 Fremont !" in a voice heard by every man of both parties, we cried — while Capt. Fremont dashed away to his left to take cover behind an adobe house ; and in a moment after he made one of his most gallant charges on our Fort : it was a noble exploit ; he came in a full gal- lop, right in the face and teeth of our two long 18's! Thus ended this * glorious* battle ; and thus were our plans defeated ; and thus escaped those very men who cut in pieces George Fow- ler and Thomas Cowey, through the disobedi- ence of our orders, else had they have paid the penalty justly due to so inhuman an act. But the officer in charge, on being interrogated the reason why he had not left the Fort to the care of him whose duty and privilege it was to have defended it, until he had punished the murder- ers of Fowler and Cowey ? said "the advice of Capt. Fremont had induced him to forsake the path of duty/' The party were immediate- ly ordered back to the pursuit of the flying murderers of Fowler and Cowey ; and, after a hearty breakfast, they departed and arrived at the Bay in season to witness the embarcation of Castro's men. It appeared on investigation, that — First, a 190 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF letter had been addressed to Sonoma, intended to fall into the hands of the garrison, in the hope that I wonld recall the men under Ford for the protection of the Fort ; but this hav- ing failed, the flying Spaniards drew lots among their number, and three men, prepared with letters in their boots, put themselves in the power of their pursuers, threw away their arms and fell on their knees, begging for quarter : but the orders were to take no prisoners from this band of murderers, and the men were shot and never rose from the ground. But not- withstanding one of the men declared with his dying breath, that he expected death — that he came on purpose to die for the benefit of his countrymen ; yet Capt. Fremont was either deceived by the letters found in their boots, or he deceived our men, by advising them to for- sake the pursuit; — in either case the strata- gem took effect, and the murderers escaped. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 191 CHAPTER XVI. CAPT. FREMONT AGAIN IN THE FIELD. — THE COMMANDANT^ ORDERS DISOBEYED. — THE BEAR FLAG GOVERNMENT " IN QUIET POSSESSION OF ALL CALIFORNIA." — THE U. S. OFFI- CERS' PLANS — THE BEAR FLAG GOVERNMENT TO BE MADE OVER TO THEM. — THE " GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND COUN- CIL" CONVENE ON THE 5TH OF JULY— VOTE TO WIPE OUT ALL PREVIOUS DOINGS OF THE BEAR FLAG PARTY, AND RAISE THE UNITED STATES* FLAG, UNDER CAPTAIN FRE- MONT'S COMMAND. ON the 1st day of July came three men from the opposite side of the Bay, and informed us that all the Americans and other foreigners were up and doing to spread our Proclamation, and that a company of 100 were already col- lected in its support, and requested us to send ftiem arms. A boat was provided, and ar- rangements made to mount a small piece of artillery on board the boat, so as to secure the safe conveyance of a party of 12 men in charge of 100 muskets ; but before these arrange- ments were complete, Capt. Fremont returned 192 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OP to Sonoma, and so advised as to defeat the measure. It now wanted only two or three days to the 4th of July, and our order for the immediate embarkation of the 12 men with the arms, to the assistance of our friends, at the head of whom was Weaver, Bird and others, could not be enforced, because Capt. Fremont was op- posed to it, and the measure was postponed until after the 4th. The 4th came like other days. Two hundred and seventy-two men had sign- ed our roll. We were in quiet, and for the time, in undisturbed possession of all Califor- nia north and east of the San Joaquin Kiver. We had taken possession of Yerba Buena and spiked the cannon there. All that was neces- sary was to have pursued our victory, to have made it complete. It may have been considered very important to the interests of the United States, to have prevented the crossing of the Bay by our forc- es, and the consequent union and cooperation with our friends there, who had assembled in support of our Proclamation of the 15th of June, as such an event would have rendered the immediate conquest and success of princi- THB LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 193 pies inevitable ; and that, too, before any safe plan could be devised for getting up the United States' Flag. Although this conquest would not have in the least retarded the union of Cal- ifornia with the States ; yet it would have giv- en the citizens of California the right of being consulted as to the TERMS of the union ; and what was and is of equal importance to those who delight to cherish the honor of the Insti- tutions of Liberty — it would have prevented that foul stain of disgrace that attaches to that very institution of liberty which we delight to honor. As relates to the next consideration of mo- ment— which, indeed, may with truth be said to have had more influence in determining events than any other consideration whatever — it is of inconsiderable importance who were to be the renowned ' Conquerors cf California/ One thing was reduced to a moral as well as a physical certainty : that if the current of pop- ularity our cause had acquired, thus suddenly, were allowed to proceed, it would have been quite impossible for any force of the United States authority, then within using distance, to have kept up with it ; and, consequently, all that glory which had so manifestly inspired 194 A BIOGAPHICAL SKETCH OF the hopes of its officers present would have been lost ! To prevent a catastrophe so ap- palling, it became necessary that the greatest exertions should be used to hurry up a pretext for hoisting the U. S. Flag, and, Commodore Jones-like, take possession of the whole coun- try. Now, dear Sir, at what particular date this new plan of Conquest was matured, is more than we know ; but, nevertheless, we are able to leave it between ten days next preced- ing the 5th of July, '46. We were now no longer, in case of war with the United States, to be considered a free people, and regarded as allies ; but we were soon to be told that it was the policy of the United States Government (officers) to treat those as enemies, whom they might find in an enemy's country ! But before it was prudent to throw such an insult square in our face, it was necessary to place one of their number in command of our military forces ; and not only so, but it was also imperatively necessary to rely much on our love of country, and devotion to the best interests of the people with whom we were as- sociated, else had they learned more of the na- ture and consequence of such an unwarrantable and uncalled for abuse. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 195 If it is still necessary to state, in concise lan- guage, this second edition of the plan for the conquest of California, < revised and corrected' by the joint labors of Lieuts. Gillespie, Missroon and others, we will give it without fear of con- tradiction. First, secure the command of the Independent forces of the Bear Flag Eepublic. Secondly, hoist the U. S. Flag, and follow up to the entire conquest. Thirdly, if no war be- tween Mexico and the United States ensue, sell out all the military stores of the U. S. to the Government of California, and obtain Califor- nia by treaty with the new Government. But in the event of a war, to seize and acquire the whole by the right of conquest. And it was admitted by all that the Government of the United States would, as a matter of course, cashier whoever might consent thus to violate its honor, by becoming the leader of the said Independents. Yet as a solace for his dishon- or, (to use the language of our informant, who was one of said U. S. officers), " he will be in town with a pocket full of rocks." Further to explain how, and in what man- ner, this plan was made successful, I will now copy from my Journal written at the time, and as I have hinted before : " Capt. Fremont op- 196 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF posed the sending men and arms across the Bay — advised us not to believe every report — that as one of our informants was an Englishman, it might be a plan to entrap us : it was not best to push our success too rapidly, as we would endanger the safety of Sonoma. Only delay a day or two — you may receive more informa- tion/' Further on it is added : " From the foregoing advice and other inducements con- nected therewith, it became impossible to con- vince our men of the danger which threatened our unarmed associates on the other side of the Bay : and delay ensued which caused their en- tire dispersion : while four of their number were made prisoners — three of whom suffered extreme cruelty ; but the fourth, who was my second son, was released with the gift of a horse and a passport, with the following expression of Gen. Castro : 1 1 will not punish you ; I have released you to convince your Father that I, too, know how to perform a generous aet. — When I meet you on the battle-field, I will ask you for your passport/ " You will recollect that that portion of the men who were opposed to making themselves responsible for their own acts, at the time it was determined to take possession of the Gar- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 197 risen of Sonoma, departed to join Capt. Fre- mont. These men were again returned to So- noma, and seeing all the good citizens of Cal- ifornia were fast falling into the same fatal er- ror which had well nigh involved themselves in rebellion — from motives of prudence, and by the advice of certain naval officers, resolved to effect by artifice what could not have been done by a fair expression of the voice of the whole. They argued that if Capt. Fremont could be placed in command of our forces, it would amount to an alliance with the United States ; or at least that he would be cashier- ed, and would remain with us. They seemed fully to understand, that if Capt. Fremont could be placed in command, we should at once come under the protection of the United States : while it is more than supposable, that our very attentive friends of the'U. S. marine authority, in connection with their " Civil En- gineers3', had quite another object in the ma- noeuvre— which may be more fully understood from the narration of what follows : Early on the 5th of July Capt. Fremont re- quested the " bear men", as the " Independ- ents" were designated, to assemble ' without arms', within a large room at Don Salvadore's 198 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF house, adjoining which, was a smaller room ca- pable of convening the Captain's Company — who assembled there, under arms, to the num- ber of 72 of his men, and 8 or 10 gentlemen offi- cers from the U. S. ships then in the Bay. The number of the Independents, in contradistinc- tion, was about 280 men, without arms — a cit- izens' assembly, convened to deliberate on some proposition expected to be made by Capt. Fre- mont. The business was before the Independent citizens, as a matter of course : but the Coun- cil was composed of their friends, and an arm- ed sentinel, from Capt. Fremont's guards, kept the door between the private Council-room and the hall of the Representatives of the People. This large assembly might properly be as- similated with the Legislative Assembly of Vermont, in* its first organization (the more efficient arm of the government), while the as- sembluge of armed friends might prefigure the Governor and Council of Vermont ; yet they do not enjoy the veto power, but simply the power of suspension. Capt. Fremont, accompanied by Lieut. Gil- lispie and two or three others — officers in the U. S. Navy — presented himself before the 'gen- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 199 eral assembly', and opened the business of the session by declaring — (not his determination to conquer California, to be sure ; for he said he should not, in any manner, intermeddle in the affairs of California politics) — but his already d-e-c-i-d-e-d resolution to conquer G-en. Jos6 Castro, whom he violently denounced as an usurper in the California government. He went on to say that his meditated expedition against him could not be considered a violation of the amicable relations existing, between the United States and Mexico. He continued to say : " I shall proceed to take Castro, and take him with me to the States, whether you coop- erate with me or not" : and, in justification, refered to the manner in which he had been insulted by Gen. Castro. After having sufficiently guarded himself against any futtire imputation of unwarranta- ble interference, on his part, in those matters which exclusively belonged to the citizens of California, he said, that as we (connecting his party with the assembly of citizens), have one common enemy, he would state the conditions on which he whould agree to make common cause with us. The advantages he proposed to confer on us &00 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF were : First, his unwavering support of our Independence, and of the principles and pur- poses set forth by our Proclamation of the 15th of June. Secondly, he offered us every facility his well supplied camp afforded, — that we would be allowed to share with himself and men the military stores and provisions sup- plied by the U. S. Government ; and. most of all, we might rely on his friendly advice in con- ducting all our purely military operations. The two first conditions were scarcely nom- inal. They only required that we should sign a pledge that we would " abstain fr,om the vi- olation of the chastity of women", and that we would conduct the Eevolution honorably. The third simply required a pledge of obedi- ence to the orders of our properly constituted officers. He insisted at some length on the imperious necessity that all should solemnly pledge im- plicit and unconditional obedience to the prop- er officers, which now became essentially nec- essary to success ; and after expatiating on the vast importance of conducting honorably the enterprise that was destined to become a brilliant example to the oppressed throughout the world, of a people though few, who have THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 201 by the mighty impulse of Equity's inspiring principle, overthrown the rapacious powers of usurpation, avarice and governmental oppres- sion ; and, by instituting equal liberty of as- suming a higher and more honorable system of government among the enlightened and free. After having again pledged his honor to stand by us, at least until Gen. Castro should have been overcome, he closed his propositions and remarks by politely bowing to the soon- to-be ex-commander, as if he would say, ' Will you now have the magnanimity to second my propositions'? In reply to the Captain's proposition he said that he believed the past honorable and unim- peachable conduct of the men of the garrison, which had the esteem and confidence of even many of our enemies, and the responded appro- bation and support of all present, could not be refused, even by Captain Fremont, as a suffi- cient guarantee for the future, so far as the first and second conditions were concerned. But since we had but recently suffered the defeat of all our well devised plans, through a want of confidence in the ability of our highest officer in command — and, too, through disobedience of orders given, whereby our enemy had es-- 202 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF caped an otherwise certain overthrow, and our friends collected south of the Bay had been dis- persed, and their leaders made prisoners, it was admitted to be of the highest importance that those to whom we had committed, or to whom we shall hereafter commit the responsibility of directing our combined efforts, might possess so much of the confidence of the governed, as would enable them to carry into effect at least their commands. And inasmuch as Capt. Fre- mont had prepared a solemn pledge, calculated by its provisions to give confidence to those in command, and to bind us closer to the fixed and publicly declared object of our Revolution, a motion was made, in conclusion, to appoint a committee to draft an appropriate PLEDGE, to be subscribed by every man before he might further participate in the perils or honors at- tendant upon the establishment of such a sys- tem of government, as shall secure to all the free enjoyment of rational liberty* The generous feeling of the assembly imme- diately responded by electing the last speaker their said committee ; whereupon the prudent sense of the privy council suggested the pro- priety of electing two persons more to join said •commit tee, /row the council of friends, in ar- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 203 ranging an affair upon which so much depend- ed. Thus strengthened, the said committee retired to consider the subject of their charge, under an injunction of brevity from the privy council. At the committee's assembling and proceed^ ng to business, it appeared that the adjument- ative portion thereof were decidedly in favor of setting aside all that haxl been done in the cause, and for making the era of the Independ- ence of California to commence with the com* mand of Capt. Fremont. It was true that two of the three composing this committee were selected from Capt. Fremont's Company, neither of whom had hitherto taken any active part under our Flag — who had each been nom- inated by the other — who were in no manner interested in anything that had been done un- der our Flag, farther than any other of Capt, Fremont's men ; neither of whom had signed our articles, or otherwise identified themselves with our cause. Under these circumstances it was easy to conceive and to understand the motive of these representatives of the secret council : and, also, it was easy to understand why they were elect- ed by a body of men to which they at the time 204 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF did not belong. And it was easy, also, to rep- resent the wishes and interests of that body, whose right it was to be represented in a mat- ter that only concerned themselves, to wit : what shall be the form of that pledge which they were disposed, of their own free will, to offer to Capt. Fremont, in exchange for his proffered three overtures — in ratification of the proposed treaty of alliance, " offensive and de- fensive", by which, according to his own state- ment verbally made, we were to make joint ef- fort against " the common enemy." Therefore it was worse than useless to furth- er argue any difference that might exist in the views of the primitive portion of the commit- tee and its adjunct portion, than to understand the position of each ; as it was reasonable to suppose that the original assembly of " Bear Men, wlw were Bear Men", would be at liber- ty to sustain such a report as would truly rep- resent their wishes and interest. Accordingly each of the component portions of the committee drafted a resolution and pledge suiting the views of each, which were forthwith reported by its Chairman to the re- assembled convention, in accordance with the established rules of conventional assemblies ; THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 205 although not without a serious attempt, on the part of the adjuncts, to seize the chair. They appeared satisfied, however, with the impar- tiality of the Chairman, in the discharge of his duty as reporter of the committee's doings. The Keport of the majority was first read, and their views, as far as expressed in the sit- ting of the committee, were fairly represented. It was proposed by the first article of the majority report, to annul and wipe out all that had been done up to the 5th of July. The reasons urged in defence of this article were : 1st, the 5th of July immediately follows the 4th day of July, the anniversary of American Independence ; and, 2dly, as Capt. Fremont was to be our advisor ary leader, it would ena- ble him to " begin with the beginning", and that his name and influence would add more advan- tage to the cause by being thus associated ; and, 3dly, it was proper that, in changing the e administration', there should be a new organ- ization throughout : or, more definitely, that we who are out of office may have a chance to get in. After followed the Eeport of the minority, which [Thus abruptly " ends the chapter. 206 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF CHAPTER XVII. EDITORIAL REMARKS. — "THE CONQUEST OF CALIFORNIA" UN- DER THE BEAR FLAG GOVERNMENT, AN. ASSURED FACT. — MR. IDE'S BUSINESS HABITS AND QUALIFICATIONS. — HIS PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT. THE WAMBOUGH LETTER brings this " His- tory of the Conquest of California" down to about the commencement of hostilities between the United States and Mexico, in 1846. Be- fore this state of war between us and his own government was known by Gen. Castro, then the actual head and commander of the Mexi- can authorities in California, (it appears by Mr. IDE'S statement), Castro had taken him- self and his dilapidated military forces across the Bay, on his way to Mexico, and had thus " escaped due punishment for the murder of Fowler and Cowey". Thus it also appears, that on or about the 5th of July, when the new " administration" took possession, and the " change of government" was accomplised, the . civil and military authority of Mexico had been thoroughly " wiped out" — California was not, THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 207 and had not been, from the 15th of June to the 5th of July, under Mexican rule. She tvas, what her rude " national" Flag had from day to day proclaimed, " THE CALIFORNIA REPUB- LIC." During these twenty days there was no obstruction, by a conflicting party, to the ex- ercise by the Bear Flag Government, of its en- tire functions and prerogatives of National In- dependence. For a greater part of this time, and especially at its close, it was, as Mr. IDE truly remarks, " in quiet, and for the time, in undisturbed possession of all California north of the San Joaquin River. All that was nec- essary was to have pursued our victory, to have made it complete." These facts andc onsider- ations (we think, from our stand-point), war- rant the conclusion, that on the 4th of July, 1846, the " Bear Flag Government" had effect- ually conquered California — had, to all intents and purposes, wrested that province from the mother country ; and would have maintained . that stand with " complete success," had there been no " uwarrantable interference" from out- side quarters, and without a change of ' admin- istration' or Flag, until she had voluntarily applied, as she eventually did, for admission as one of the States of the American Union. 208 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Those who were well acquainted with the subject of this memoir well know, that he was not the man to " put his hand to the plow and look back/' As in scaling the Nevada Moun- tain, the year before, on his way with his em- igrating train to the " land of promise", he un- dertook a job which his companions thought impracticable, but which proved a notable suc- cess, so did he succeed most wonderfully in an- other far more adventurous undertaking, which not only his boon companions, but his outside friends at first view deemed impracticable. — Although better qualified by education and ex- perience to wield the broad-axe and hammer than the sword and helmet of the " command- er", yet, when by accident the latter were put into his hand, what he lacked in skill for their use, he made up by sleepless vigilance and in- domitable courage, resolution and perseverence — such as initiated the command, " Now take the Fort !" AS A PRIVATE CITIZEN, Mr. IDE was respected by his neighbors and acquaintance. He took a lively interest in their welfare, as by reference to pages 25-6 of these ' Sketches' it is stated that he ' took great THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 209 interest in politics ; and, while in Madison, 0., he wrote a great many articles of agreement for his neighbors, and was often consulted by them on occasions of disputes occuring between them about rights of land, division-lines, and other misunderstandings' — thus acting as a ge- nial and mutual friend, without fee or reward, as ' a peace-maker' among them. He started in the race of business-life, at the age of twenty-one, with no other 'capital' than a pair of stalwart arms and hands, and by the use of them, and a judicious investment of the fruit of their labors, at the age of about 56 he was in possession of what he considered a "competency of this world's goods", for him- self and family — as he then stated in a letter to one of his brothers at the East. But it was 'otherwise ordered' than that he should remain here long to enjoy this " compe- tency." He died at Monroeville, Cal., on the 19th of Dec., 1852, aged 56 years, 7 menths and 12 days, after an illness disabling him for the duties of his office of only about one week. He held, at the time of his decease, the office of County Judge for Colusi Co., by electicn, and, by appointment, he officiated as Judge of Probate, County Treasurer, County Surveyor, 210 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF County Clerk, — and, exofficio, as County Re- corder and County Commissioner. We under- stand the sallary and perquisites attached to all these offices amounted to about $ 2,000 per annum. His county, (I am informed by a California correspondent) was at that time nearly as large as the State of New Hampshire. He held these several offices, (or a great part of them) about 20 months, to the day of his decease.— My correspondent adds : " By the exercise of his influence, sound judgment and financial tact, he kept the county free of debt, at a time when extravagance and misrule, in most of the other counties, were piling up debts which are burdens upon the people's shoulders to this day. The County of Colusa had no jail at the time Judge IDE was appointed,pand no money with which to build one. There was no very convenient way for confining persons brought there, for trial, in criminal cases, without the expeuse of day and night keepers. In the spring of 1852 Mr. Ide related to a friend who called on him, what he did to obviate this in- convenience, somewhat as follows : ' I have tools which I brought with me over the Plains, some I brought by steamer, on my last trip THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 211 from the East. %I will get some good bar iron from San Francisco, and some bolts, and will build a cage with my own hands."' And this writer adds : " He did so, with some assist- ance by the local smith, perhaps. He drilled the bars and bolted them together ; thus mak- ing a safe and durable cell for the confinement of prisoners. He placed this cage under the dense and comfortable shade of a monster oak in front of a building which, at that time, and for that place, was a ' first-class Stage Hotel, and the county Court House'. No guard was required, and it needed no ventillation. It was a healthy as well as a secure place for detaining the accused while awaiting trial. It was a suc- cess— a necessary and inexpensive structure, saving the County much expense in the line of public buildings. Some years afterwards, when the County Seat was removed from Monroe- ville, this cell or cage was also moved ; and even now, after the lapse of so many years, it is doing duty as a cell in the splendid new brick Jail, at Colusi, Colusi County." In further response to the Editor's inquiry, this correspondent writes : " Some thought Judge IDE'S death was hastened to give oppor- tunity for robbery. I do not think so. It is 212 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF true there were suspicious circumstances in re- lation to his last sickness, which gave credence to such a belief in the minds of some of his friends. He was living away from his family: his wife having died about two years previous- ly, and his children residing at a great dis- tance on his Kancho, were none of them with him during his short confinement with the small pox. He had the key of the county safe under his head at the time of his death, I have been told. The man who attended him during his sickness took said key and robbed the safe. It was known at the time how much money there wras in the safe belonging to the County. The thief was pursued — finally caught, and all the County's money recovered — but no more. Mr. Ide was known to have money of his own in the safe, but how much no one knew. None of his money was recovered ; and the thief, by the connivance of some one who was, perhaps, his confederate in the plunder, escaped the sec- ond time, and was never re-taken. " Mr. IDE was buried at Monroe ville, where was once the site of Coiusi Co. Court House ; but at the present day there are no buildings there, and the land they stood on is occupied as a wheat field." THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. Mr. IDE'S plan for " civil service" rules, un- der his " administration", as explained by his third stipulation of principles, (see page 145), which were to prevail under the new govern- ment, for the time being, at least, viz : that its prominent public offices should be occupied by that class of philanthropic, patriotic citi- zens who could not be enticed by the love of money " to corruption, fraud and dishonor", shows that he was a full-blooded radical poli- tician, of the strictest sect of. the present day: but with this difference of developement : while the modern ' radicals' preach high-toned pat- riotism, and practice the contrary, he practiced what he preached — for we are credibly inform- ed that, for his month or more indefatigable labors while organizing the " Bear Flag Gov- ernment", and superintending its operations, and for his four or five months' services under Capt. Fremont, in his expedition down the coast in pursuit of JDon Castro and his hand- ful of men — for all these public services, " civil and military", he never asked or received of the Californian or of the United States' govern- ment, any compensation for his timey if, in- deed, his necessary personal expenses while in the U. S. service were provided for him. X 214 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF Mr. IDE was a man of temperate, industri- ous and frugal habits, and of an enterprising business propensity . Soon after his arrival in California he purchased a three-mile-square tract of land, situated in the pleasant valley "at the head of navigation7', on the Sacra- 2 £mento Kiver^ some y neghbor Shareid's bu^kerjes [horse-riders], He ran awav from his employer and joined the aforesaid Rancho of Indians, and made known his plan. He said that two men should go down to my place — find me, — go close up and shoot me; but lie would not go, because I should know him. Others would not go, for the same reason. At length two Indians were found who did not know him they intended to kill, and very safely con- THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 229 eluded that I did not know them. After having taken the necessary directions thejr set off. * * * Our heroes came down, and finding a man encamped near my house, they shot two arrows into his back and fled. Learning their mistake, a few days after they sent five others who said they knew me, and would kill me sure. So they came, and were discovered by my little Indian boys, who gave the alarm. I was not at home; but Daniel and Lemuel (being all the white folks at hand), armed for the fight and went out— but the Indians had fled. The next night, between daylight and dark, they came again. So Lemuel, Daniel and Thomas Crafton* took the fiekl — and, sure enough, this time they got into a fight. Lemuel and Tommy lost all relish for the fun when the arrows began to whiz, and fell back in the rear, and took shelter behind Daniel, holding on to his clothes, in order to prevent his dodging away from be- fore them ; but Daniel succeeded in wounding one of the enemy, and in inducing Lemuel to fire his gun, which he did without taking aim, and Thomas fired his in like manner, without effect, except to encourage the enemy, who, (taking advantage as they supposed of the unload- ed guns^, rushed on to the charge with knife in hand : but Daniel had his gun loaded again, and Lemuel and Tommy, seeing the Indians were about to hiy hold of them, took their former p'are in. the rear, and so dis- turbed Daniel, that he missed his aim, threw down his rifle, shook off the boys at his back, and sprang forward upon the enemy— drawing his revolver, he put it right * The boy mentioned in Mrs. Healy's account of the emigrating com- pany of 1845. 230 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF to them, discharging his five shots so suddenly, that the hindmost one of the retreating enemy felt the search- ing influence of the little weapon on his naked knife, before he had time to finish his triumphant hurrang! — Thus ended that war. " The boys, seeing the Indians turn their backs, did not pursue, but returned to the house, one fourth of a mile from their a glorious field of battle." The next morning the Indians were all gone. They were all wounded, to say the least — either in body or mind." A MULTITUDE OP PUBLIC OFFICES. " Monroeville, Colusi Co., Gal., Nov. 9, 1851. " DEAR BROTHER : " I am seated in the office of the County Clerk of Colusi county, where I am at present, by virtue of the elective franchise been made Judge of the county Court, civil and criminal, President of the Commissioners' Court or court of Sessions for said county, and Judge of Probate ; and, by appointment duly recorded, I am made the County Clerk — Clerk of the District Court, (9th district) Clerk of the County Court and of the court of Sessions, Clerk of the Probate Court, county Record- er and county Auditor. These several offices at present limit my official duties: but I suppose I shall, just to accommodate our floating population, be compelled to serve as 'Treasurer, Deputy Sheriff, Dep. County Sur- veyor'— and very probably as Coroner and Justice of the Peace — and, possibly, as Dep. Notary Public. "This account may excite some surprise; but I will THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 231 explain: nine-tenths of our population are here to-day, and, to-morrow — are somewhere else. Our county is about 75 miles in extent on the Sacramento River, and about 30 miles wide. Our population are like birds of passage, except their migrations are not exactly period- ical. All the circumstances which make it difficult to obtain responsible and permanent county officers com- bine to make these officers necessary. At present ten individuals pay more than three-fourths of the taxes paid within the county, and comprise nearly all its per- manent residents. These men, as a general thing, re- side on their Ranches, to attend to their private affairs, and are the only residents of the county who are able to give the requisite bonJs. At the polls the non-resi- dents (when they unite), have the elections as they please; and the usual result is, that transient, irrespon- sible persons are elected, and bonds of the Wee character are filed. Last year the 'sovereign' people' elected for County Judge, (who is by law the acceptor or rejector of all official bonds), a dissipated lawyer who, of course, accepted such bond? as came to hand; and the admin- istration of public affairs, financially, went on swim- mingly for a few months — all the offices were promptly filled— bonds filed, and gin, brandy and wine-bottles and glasses occupied the place of stationery. The records of the courts became unintelligible to sober people; not a court of any kind, except justice of the peace courts, was held within the county, (except the Court of Ses- sions, and that was uniformly conducted by the Senior Justice, while the presiding Judge was otherwise em- ployed.) 232 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF tc The ' property -holders', as we are called here, refus- ed to pay their taxes, on the ground of the insufficiency of the official bonds ; and the good Hcst at the county seat hecame tired of his boarding customer in the po?t of County Judge. Next followad a proclamation from the Governor, ordering the election of a person to fill the office of Judge. Judge resigned, and the elec- tion resulted in the choice of one of the ' property- holders', [your brother]. And a further result was, that LEGAL bonds are required, which transient persons can- not procure. " Another provision of the law is, that all public of- fices, except that of justice of the peace, shall be kept open at the county seat, from 10 o'clock until 12, and from 1 to 4, each day, except Sundays, new-years, Christ- mas and eleotion-days ; and none of the county offices, separately, will pny a person who can furnish the requi- site bonds, for keeping these office hours. But ten or twelve county offices, combined, will serve to amnse for awhile the present incumbent — and will also interest him not a liftle to keep down expenses; or at least to prevent profligacy in the public expenditure. THE BEAUTIFUL CALIFORNIA SCENEBRY. u Thus and so are my public duties explained. Mon- roeville is in the heart of the largest valley in Califor- nia, about 20 miles from my lower Rancho. It is sur- rounded by rich and fertile lands on all sides, extending far and wide. The little valley of the Connecticut af- fords no such scenery. It may be said to surpass ours in THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 233 beauty. The hills, the valleys, the mountains are there contiguous, and are seen and contemplated at one cir- cumscribed view ; but here at Monroeville is one ex- tended view of fertile, alluvial intervale bottom. In the distance beyond, arise the indistinct hills, and further on are successive ranges of mountains, towering one above another, until the lofty forests are seen capped by ever-present snows — which in winter rush down to the verge of the hills and invigorate the grateful breezes ; while Flora paints the earth at our feet. The wild geese have come from the north !o feed upon our valleys, and the bears have come from the mountains to feed upon the grapes that entwine the trees along the streams of the valleys.. The antelope still bounds upon the plains ; the deer scud amid the foliage of the leafy trees, and the elk herd in the valleys between the hills. Such are the rural scenes on this 4 Pacific Slope/ THE DARK SIDE OF THE PICTURE. "But now for the 'dark side of the picture.' — No Church-bell calls together its solemn assemblies! la fine, nothing but the rude haunts of dissipation supply the place of schools, academies and colleges. Ox-te;irns and mules make up the locomotive power, in the main. But improvements are being made. We have already passed some of the evils attendant, more or less, upon all newly organized governments: still there is nothing very flattering in the civil and political prospects before us, and less in the moral aspect ahead. Nearly all the enterprise of the country serves to corrupt and demor- aliza our transient population. 'Transient'! in that one 234 A BIOGAPHICAL SKETCH OF word ranch is lost: but as it respects morals, much is gained — as, when nothing but vice is learned and pro- moted in a community, the oftener that community is changed the better. " Last night, while the rain was pattering against, — not the window, but against — the rawhide hung up to keep the storm out of my sleeping-room, a good old man whom I had known for two or three months past, came to my door and awoke me from a quiet sleep — saying, 'Judge, I must leave you; I am going home: here are the books you gave me. I have recorded but one case therein : I must resign the Justiceship: where shall I lay the books and papers ? the stage is waiting.' On the table, I replied. l Good-bye, Judge', said he-^- Good-bye, dear Sir, and may peace and prosperity go with yon, said I. Sad were the reflections of the hours that followed! My peace was indeed gone! The blear contrast was full before rny mind — while in my ears sounded the harsh and tumultuous voices of the schol- ars of intemperance and crime, as they at that moment issued from their gaming haunts, pistol and knife in hand — screaming vengeance unearthly ! But while the noise gradually died away in the distance, as the weak- er party fled, long were the hours that intervened, e'er the morning light gave other scenes to enliven the sleepless mind. But I will content myself a* well as I can, until April, 1853, when I shall (if I live), be free again. And, in the mean time I hope to improve my mind somewhat by the study of Law. I hnve'nt a very high regard for lawyers, generally. Nevertheless I can study their books by way of amusement, and, perhaps, THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 235 qualify myself a little better for my present employ- ment. " About thirty days ago sentence of death was passed upon a horse-thief tried before the Criminal Court of Colusi County. This morning was laid upon my table an Order of Commutation from the Governor, to fif- teen years service ill the State's Prison. The same man is charged with highway robbery, and will in all. proba- bility be brought up by writ of habeus corpus for trial again at Colusi." THE CONDITION OP PUBLIC AFFAIRS. — EXTRACTS FROM TWO LETTERS TO HIS MOTHER. 41 Monroeville, Dec. 3, 1851. "Last year the whole interior of Colusi county fell a prey to lawless marauders and thieves, to suppress which * lynch-lawvwas resorted to, to supply the defects of such systems of law as were, in the exigencies of the case, imported from, and a]one applicable to, other com- munities— differing as widely from ours as light from darkness. " And again : the attempt to remedy this second evil of hanging through the impulse of passion, instead of the former tardy imported system, by organizing gov- ernment among ourselves, has given rise to another se- rious evil. The salaries of officers, it was thought, should be such as would pay our best men for their ser- vices— especially, as ordinary men frequently obtain in the mines a great remuneration for their labor. 80, the offices became more lucrative than the mines. And 236 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF as all American citizens were allowed to vote in our Democratic State, on the first day of their arrival here, the whole business of legislation, and the execution of our laws, became a matter of speculation, and was forth- with, in most counties, seized by the hordes of Eastern fortune-hunters, who failed not to apply the power thus obtained to their own advantage. There are thousands of worthless men seeking office for its emolument, who have not the slightest interest in the welfare of the country: and the consequence is, that the resident cit- izens are ruined by taxes, besides being saddled with debts. All our adjoining counties are in debt, some twenty to fifty thousand dollars. But we are better oif. Since I have been elected to the office of County Judge, I have abated, in a great measure, these evils in our county. I have declared the proceedings of former officers illegal, and have withheld payment of sallaries ; and, so far as I know, or have reason to believe, I am sustained by legal men in the courts above. By these means, and a rigid economy in county expenses, our county is out of debt." " Monroe ville, January, 17, 1852. u I am engaged at the county seat, and have not been home for three months. I have the whole management of our county affairs. I hold two Courts per month, besides Justice Courts. I have consented to serve my county as their Probate and County Judge, and Presid- ing Judge of the Court of Sessions, that I may have it in my power to counteract that system of speculation in public affairs that has nearly ruined some of the THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 237 counties. Ours is the only county in the State that is not in debt more tlwn three-fold its yearly revenue. — • The scale of taxation is the same throughout the State, and I hope to save over one thousand dollars of our yearly public revenue for some public utility. I am re- garded with all that respf^t I can desire — all classes pay due deference to their Judge ; but I have few confi- dential friends, and no adviser in whom I can confide.1* A PEW WORDS (IN ' CONCLUSION*), TO THE FRIENDS AND RELA- TIVES OF THE SUBJECT OF THIS "BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH." We are in possession of a large package of Mr. IDF/S letters to his friends, from which ad- ditional and equally interesting extracts might be made. And yet we have made greater use of these, even, than we should have done, had we not been dependent on them, chiefly, for in- formation respecting his business affiiirs, and his official duties. By correspondence and oth- er means, the Editor has sought access to the contemporary public workers of ' Governor' IDE, and others who were among his personal acquaintance ; and he has done so, only to be assured that almost all of them have, with him, " passed that bourne from whence no traveler returns." Under these cirumstances, (it being 238 A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF now about twenty-eight years since his decease) these letters are our only available resource for the due performance of this part of our duty. At the time, (about two years ago), when we commenced our labors on this work — and, in- deed, not until some eighty pages of it were in type — we knew nothing of the existence of the Wambough Letter, which occupies so large a portion of these pages. Our friends will there- fore please excuse our seeming missuse of a few of those pages, by refering in them to events which are amply discussed in said Letter. But it is useless for us to undertake to enu- merate, arid apologise for, all the discrepances and blunders, (typographical or otherwise) that some of our qicksighted criticising friends may discover. If we were to do so, the only hon- orable course would be to shoulder them all, by informing them that the EDITOR, alone, is re- sponsible for them, so far as the compilation of the material, setting the type, reading and cor- recting the proof-slips, and making the type ready for the press, is concerned : and, if he was inclined to study out an apology or excuse for any short-corning of duty in these several employments, the only one he could offer would be, that the frosts of eighty-five winters may THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. 239 have somewhat impaired his mental and phys- iscal capability for such employment. As this little book is intended as a memori- al offering to the memory of a beloved Father, by his only surviving Son and Daughter,* and by his two surviving Brothers, to be placed in the hands of so many of his other relatives and their friends as may obtain copies of it, but a small edition of will be printed : it being, in a degree, devoted to a subject, as its title imports, in which the general reader was not expected to tieel much interest. Yet, could he become well aware of the fact, that it contains many "Scraps of California History never before published", the case might be different. * Children of WILLIAM B. and SUSAN Gr. H. IDR. WHERE BORN. WHEN BORN. James Madison, In Keene, N. H., May 2, 1822, William Haskell, " February 10, 1824. Mary Elizn, " October 29, 1825. Sarah Elizabeth, " November 1. 1827. Ellen Julia, " January 14, 1830. Susan Catharine, in Woodstock, Yt., August , 1832. Daniel Webster, in Madison, 0., March 6, 1835. Lemuel Henry Clay, " December 24, 1837. John Truman, " near Springfield, 111.," February 28, 1840. THE INSCRIPTION. To the Relatives of the late William B. He and their posterity, of the " third and fourth", and succeeding " generations", this book is re- spectfully inscribed. One, two, or more hund- reds of years hence, should it be so long pre- served in their family archieves, it will be read by them with greater avidity and satisfaction, than by any of their anticipated ' ancestry' of the present greneration. With this suggestion it is submitted to their perusal in the hope that they will charitably overlook or condone any short-comings of duty they may have discover- ed in the course of its perusal. S. I.